XY X / Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

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RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

P.DelSlayer said:
Gentlefish said:
Why does everyone seem so sure of the Fairy type's existence? It's a rumor that came into being after there was speculation about it (as far as I can tell), and frankly I don't really trust rumors that seem to match up with what we'd expect or what we'd hope for. Heck, I don't even trust Inkay and Malimar, considering they came from the same source (correct me if I'm wrong). Of course, I have to admit I'm biased against this new type. Fairy. It just seems... Well, look at Sylveon. That's not the kind of aesthetic I usually like on my Pokemon. :p

Anyway, I'm putting my money on Xerneas being part Steel. The bladed legs, the overall sharp-and-pointy appearance, and the fact that we already have Lucario for a blue mammalian Steel-type all appear to support this. And if Yveltal isn't Dark/Flying I'll be pretty surprised. Unless it was Steel-type as well, somehow - it has the claws for it. Still, I'd be surprised.

The fact that Hirobyte and WPM's source (who have both proven that their info is the real deal) have confirmed it. Also, like Mitja said, Sylveon is the embodiment of Fairy type (like how all Eeveelutions clearly match their type).

Am I the only one that can't see Xerneas as a Steel type? The fact its blue has nothing to do with it (Heracross' blue is similar to Xerneas' blue, XERNEAS BUG TYPE). The legs remind me of Psychic and Electric more than Steel, and Lucario has nothing to do with it. The fact there's a mammal with the same color as it is no evidence for anything. Yveltal and Groudon are both red legendaries, Yveltal has a good chance of becoming a Ground type
I'm still going with these predicted types for Xerneas
-Pure Fairy
(I'm still on Dark/Flying or Fighting/Flying for Yveltal)

The one type we can clearly see with the legendaries is Yveltal being Flying. Don't go givin me any Levitate nonsense. Mascot Legendaries always have counterpart OR matching abilities (Pressure, Drizzle/Drought, Turboblaze/Teravolt). If Yveltal is a levitator, then Xerneas would need a counterpart ability (lol having perma Gravity as an ability) OR Levitate. Xerneas clearly doesn't have Levitate.

Actually, I can see Xerneas being anything before being Steel (I can even see it being Ghost/Bug before it). I don't think it will be Fairy type either (its still one of the types that actually makes sense with Xerneas though). I say it is Grass/Something (I don't see Electric but I can see Darkness). I would say Grass/Psychic, Grass/Fairy (I say that Grass would get the first typing) or Psychic/Fairy. I believe that it is more probable Grass/Psychic.

Also, WPM said that Hyro didn't get real information from the source but the posts from him (I don't remember which post but I think he said it) and WPM's source didn't have the typing for Xerneas/Yveltal.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

Flys Gone 2071 said:
P.DelSlayer said:
The fact that Hirobyte and WPM's source (who have both proven that their info is the real deal) have confirmed it. Also, like Mitja said, Sylveon is the embodiment of Fairy type (like how all Eeveelutions clearly match their type).

Am I the only one that can't see Xerneas as a Steel type? The fact its blue has nothing to do with it (Heracross' blue is similar to Xerneas' blue, XERNEAS BUG TYPE). The legs remind me of Psychic and Electric more than Steel, and Lucario has nothing to do with it. The fact there's a mammal with the same color as it is no evidence for anything. Yveltal and Groudon are both red legendaries, Yveltal has a good chance of becoming a Ground type
I'm still going with these predicted types for Xerneas
-Pure Fairy
(I'm still on Dark/Flying or Fighting/Flying for Yveltal)

The one type we can clearly see with the legendaries is Yveltal being Flying. Don't go givin me any Levitate nonsense. Mascot Legendaries always have counterpart OR matching abilities (Pressure, Drizzle/Drought, Turboblaze/Teravolt). If Yveltal is a levitator, then Xerneas would need a counterpart ability (lol having perma Gravity as an ability) OR Levitate. Xerneas clearly doesn't have Levitate.

Actually, I can see Xerneas being anything before being Steel (I can even see it being Ghost/Bug before it). I don't think it will be Fairy type either (its still one of the types that actually makes sense with Xerneas though). I say it is Grass/Something (I don't see Electric but I can see Darkness). I would say Grass/Psychic, Grass/Fairy (I say that Grass would get the first typing) or Psychic/Fairy. I believe that it is more probable Grass/Psychic.

Also, WPM said that Hyro didn't get real information from the source but the posts from him (I don't remember which post but I think he said it) and WPM's source didn't have the typing for Xerneas/Yveltal.

