XY X / Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

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RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

Flys Gone 2071 said:
Yveltal and Xerneas support the coordinate theory:

>Named X and Y after the 2 Axis.
>Xerneas represents an X, the Horizontal axis which would be the ground. Might be Ground or Grass type IMO (what is more probable to be of the Horizontal axis).
>Yveltal represents a Y, the Veritcal axis which means Sky. It would be Flying.

So I would say that Yveltal Flying/Dark and Xerneas Ground/Grass (or Ground/something or Grass/something).

I think you're taking the typing way to literally. It could stand for an Axis, but genetics do seem to have something to do with it - Meaning it could have a double meaning. However the X axis being ground idea, is probably just meaning Xerneas is a land mammal. He does not strike me as ground at all, but it's a cool idea.

As for all the theories that have been going around, I think that there's no reason why some of them cannot parallel each other. I think that the legendaries were based off Norse Mythology, but that doesn't mean the folk tales have anything to do with it. Just the Pokemon themselves and their general appearance/being is representive of those things. I think that creation/destruction makes sense and if there is a genetic-based theme going on they fit well. Humans trying to genetically modify Pokemon could cause the legendaries to step in, because it's not our place to play god. Something like that I guess.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

Thief said:
Humans trying to genetically modify Pokemon could cause the legendaries to step in, because it's not our place to play god. Something like that I guess.

That's so freaking cliche, that I actually hope it doesn't take such a "black and white" approach.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

Mitja said:
Thief said:
Humans trying to genetically modify Pokemon could cause the legendaries to step in, because it's not our place to play god. Something like that I guess.

That's so freaking cliche, that I actually hope it doesn't take such a "black and white" approach.

It would be amazing if we get a Team Rocket-esque team again, they didn't mess around with the legendaries, they just took over entire cities, and were the cause of problems all over the place. The legendaries were just mythical giants, somewhere to be found in the deepest parts of a cave or on top of the highest mountains.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

Thief said:
Humans trying to genetically modify Pokemon could cause the legendaries to step in, because it's not our place to play god. Something like that I guess.
I like to think that the legendaries are actually made by humans, not trying to stop them, I think that they have a very sci-fi or artificial look to them, such as Xerneas' sleek, reflective, metallic-black body and Yveltal's strange, exposed nervous/vein system. This may just be me though, as I don't want another "ancient entity as been awoken" plot again, for the fifth generation in a row. I think that artificial version mascots would be an interesting, unique, and new idea for the main legendary 'mons.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

CyberCat5555 said:
Thief said:
Humans trying to genetically modify Pokemon could cause the legendaries to step in, because it's not our place to play god. Something like that I guess.
I like to think that the legendaries are actually made by humans, not trying to stop them, I think that they have a very sci-fi or artificial look to them, such as Xerneas' sleek, reflective, metallic-black body and Yveltal's strange, exposed nervous/vein system. This may just be me though, as I don't want another "ancient entity as been awoken" plot again, for the fifth generation in a row. I think that artificial version mascots would be an interesting, unique, and new idea for the main legendary 'mons.

I could vaguely see that. If so then that would make for a very interesting story. Maybe there are two teams that have each created a legendary that is going to change the region forever. Perhaps they want to use the legendary that they made to make a super race to pokemon. Maybe they want to use the legendary that they created to take out the other, but that would destroy the region. That would be a great plot.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

This is what I can gather:

1. The games are X and Y. The names of the versions were chosen because of the axes in the 3DS.

2. Xerneas' and Yveltal's design were made after the games' names were chosen. Not the other way around.

3. The game will have a focus on genetics, but more than likely will have little to nothing to do with X and Y chromosomes.

4. The third version will be Z to keep with the axis theme, and the mascot will be a serpentine water-dwelling creature to keep with the Yggdrassil design theme.

5. Yveltal and Xerneas may or may not have to do with genetics. Genetics could simply be what the regional professor studies, or have to do with the 'evil team.'
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

Mitja said:
Thief said:
Humans trying to genetically modify Pokemon could cause the legendaries to step in, because it's not our place to play god. Something like that I guess.

That's so freaking cliche, that I actually hope it doesn't take such a "black and white" approach.

Well Pokemon stories have never really gone past cliche for me personally. Every game is pretty much predictable from the get go. The general outline is always the same. I'm just going off what I think is realistic in the sense of what we're talking about.

Pokequaza said:
Mitja said:
That's so freaking cliche, that I actually hope it doesn't take such a "black and white" approach.

It would be amazing if we get a Team Rocket-esque team again, they didn't mess around with the legendaries, they just took over entire cities, and were the cause of problems all over the place. The legendaries were just mythical giants, somewhere to be found in the deepest parts of a cave or on top of the highest mountains.

I love that too. I think Team Rocket was more believable. Plus it makes the legendaries look less powerful when humans seem to be able to restrain them with ease. I think that the 4th generation, where the legendaries were basically gods in a way, were too easily just summoned by Plasma. Also in the 5th gen, it was similar to the 3rd gen how the legendaries were summoned with an orb like item. I would LOVE it if Team Rocket made a return in the game that is said to be a "revolution". Can't remember, but I know I read that somewhere.

