Would you rather...

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Live in this "terrible, evil, cruel" world, because I don't look at the world like you do.

Would you rather eat a rusty nail
Eat a pig eye


Fat guy falling on me...it'd be a quicker death.
Eat a pig eye. Wash it down with water. :D

Would you rather have nightmares about advertising bots or have nightmares about Pokemon ending?

I am so not good at these kinds of things lol.

dmaster out.
Ad bots. But there are some pretty... strange ads out there...

WYR become a Pikmin and be Olimar's slave for the rest of your life, or be a weak HM Slave Bidoof to be a Pokemon Trainer's slave for the rest of your life?
Have a mudkip liek me. I could shoot it if it gets too annoying...

WYR Get stuck in a real life SAW Movie or poop knives, everytime they came out, it would cut you?
Saw movie. I would be an extra

Would you rather have no friends except on the Internet, or have a deformed face?

Lol not sure why I thought of those two together
The internet one.

Would you rather be slowly eaten alive by a Giant, Giant, Snake with lots of teeth, or would you have all of your limbs cut off?
Physically. Being mentally handicapped would be depressing.

Would you rather live without electronics
Live without friends/family
Hard one... I have basically no friends, so only the family would apply,but some videogames would get boring without two players.Plus, my brother provides most of my videogames... Without electronics.

WYR be a cockroach, or be a fly?
A cockroach, I could live for 3 days without a head.

WYR Lose all of your games OR lose all of your cards?
all the cards because I could get them back easier.
1) Get cut in half or
2) get all your limbs cut off?
Gaga, although she is weird, old music like ABBA's annoys me.

Would you rather drink blended frog skin everyday or would you prefer to feel pain every time you walk?
Pain every time I walk because eventually I could get a wheelchair :)

WYR Be Big Bubba's jail cell mate (heheheh) or be executed by a guillotine?
Choice A.
WYR A. Eat a raw egg or B. French Kiss a monkey of the same gender as you.
I choose the raw egg...

Would you rather be in the middle of an elephant stampede
Live in a chimney for three years
Choice A.
A) get hit by a tackle and have to go all the way back to a pokemon center when you almost get to the next city.
B) walk into a goomba and lose your last health point and your last life when you are almost at the boss and you didnt save before you died
I'd rather get hit by the tackle

WYR Eat something poisonous and die
Have everyone trying to kill you and you don't find any refuge and you die anyways?
Eat something poisonous, I wouldn't want everyone hatin' on me. :p

Would you rather live forever
Die right now
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