When I referred to Hiro I was referring to the fact that he leaked the entire B/W 'Dex. Makes sense that since he had that huge leak (all correct), his Fairy type info could easily be the real deal.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

epicdjs said:
It seems to me that Y's art is supposed to be reflecting that xerneas is a spirit/protector of a forest or something.

Wait. Do you mean X's boxart?
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

In the myths, yggdrasil is the tree of life, ¿correct? then, given that we've seen xerneas in a forest in the trailer, and all pokemon X's art has an underlying forest theme, I feel it's a reasonable bet if xerneas were to be part grass (forest->grass->life) also, given that this gen will be the introduction of the fairy type, it would be reasonable on part of gamefreak to make at least one of the legendaries fairy (the mystical guardian of the tree of life->fairy).

Yveltal being flying type is ovbious, and the case has already been made in the previous posts (if you think it can still have levitate you are fooling yourself).
Yveltal primary type is more challenging. Color is not a constant anymore (think of the curve ball gamefreak threw us with reshiram/zekrom's colors and eye color), therefore xerneas (is) blue (then is) water and yveltal (is) red (then is) fire is a stupid argument. So, as I said before, if at least one of the legendaries is fairy, maybe they are both fairy (as pointed out during the discussion of the validity of a fairy type, not all fairys are tinkerbell). But being fairy/grass and fairy/flying gives yveltal type advantage, which doesn't seem right; but as pointed out at the begining, fairy/grass and dark/flying is a perfect balance, and that, coupled with yveltal's more savage (dark is not necesarily evil) appearance, provide further proof: yveltal is dark/flying while xerneas is grass/fairy.

Also, If xerneas doesn't look like a grass type to you, ¿how exactly does it look electric? ¿or steel??? My reasoning for grass might not be perfect: after all, that tree of life thing is just a theory thrown out there, nothing confirmed, but in that theory's frame of reference, it does make sense.

Also, also, stop denying the fairy type, it's done. fits the metagame, fits the style of pokemon, allows for variety in the designs. there's nothing wrong with it, and it's all but confirmed.

Also also also,since the main pokemon games are making such a huge leap forward with the 3D thing, it's probably safe to assume the X and Y are in fact related to the spatial dimensions (no idea of what pokemon Z would bring with it IF it's coming next). but since it's gamefreak we are talking about and those guys are really freaking good at words and concepts with multiple meanings, I wouldn't be too surprised if it turned out to be related to the 3D, DNA (based in the japanese logo, and the general public's undestanding of chromosomes XX-XY, simplistic and incorrect as it is), the colors of the original games (xerneas/X is blue and yveltal/Y is red), and probably one or two things more we can't even imagine now.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

professorlight said:
But being fairy/grass and fairy/flying gives yveltal type advantage, which doesn't seem right; but as pointed out at the begining, fairy/grass and dark/flying is a perfect balance, and that, coupled with yveltal's more savage (dark is not necesarily evil) appearance, provide further proof: yveltal is dark/flying while xerneas is grass/fairy.

unfair how? do you have any reason to think they will fight or why does it matter? And even if that were the case:

Clearly concept and everything else has priority. Type match-up is irrelevant.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

On GSC there wasn't any legendary with Dark or Steel typing so there is no "need" that there must be at least 1 legendary with Fairy-Type. And the type matchups between the 2 legendary Pokemon doesn't matter. In RSE Kyogre had the advantage over Groundon and in DP Dialga had the advantage over Palkia (Dialga hit Palkia super effective with Dragon while Palkia would hit normal effective).

There is no need for Xerneas to be Grass/Fairy if Yveltal is Dark/Flying. There is no need for a Fairy-type legendary either. They can make it but there is nothing like a need.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

Flys Gone 2071 said:
On GSC there wasn't any legendary with Dark or Steel typing so there is no "need" that there must be at least 1 legendary with Fairy-Type. And the type matchups between the 2 legendary Pokemon doesn't matter. In RSE Kyogre had the advantage over Groundon and in DP Dialga had the advantage over Palkia (Dialga hit Palkia super effective with Dragon while Palkia would hit normal effective).

There is no need for Xerneas to be Grass/Fairy if Yveltal is Dark/Flying. There is no need for a Fairy-type legendary either. They can make it but there is nothing like a need.