I think that it makes legendaries more legendary and mythical if it's not even really ackowledged that it's real. I think that they should stay fictional to peoples beliefs. Making even more interesting ways for the player to stumble upon them.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

I totally agree with Thief. It seems that many NPCs not only know a great deal about these rare pokemon, they also seem to know where to find them. It kind of devalues the whole idea of a "legendary pokemon". I don't know what you guys think, but I would be willing to re-think the whole idea of a legendary pokemon waiting for you at the back of a cave/on top of a mountain. Maybe the NPC's who claim to know where they're located accidentally give you incorrect information. Maybe the legendaries aren't confined to a single location, and depending on the day or the season, they can be in one of several locations. Furthermore, I would really enjoy it if other prominent trainers (like the Champion), used legendaries as well. I always found it hard to believe that all the other trainers in a given game can't find or catch a legendary, and then this young boy or girl who's only been a trainer for a few hours manages to find/capture many legendary pokemon.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

FT10 said:
I totally agree with Thief. It seems that many NPCs not only know a great deal about these rare pokemon, they also seem to know where to find them. It kind of devalues the whole idea of a "legendary pokemon". I don't know what you guys think, but I would be willing to re-think the whole idea of a legendary pokemon waiting for you at the back of a cave/on top of a mountain. Maybe the NPC's who claim to know where they're located accidentally give you incorrect information. Maybe the legendaries aren't confined to a single location, and depending on the day or the season, they can be in one of several locations. Furthermore, I would really enjoy it if other prominent trainers (like the Champion), used legendaries as well. I always found it hard to believe that all the other trainers in a given game can't find or catch a legendary, and then this young boy or girl who's only been a trainer for a few hours manages to find/capture many legendary pokemon.

On the contrary, like many legends, people believe that they are real because they "saw" the being of the legend. It seem reasonable that the big legend of the region would be known and believed my a vast amount of NPCs.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

DrEspeon said:
CyberCat5555 said:
I like to think that the legendaries are actually made by humans, not trying to stop them, I think that they have a very sci-fi or artificial look to them, such as Xerneas' sleek, reflective, metallic-black body and Yveltal's strange, exposed nervous/vein system. This may just be me though, as I don't want another "ancient entity as been awoken" plot again, for the fifth generation in a row. I think that artificial version mascots would be an interesting, unique, and new idea for the main legendary 'mons.

I could vaguely see that. If so then that would make for a very interesting story. Maybe there are two teams that have each created a legendary that is going to change the region forever. Perhaps they want to use the legendary that they made to make a super race to pokemon. Maybe they want to use the legendary that they created to take out the other, but that would destroy the region. That would be a great plot.
The way I think the plot will pan put is very similar to what you think. However, instead of trying to change the region in some way, I think that the 2 enemy teams are rival companies that study genetic modification, in order to create a super Pokemon to defeat the other company's ubermon. One team hires you to defeat the other team and reclaim the legendary that has either been captured by the enemy team or simply escaped. You then receive the version legendary and must use it to defeat the opposite legendary and the team that created it. I think that both teams should of discovered Team Rocket's work and want to try to do something similar to that, but also create a Pokemon that is more powerful than Mewtwo.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

Thief said:
Well Pokemon stories have never really gone past cliche for me personally. Every game is pretty much predictable from the get go. The general outline is always the same. I'm just going off what I think is realistic in the sense of what we're talking about.

Its always at least some kind of next step. I think BW took it to a whole new level with the story, which I did not find predictable or cliche at all. I've been wondering through the whole game how gamefreak dared to go into the realm of questioning the morals behind using pokemon and how that could possibly resolve.

BW2 went back to quite predictable, but I didn't expect more from sequels to BWs story.

Thief said:
Pokequaza said:
It would be amazing if we get a Team Rocket-esque team again, they didn't mess around with the legendaries, they just took over entire cities, and were the cause of problems all over the place. The legendaries were just mythical giants, somewhere to be found in the deepest parts of a cave or on top of the highest mountains.

I love that too. I think Team Rocket was more believable. Plus it makes the legendaries look less powerful when humans seem to be able to restrain them with ease. I think that the 4th generation, where the legendaries were basically gods in a way, were too easily just summoned by Plasma. Also in the 5th gen, it was similar to the 3rd gen how the legendaries were summoned with an orb like item. I would LOVE it if Team Rocket made a return in the game that is said to be a "revolution". Can't remember, but I know I read that somewhere.

I think that it makes legendaries more legendary and mythical if it's not even really ackowledged that it's real. I think that they should stay fictional to peoples beliefs. Making even more interesting ways for the player to stumble upon them.

I don't find Rocket more believable.. I mean you live in the pokemon world, where everything revolves around pokemon, and you are going to take it over... how would you not consider researching if there are any extra powerful pokemon to see if they could be of use to your plan?

Makes perfect sense to me that the villains in a pokemon game would do that.

