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Wii Man Want Celebi and other CMT stuff for states please come and look!!!!!!!!

RE: Wii Man's Luxray GL LV. X Trade auction come and look!!

I could give that a go..

ERL Full
DPL Full
Donphan Prime x2
Machamp Prime
RE: Wii Man's Luxray GL LV. X Trade auction come and look!!

will you trade your lux x for this:
1-1 DPL
2x Slowking Prime
1x Magnezone Prime
1x Machamp Prime
2x Crobat Prime
2x Steelix Prime
RE: Wii Man's Luxray GL LV. X Trade auction come and look!!

To all if you don't have gengar prime and X the chance of making a deal would be VERRY slim, and after some cards with my family I have gotten some of my wants, but here is a skeleton of what I want to get out of luxray and 2 RH base forms:
1x Gengar prime
1x Gengar X
Xx Steelix prime
the rest is up to you guys so knowing this please make offers, sorry for not being more spesific earlyer :/
RE: Wii Man's Luxray GL LV. X Trade auction come and look!!

I need a little more but that looks great

Guys I still need a fair deal agian I go by T&T so look there make sure the offer is fair then offer, and agian I would like to get the folowing:
1x Gengar X
1x Gengar Prime
Xx Steelix Prime
then you fill in the rest
RE: Wii Man's Luxray GL LV. X Trade auction come and look!!

better, but remmber this is coming with 2x RH base forms (I won't count one because it is in bad condition) so you just need to add like $7 dollars worth of cards and then you will have the best offer (when the best offer remains the best for 2 days it will win the auction)
RE: Wii Man's Luxray GL LV. X Trade auction come and look!!

how about this for luxray:
1 gengar prime
1 gengar x
2 steelix prime
1 magnazone prime
1 slowking prime
RE: Wii Man's Luxray GL LV. X Trade auction come and look!!

that would put you in the lead just in fron of mewyoshi by the crobat Prime :) now lets get this auction going, I will note the leader every time there is a new leader (feel free to PM me and ask who is in the lead), or once a day (which ever comes first)
Post the offer and let's make it offical
RE: Wii Man's Luxray GL LV. X Trade auction come and look!!

Bump #2
Garchomp Screams Rawr is in the lead with the folowing deal
1 gengar prime
1 gengar x
2 steelix prime
1 magnazone prime
1 slowking prime
1x Crobat prime
end of day first day of offers
RE: Wii Man's Luxray GL LV. X Trade auction come and look!!

Bump #3 Won't anyone try to beat Garchomp Screams Rawr?

Edit: sorry if this is an inconnvinance, but due to the fact that I will be going to legues soon and may get some of my wants so I won't pick the winner till sometime next week so LMK if this is a problem
RE: Wii Man's Luxray GL LV. X Trade auction come and look!!

Bump #2 If there isn't any more activity then I am ending this tomorow (8ish PST)

Edit: Auction ended Garchomp Screams Rawr wins with the folowing deal:
1 gengar prime
1 gengar x
2 steelix prime
1 magnazone prime
1 slowking prime
1x Crobat prime

2-1 Luxray X
Garchomp PM me your address to confirm
and my haves will be going back up tonight
RE: Wii Man's haves and want's come look!!!

What is the condition for Glaceon X?