When I wrote that I just knew someone would bring gen II up. I was this close to add it.
In gen II gamefreak was barely starting, they haven't yet developed any patterns, and adding types was something they did mainly for the surprisingly popular metagame (to nerf psychic). Besides, ¿how many pokemon were in each new type? 6 out of 251 (and scizor and steelix could only be caught by trading, and larvitars only appeared in mount silver, post-all gyms). Back then, adding two new types was not such a big deal (there were like 4 ghosts and 4 dragons, also) so it's not the same now, in the 6th generation after 15 years, than in the 2nd generation after 1 or 2 years.

Mitja said:
unfair how? do you have any reason to think they will fight or why does it matter? And even if that were the case:
Clearly concept and everything else has priority. Type match-up is irrelevant.

I never mentioned fairness (applied to the metagame). Actually I was talking about concept: the main legendaries are expected to be equals, in power and abilities. type IS secondary. think of the anime, or even their battle in emerald: ¿how long would groudon reasonably had lasted fighting kyogre? and still, it is said their battles were cataclysmic in scale and strength, when in reality, kyogre would have won in seconds because of type advantage.

As you said, concept has priority, and the concept of equality betweeen the main legends is implied, and that's a tricky subject. I still don't get why exactly dialga and palkia are steel and water, and even then, steel and water are neutral (steel has resistance to dragon, yes) lugia is not water because that would give it advantage over ho-oh (and have in mind, it's the goddamn diving pokemon) same with reshiram/zekrom: fire and lightning are neutral and they both have dragon advantage.
kyogre and groudon are the only ones that blatantly broke this "rule", but that hasn't happened for 2 gens now, I don't think it will happen again.

ha, ha, it changed g*****n for "goshdarn", ¡but g*****n sounds better!
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

professorlight said:
As you said, concept has priority, and the concept of equality betweeen the main legends is implied, and that's a tricky subject. I still don't get why exactly dialga and palkia are steel and water, and even then, steel and water are neutral (steel has resistance to dragon, yes) lugia is not water because that would give it advantage over ho-oh (and have in mind, it's the Goshdarn diving pokemon) same with reshiram/zekrom: fire and lightning are neutral and they both have dragon advantage.
kyogre and groudon are the only ones that blatantly broke this "rule", but that hasn't happened for 2 gens now, I don't think it will happen again.

ha, ha, it changed g*****n for "goshdarn", ¡but g*****n sounds better!

Steel is not very effective on Water, even by leaving out their secondary types, one has an advantage over the other. Since Dialga takes neutral damage from Dragon, and Palkia does not, Dialga is clearly superior over Palkia in terms of battling.

I always thought of Lugia's and Ho-Oh's types as in actual silver and gold. The psychic type for the shiny metalic silver, and the Fire type for the warm gold.

So, only Reshiram and Zekrom were equals, but this was because both were part Dragon-type. GameFreak clearly does not care about advantages between legendaries.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

If Yveltal is really supposed to be the Death/Destruction pokemon in comparison to Xerneas' Life and Creation role, then giving Yveltal an advantage does make sense story wise, if a bit dark.

Though I do agree that Dark/flying is the most likely, but I still wouldn't be surprised to see Dark/Dragon for Yveltal.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

Thunderfox said:
If Yveltal is really supposed to be the Death/Destruction pokemon in comparison to Xerneas' Life and Creation role, then giving Yveltal an advantage does make sense story wise, if a bit dark.
Where is that theory from? I never heard of a life/death theory. Also, it's not too dark, I mean we already have a grim reaper Pokemon...
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

professorlight said:
there were like 4 ghosts and 4 dragons

I think it was 3 and 3.

On another note, I still think it might be flying/ghost because of eyes, myth, etc. and it would even types if ghost lost to fairy as it might.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

CyberCat5555 said:
Thunderfox said:
If Yveltal is really supposed to be the Death/Destruction pokemon in comparison to Xerneas' Life and Creation role, then giving Yveltal an advantage does make sense story wise, if a bit dark.
Where is that theory from? I never heard of a life/death theory. Also, it's not too dark, I mean we already have a grim reaper Pokemon...

The three theories I've heard are Good/Evil, Peace/Chaos, and Creation/Destruction. They're all fairly similar, though.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

AdamLambert said:
CyberCat5555 said:
Where is that theory from? I never heard of a life/death theory. Also, it's not too dark, I mean we already have a grim reaper Pokemon...

The three theories I've heard are Good/Evil, Peace/Chaos, and Creation/Destruction. They're all fairly similar, though.

I think it would be Order/Chaos or Creation/Destruction. The first doesn't seem like something Nintendo would do.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

DrEspeon said:
professorlight said:
there were like 4 ghosts and 4 dragons

I think it was 3 and 3.

