evilpacman said:I have 1x Ho oh EX and possibly some RH of the Dusknoir line. I'm interested in:
1x Rayquaza EX and any FA EX except Registeel and Giratina.
I have more in format cards unlisted as well as a bunch of listed Wotc era cards.
Fluttershy said:Here's an offer (It probably isn't equal or cards that you might want but I'm going for it) (don't judge me )
x1 Mewtwo EX FA
x1 1st Place Spring BR 2012
x1 1st Place Fall BR 2012
x1 2nd Place Fall BR 2012
x2 Mew EX
x2 Reshiram EX
x4 N FA
x1 Rayquaza DV
It's a try...
Martini said:A few Toxicroaks, my pulls sucked so I sold them and left.
evilpacman said:I have a lot of Recycle and Pokedex and 1 Super Scoop Up. I have a few SSU from some older sets too. I also have some Full Heal and tons of Pokeball. Some of them are first edition. How many are you looking for each. The Super Rod has different text though. Oh, and I have potions, but they changed it to 30 now.
evilpacman said:Ok. I'll have to get the cards from my friend to confirm that I have them in good enough condition. What would you say is a good deal? Not sure how to value them since they are old.
This is including the Ho-Oh if you still want it. I can also look for Dusknoir.
Fluttershy said:Lolz, yeah most people aren't interested in VIctory Cups but it was worth a shot
I read that you only will trade the N FAs as a playset, but I don't think I have enough for that. The Mewtwo EX FA is actually pending now... So, I don't think we can work anything out. Thanks anyway!
Martini said:I have a 2-2 line of Toxicroak and Croagunk
Fluttershy said:Nevermind about the whole thing. I just don't have enough cards that you want to trade for the whole playset.