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Wii Man Want Celebi and other CMT stuff for states please come and look!!!!!!!!

RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, W 6x steelix prime

not for trade we want to hang on to ours ATM

ok how about this:
1x Mew Prime $16
1x KGL bottom $8
1x ERL top $8
1x DPL bottom $8
1x Steelix Prime $5
1x Slowking Prime $2.5
This would be a deal I can do
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, W 6x steelix prime

Hmm. I'm not really looking to trade my Slowking Prime. Do you have anything you can replace your KGL bottom with? Perhaps a Scizor Prime?
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, W 6x steelix prime

no sorry, then add you feraligatr instead of slowking then we have a deal
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, W 6x steelix prime

I'd like to wait a week or so before we confirm anything. I only have two top loaders left because I sent off six trades the other day.
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, W 6x steelix prime

ok, but it only takes 2 toploaders to ship 4 cards
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, W 6x steelix prime

I like (for luxray cuz mew is probably to ScreamRawr) ERL full, DPL top, do you have any steelix prime or any other of my wants??
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, W 6x steelix prime

3 RH rare candy, and x2 of a lot of primes
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, W 6x steelix prime

Can I get any spesifics in regards to the count of what primes you have??
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, W 6x steelix prime

All my primes are listed.. I dont want to trade the mews for luxray, but anything else is up for grabs.
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, W 6x steelix prime

Na I am really looking for playable (meta) primes
RE: Wii Man's Luxray GL LV. X Trade auction come and look!!!!!

I'll start the auction!:)
1x Ditto LA
1x Combee (honey)
2x Rescue energy
1x Regice LA (RH)
1x Expert belt (LP)
2x Junk arm
1x Palmer's Contribution
2x pokemon communication
2x Bebe search
1x Azelf LA (LP)

Luxray GL Lv.X

Edit: Oops....I think I misunderstood? Do you need the cards you listed to be Reverse Holo? Because the cards I listed are not all RH.:(
RE: Wii Man's Luxray GL LV. X Trade auction come and look!!

uh, those are listed under RH wants, and I only upgrade so you have almost nothing there to offer sorry. and a reminder to any one wanting to offer, I have the right to say no
RE: Wii Man's Luxray GL LV. X Trade auction come and look!!

Are you still trading Luxray GL X?
I have
Gengar Lv.X
Mew Prime
Stellix Prime
Scizor Prime
Magnazone Prime
RE: Wii Man's Luxray GL LV. X Trade auction come and look!!

ya, but mew isn't on my prime want list ATM... come on does any one REALLY want to trade for it!!! I have got to get rid of it ASAP so don't be shy (just be reasonable :) ;) :D)
RE: Wii Man's Luxray GL LV. X Trade auction come and look!!

How about:
Gengar Lv.X
Steelix Prime
Scizor Prime x2
Magnazone Prime

I don't know if you are intrested but I have Tyranitar Prime, A half of DPL, Absol prime, Ampharos Prime, I could probabley get a DPL Full.
RE: Wii Man's Luxray GL LV. X Trade auction come and look!!

I'd love to offer but I have an incredibly hard time letting of my playset of Gengars XD The only stuff I could offer would be like ERL, DPL, and a NM Scizor Prime
RE: Wii Man's Luxray GL LV. X Trade auction come and look!!

well I will update my wants then you guys can take a second look at it ok so just give me 1 sec