On another note, I still think it might be flying/ghost because of eyes, myth, etc. and it would even types if ghost lost to fairy as it might.

It was 4/4 (Kingdra and Dragonite (line) for Dragons and Misdreavus and Gengar (line) for Ghosts).

Anyway, I believe it would be the Nature of the Sky and the Nature of the Land. Not being the Pokemon that represents the sky and the land but the Pokemon which represents life there. Then the third legendary (if they make one) would be of the Water.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

Flys Gone 2071 said:
DrEspeon said:
I think it was 3 and 3.

On another note, I still think it might be flying/ghost because of eyes, myth, etc. and it would even types if ghost lost to fairy as it might.

It was 4/4 (Kingdra and Dragonite (line) for Dragons and Misdreavus and Gengar (line) for Ghosts).

Anyway, I believe it would be the Nature of the Sky and the Nature of the Land. Not being the Pokemon that represents the sky and the land but the Pokemon which represents life there. Then the third legendary (if they make one) would be of the Water.
Misdreavus was 2nd gen and so was Kingdra.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

Thunderfox said:
If Yveltal is really supposed to be the Death/Destruction pokemon in comparison to Xerneas' Life and Creation role, then giving Yveltal an advantage does make sense story wise, if a bit dark.

Though I do agree that Dark/flying is the most likely, but I still wouldn't be surprised to see Dark/Dragon for Yveltal.

I would have to disagree with you, Thunderfox. That is because the creation and destruction roles are meant to be cyclical and dependent on each other. That is, in order for creation, you must destroy what already exists. And in order to destroy you must have something already created. It is kind of a lot of things in one message: life/death, light/dark, good/evil. It is the cycle of life, the cause of tradition versus progressive movements and many other in this world. This is why a type advantage would not seem to fit the ongoing cycle of creation and destruction, because both are equally important.

So for me, I would say a grass/fairy and flying/dark would work best. Flying beats grass, and fairy beats dark. That gives each legendary one super-effective and one not very effective typing against the other.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

sohrin305 said:
Thunderfox said:
If Yveltal is really supposed to be the Death/Destruction pokemon in comparison to Xerneas' Life and Creation role, then giving Yveltal an advantage does make sense story wise, if a bit dark.

Though I do agree that Dark/flying is the most likely, but I still wouldn't be surprised to see Dark/Dragon for Yveltal.

I would have to disagree with you, Thunderfox. That is because the creation and destruction roles are meant to be cyclical and dependent on each other. That is, in order for creation, you must destroy what already exists. And in order to destroy you must have something already created. It is kind of a lot of things in one message: life/death, light/dark, good/evil. It is the cycle of life, the cause of tradition versus progressive movements and many other in this world. This is why a type advantage would not seem to fit the ongoing cycle of creation and destruction, because both are equally important.

So for me, I would say a grass/fairy and flying/dark would work best. Flying beats grass, and fairy beats dark. That gives each legendary one super-effective and one not very effective typing against the other.

Exactly. ¿See? this guy gets it.
Just one little thing: in your scenario above, good/evil might not be appropiate, because if you need creation for destruction, and destruction for creation, none are inherently evil or good, they just are. Please don't take it the bad way, I'm just nitpicking, probably.

Oh, and with the 4 ghosts/dragons thing, I was counting misdreavus and kingdra, I meant to say that there were 6 steel, 6 dark, 4 ghosts and 4 dragons out of 251 pokemon in gen II. My point was that they weren't fully fledged types at the time, they gained a lot of members later in gen III, and some legendaries, even.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

DrEspeon said:
AdamLambert said:
The three theories I've heard are Good/Evil, Peace/Chaos, and Creation/Destruction. They're all fairly similar, though.

I think it would be Order/Chaos or Creation/Destruction. The first doesn't seem like something Nintendo would do.
Uhm. Giratina is the representation of the Devil.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

Alix Rooker said:
DrEspeon said:
I think it would be Order/Chaos or Creation/Destruction. The first doesn't seem like something Nintendo would do.
Uhm. Giratina is the representation of the Devil.

Giratina represents anti-matter.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

Pokequaza said:
Alix Rooker said:
Uhm. Giratina is the representation of the Devil.

Giratina represents anti-matter.
Yes. As well as the Devil. At least it's design and backstory do.
Giratina (Satan) was banished by Arceus (God) for misdeeds that it committed.
Giratina also has 6 legs, 6 spikes, and 6 wings (in origin forme), and is based on a Basilisk/Dragon/Serpent, the proposed biblical 666 beast.
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