Would you rather...

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Dog pee

- Be super smart, but everybody hates you
- Be super stupid but have everyone in the world as your friend
How much as your friend? The second option. Someone would kill you sooner or later.

WYR die or exist without any joy?
Exist without any joy

Would you rather forget who you were or who everyone else was?
Forget who I am.

Would you rather throw up for 12 hours straight or fall off of a 2 story building, and onto 3 sheets of glass?
Probably Fall. IF you throw up all day your gonna die, and that will be a long process. If you fall it's over quicker.

WYR have a 4 ft. beard you could never shave off or Needle leg hair?
The beard. I could live my life as a mountain man.

Would you rather lose the ability to read and write or the ablility to speak? Both are permanent.
Read and Write, I would just have someone tell me what it says, and I wont Write, I'll type.

Would you rather get zapped by a lighting bolt, that wont kill you or punched in the face 3 times hard by Dwayne Johnson?

@Ice_Master, I changed it by the way, to 12 hours and 3 sheets of glass off a 1 story building.
Defenitely the 100 Gyrados.

WYR get hit with a soccer ball kicked by David Beckham that will break your nose and jaw or eat 20 live cockaroaches?
Soccer Ball.

Would you rather delete our Pokebeach account, or would you get into a fight with all of the Legendary/Mythical Pokemon?
Delete my account. I could just make a new one. :)

WYR be hated by a lot of people or get in major trouble for hating someone *cough*sillykyle*cough*?
Major trouble for hating someone.

WYR have too much time on your hands so you are eternally bored, or always be in a rush?
You can never have too much time...and I'd much rather be bored than always stressed out. :p

Would you rather eat 100 dead spiders (non-poisonous and low-carb)
Eat a lightbulb, metal and all
Spiders good protein

WYR listen to all of Justin Beiber's songs or all of Britney Speer's songs ?
Justin Beiber's songs because he has talent as much as I hate to say it.

Would you rather..
1.) Have no ears, and nose?
2.) Have 2 legs?
Die from being fat. I'm already on my way to that.

- Live in a world with untrained pokemon
- Live in this already terrible, evil, cruel world...
Live in this evil world

WYR Get killed by a fat guy sitting on you or from a fat guy falling ontop of you
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