Wi-Fi Trades Winter's Emporium, now Closed! Please look for my new joint shop with SilverWolverine

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RE: Winter's Pokeshop: Coming Soon - Winter's Pure Breed Emporium ~

@safari: tbh I have no idea, I got it off of a guy on the GTS, lol
RE: Winter's Pokeshop: Coming Soon - Winter's Pure Breed Emporium ~

WinterChevalier said:
Actually, I wouldn't mind a female Snivy, it'd make breeding the egg moves off of my male Snivy much easier XD I'm not sure what you'd want for it, but I have about 25 Charmanders that I've gotten so far (all Lv 1) while trying to Masuda Method for a shiny Charmander (still no luck on that front). If you'd like to trade for a Charmander let me know, or if there's something else in this thread (or even something I don't have listed, I might have it) that you'd rather have let me know and I'll see if we can work something out~

Who do you think you are...

Well, I have someone else giving me a Charmander... I dont know what I want, actually. A happiny or a Chansey?

Runnin' 'round leaving scars...
RE: Winter's Pokeshop: Coming Soon - Winter's Pure Breed Emporium ~

I don't currently have either of those >.< Anything else that might interest you? :3
RE: Winter's Pokeshop: Coming Soon - Winter's Pure Breed Emporium ~

Who do you think you are...

Hmmm... Some kind of Ghost or Dragon pokemon? A Plusle? Luvdisc? Anything along those lines.

Runnin' 'round leaving scars...
RE: Winter's Pokeshop: Coming Soon - Winter's Pure Breed Emporium ~

Who do you think you are...

Haha alright, but there is one pokemon I want more. A togepi. You have one? If not, Luvdisc is fine ^_^

Runnin' 'round leaving scars...
RE: Winter's Pokeshop: Coming Soon - Winter's Pure Breed Emporium ~

I do have a Togekiss, I can breed it to get you a Togepi egg ^^
RE: Winter's Pokeshop: Coming Soon - Winter's Pure Breed Emporium ~

Who do you think you are...

Oh, that would be Splendid ^_^

Runnin' 'round leaving scars...
RE: Winter's Pokeshop: Coming Soon - Winter's Pure Breed Emporium ~

Just thought I'd bump this up~ Remember everyone 7:30 EST is trade time ^_^
RE: Winter's Pokeshop: Coming Soon - Winter's Pure Breed Emporium ~

Oh *facepalm* Sorry. I can't see things right in front of me. It happens all the time.
RE: Winter's Pokeshop: Coming Soon - Winter's Pure Breed Emporium ~

So a little update, as of right now I won't be able to go to McDonalds to snag some free wifi, it's storming pretty bad here and I really don't feel like walking in the rain with my DSi >___< If it happens to stop raining/storming before 11:00 PM (since that's when the lobby closes at the resturant) I'll PM everyone involved and let them know~
RE: Winter's Pokeshop: Coming Soon - Winter's Pure Breed Emporium ~

i don't blame you! it's storming extreeemely bad here, so just PM me tomorrow.
RE: Winter's Pokeshop: Coming Soon - Winter's Pure Breed Emporium ~

Ouch, yeah it was pretty bad last night where I'm at, if it's half as bad there as it was here I wouldn't put it against you.
RE: Winter's Pokeshop: Coming Soon - Winter's Pure Breed Emporium ~

All right, I'm about to go do the trade!

Name: Shira
Code: 5457 8927 2731

Whoops, sorry, didn't see that message! I'll wait then, no problem :)
RE: Winter's Pokeshop: Coming Soon - Winter's Pure Breed Emporium ~

Thanks for understanding guys~ ^_^ Hopefully the weather is better tomorrow and I'll be able to get these trades done... =(

@GMD: Didn't see anything that interested me, sorry
RE: Winter's Pokeshop: Coming Soon - Winter's Pure Breed Emporium ~

I would like to trade for a DW dratini female (adamant if possible). please send me a PM for an EST to meet up :)
RE: Winter's Pokeshop: Coming Soon - Winter's Pure Breed Emporium ~

I only have 1 DW Dratini, and I won't set up a trade until I know what you have to offer for it =/
RE: Winter's Breeding Emporium! Now looking for clients and breeding tools~!

Winter's breeding emporium is now open for business!!!
RE: Winter's Breeding Emporium! Now looking for clients and breeding tools~!


Still up for our other trade? And can you breed me a deino with Dark Pulse or whatever its dark egg move is?
RE: Winter's Breeding Emporium! Now looking for clients and breeding tools~!

I forget, what was our other trade again? lol As for the Deino, I can do my best~ :3
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