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Wii Man Want Celebi and other CMT stuff for states please come and look!!!!!!!!

RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, W 6x steelix prime

2x Donphan
1x Magnezone

Both Prime.
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, W 6x steelix prime

DPL top, 2x Typhlosion Prime.
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, W 6x steelix prime

Ill give u:

1x Magnezone Prime
1x Gengar prime
1-1 DPL
1x Gengar X
2x most primes
6x Steelix Prime
3x Scizor Prime

3x BTS
3x rare candy (UL only!)
2x Bebe search
3x pokemon communication
4x pokemon collector
1x Palmer's Contribution (throw-in, deal sweatener)
3x Junk arm
4x Seeker
1x Azelf LA
1x Luxury Ball
1x Expert belt
3x Sableye
3x Gyarados SF
4x Magicarp SF
4x SSU
1x Lookers
1x Crobat G
1x Regice LA
2x Rescue energy
2x Warp energy
1x Unown Q
2x Pokemon Rescue
1x Combee (honey)
1x Ditto LA
1x Registeel LA

Against your

1x Luxray GL LV. X
2x Blaziken FB LV. X (have base forms too)1x Glaceon LV. X MD
1x Lanturn Prime
1x Celebi Prime
mew prime[/b]
1x Typhlosion Prime (promo)
1x Ursurang Prime
1x DCL top
1x Alakazam 4 LV.X (have the base forms too)
1x Infernape 4 LV. X (have the base forms too)
2x Mewtwo Promo (have 2 holo MD base froms too)
1x Promocroak!!!(please offer well)
1 KGL bottom
I have lots more, but I will only offer them if are on your want list

MD-on Noteables
3x Gengar SF (only for steelix and scizor Prime)
3x Gengar (shadow skip "Cursegar") (have the base forms too)
3x Salamence AR (have the base forms too)
1x Salamence SF (have the base forms too)
3x Flygon RR (2x Holo 1x RH) (have the base forms too)
3x Garchomp SV (all RH) (have the base forms too)
2x Crobat G (2x Non-holo)
2x Rare candy
3x Rescue Energy
5x Energy Exchanger (non-holo)
1x Power spray
2x SP radar
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, W 6x steelix prime

My Magnezone Prime
Donphan Prime
2x Typhlosion Prime
DPL top

Mew Prime
Glaceon X
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, W 6x steelix prime

can we break this up a little it would be such a big hassle to try to nogotiate for all of the cards on both sides at once, and I would like to only upgrade for RHs and please be aware that you must send first, and do you have a list of cards I can look at??
so this is what I would like to get out of the folowing cards:

Luxray X/ Big cards: Gengar X, Gengar Prime, Magnezone Prime, and 5x Steelix Prime

mew Prime+Promocroak+BFBX+DCL bottom+all of my RH wants in non RH form/all of my RH wants

Celebi Prime/1x Steelix Prime
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, W 6x steelix prime

RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, W 6x steelix prime

CML for 1-1 Blaze FB X and others.

Note: I may be getting an extra Scizor Prime, so if you want to wait until then that's okay. I would like at least the base form.
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, W 6x steelix prime

Gengar Lv.X
Mew Prime
Tyranitar Prime x2
Steelix Prime x1
Scizor Prime x1
Magnazone Prime x1

Luxray Lv.X

RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, W 6x steelix prime

sorry but both glaceon X and mew are both worth more than all of those cards combined

I want to see what hapens with Pokemon Pow first because he claims to have most of my wants, if he doesn't respond within three days from now I will get to you guys

I didn't see much sorry
Edit: 1,000th post woot

I would like to get our deal done ASAP so I can get to the other people, but I need to confirm your location first, I need to know if you live in the US cuz I don't ship internationally

Edit #2
@Garchomp here's what I would like to get out of the luxray:
1x Gengar Prime
1x Gengar X
1x Magnezone Prime
1x Steelix Prime
do you have any RH BTS or RH TGIs
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, W 6x steelix prime

Do you have any Scizor Prime or Magnezone Prime?
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, W 6x steelix prime

I have mew I like ERL top DPL top steelix prime and T-tar prime, what would it take to get those
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, W 6x steelix prime

I'd do my ERL Top and Steelix Prime for your Mew Prime.
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, W 6x steelix prime

I'm sorry but hows about this:
1x Mew Prime $16
1x KGL bottom $8
1x ERL top $8
1x DPL bottom $8
1x T-tar Prime $8
I would like to add something small to get the steelix prime so just LMK but this is a fair offer in my mind
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, W 6x steelix prime

Well, I don't have a DPL bottom for trade, only the top. But, if you wanted to throw in 2x Gengar SF I would throw in the Steelix Prime.
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, W 6x steelix prime

sorry I ment top lol and I go by T&T gengar SF is worth $7.5 and steelix is worth $5
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, W 6x steelix prime

Ah. Well, wanna just do the trade as is then? Without the Steelix?
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, W 6x steelix prime

well I can dip into my dad's cards to get some of his cards that I don't have, since he wants one too, so what else do you want that is around $5 on T&T