Pokemon Will you admit to playing Pokemon?

Walking around with a Rainbow Dash hoodie, there's really no reason to fear telling other people that you play Pokémon!
I admitted (army is my life) to playing at work one time, and all of a sudden a ton of people started bringing in SUPER OLD SCHOOL stuff and rare star cards and shinies. I got all over that.
I kinda am over telling people that I dont because now Ill definitely tell people, because lots of people at school play pokemon (not cards) videogames and we all bring in our ds's and battle with our hacked pokemon. People really dont care in High School if you play or not. Everyone just minds there own business.
Pokemon is part of who I am. Of course I'm okay with it...it helps that I sit next to a Pokemaniac at work. When Black and White came out, we'd have battles after work!
I can't really be open about playing pokemon with anyone but my close friends, because most people (read: the popular kids) at our school find pokemon to be childish and immature. However, I am free to talk about MTG at school seeing as a majority of the popular guys play it. So it's not so bad.
What kind of school do you go to where Magic is played by the cool kids.
Haha, maybe I am exaggerating, but almost the whole wrestling team, half of the xc team, and some of the football players play. And the head wrestling coach manages the league. So it is a weird little school, emphasis on little. About 50 kids in the senior class (my class).
I just found out the girl that I like, likes Pokemon. Will I admit to playing Pokemon? Heck yes, I will now!
Mayer said:
I just found out the girl that I like likes Pokemon. Will I admit to playing Pokemon? Heck yes, I will now!
Happy New Year!
and you're already off to a great start.
From what I've seen and experienced, this is usually a problem with people in middle school. People are cruel in middle school, mostly because they're all insecure and have to put down others to compensate. Even I was a jerk without realizing it. As for now, I'm in high school and I don't necessarily advertise all the nerdy things in my life, but I don't freak out about hiding them either.If pokemon comes up in conversation between people I actually care for and they're not talking nonsense (or if they are talking total nonsense...) then yes I'll probably talk about it. I've noticed that if anyone actually makes fun of pokemon then they probably really liked it at some point in their life and they were stupid enough to "grow out of it" despite liking it. If they've never experienced it then they probably won't judge it, and the rest who have played before tend to think positively of it. But for tcg specifically, hardly anyone seems to realize how it's a very legitimate competitive game that's actually still played. :p
Sure I'm 22 and still act like a kid. Of course I know when to act mature but I would hate to be a person who turns 18 and just gives up everything they liked as a kid. If people bash me for liking a kid thing Pokemon well oh well. I'll live my life doing what I enjoy.
I know plenty of college students who like pokemon, and normally I hang around college students anyways, despite being in High School, so yeah I'm in a pokemon friendly environment most of the time :p
When i first got into pokemon in 99' . I was beaten up for liking it and I still like pokemon. Im opened to tell ppl that I play even if it kills me
I never hide it. I was always a very shy kid growing up, so I was easily embarrassed by things people commonly mock. Being 25 now, I've come to realize there are certain things in your life that you'll never outgrow, because they make you happy, excited, very similar to how they made you feel as a kid. In high school, I was concerned about what people thought of me, but I'm so glad I've outgrown that because you'll start doing the things you like and enjoy them that much more.
I work in an office and the guy across from me loves Pokemon too. Yesterday with the release of X & Y we both got stupidly excited and had a very loud discussion, our colleagues just think it's funny and a few have even taken an interest!