And its not like they go after the "very secret and mythic legends no one knows about", no, they go after the ones that have lots of local lore pointing to their existence and treads leading to them. The regular legendaries are still there you know. Beasts, Golems, Latis, Musketeers, Kami, Heatran/Cresselia.. all doing exactly what the birds/mewtwo, some with extra twists.

FT10 said:
I totally agree with Thief. It seems that many NPCs not only know a great deal about these rare pokemon, they also seem to know where to find them. It kind of devalues the whole idea of a "legendary pokemon". I don't know what you guys think, but I would be willing to re-think the whole idea of a legendary pokemon waiting for you at the back of a cave/on top of a mountain. Maybe the NPC's who claim to know where they're located accidentally give you incorrect information. Maybe the legendaries aren't confined to a single location, and depending on the day or the season, they can be in one of several locations.

They're always trying to be somewhat fresh, by having them roam instead of just stand there, by requiring you to collect others first or find them in a certain order, or meet some unobvious requirement...what you're describing is pretty much only the case for the plot-relevant legends (which are never the majority).
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

DrEspeon said:
On the contrary, like many legends, people believe that they are real because they "saw" the being of the legend. It seem reasonable that the big legend of the region would be known and believed my a vast amount of NPCs.

Mitja said:
I don't find Rocket more believable.. I mean you live in the pokemon world, where everything revolves around pokemon, and you are going to take it over... how would you not consider researching if there are any extra powerful pokemon to see if they could be of use to your plan?

Makes perfect sense to me that the villains in a pokemon game would do that.

And its not like they go after the "very secret and mythic legends no one knows about", no, they go after the ones that have lots of local lore pointing to their existence and treads leading to them. The regular legendaries are still there you know. Beasts, Golems, Latis, Musketeers, Kami, Heatran/Cresselia.. all doing exactly what the birds/mewtwo, some with extra twists.

But I'm speaking of legendary Pokémon like greek myths are too us. You know the myths and stories, but you don't necessarily believe that they were real. You just acknowledge them as stories; myths. Even if you take it saying that it makes sense because NPC's saw them, that goes back to GF making them have that knowledge in the first place. With some like the Latis, I think it makes sense.

As far as Team Rocket, I definitely think they are believable. They also did try to clone Mew, meaning they did do their research; resulting in Mewtwo. Of course back then the legendary Pokémon were a lot more simple. Team Rocket used Pokémon of course, but I think the anime depicted Giovanni better.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

I'm definitely going to have to wait until version exclusives are revealed before I decide. The box-arts are very well done and I really can't say I favor one over the other.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

Thief said:
DrEspeon said:
On the contrary, like many legends, people believe that they are real because they "saw" the being of the legend. It seem reasonable that the big legend of the region would be known and believed my a vast amount of NPCs.

Mitja said:
I don't find Rocket more believable.. I mean you live in the pokemon world, where everything revolves around pokemon, and you are going to take it over... how would you not consider researching if there are any extra powerful pokemon to see if they could be of use to your plan?

Makes perfect sense to me that the villains in a pokemon game would do that.

And its not like they go after the "very secret and mythic legends no one knows about", no, they go after the ones that have lots of local lore pointing to their existence and treads leading to them. The regular legendaries are still there you know. Beasts, Golems, Latis, Musketeers, Kami, Heatran/Cresselia.. all doing exactly what the birds/mewtwo, some with extra twists.

But I'm speaking of legendary Pokémon like greek myths are too us. You know the myths and stories, but you don't necessarily believe that they were real. You just acknowledge them as stories; myths. Even if you take it saying that it makes sense because NPC's saw them, that goes back to GF making them have that knowledge in the first place. With some like the Latis, I think it makes sense.

As far as Team Rocket, I definitely think they are believable. They also did try to clone Mew, meaning they did do their research; resulting in Mewtwo. Of course back then the legendary Pokémon were a lot more simple. Team Rocket used Pokémon of course, but I think the anime depicted Giovanni better.

But think about some religions that are believed now. I'm not trying to offend anyone, but many people currently believe that God or another being is real. Also the Greeks believed that they were real back then, anyway.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

CyberCat5555 said:
DrEspeon said:
I could vaguely see that. If so then that would make for a very interesting story. Maybe there are two teams that have each created a legendary that is going to change the region forever. Perhaps they want to use the legendary that they made to make a super race to pokemon. Maybe they want to use the legendary that they created to take out the other, but that would destroy the region. That would be a great plot.
The way I think the plot will pan put is very similar to what you think. However, instead of trying to change the region in some way, I think that the 2 enemy teams are rival companies that study genetic modification, in order to create a super Pokemon to defeat the other company's ubermon. One team hires you to defeat the other team and reclaim the legendary that has either been captured by the enemy team or simply escaped. You then receive the version legendary and must use it to defeat the opposite legendary and the team that created it. I think that both teams should of discovered Team Rocket's work and want to try to do something similar to that, but also create a Pokemon that is more powerful than Mewtwo.

Not sure if you've thought about this, but maybe Mewtwo has a bigger plot role than we thought.
Think about it..
With WPM's leak, he said there would be 2 new Mewtwo formes.
On the Japanese movie website, there was something about Mewtwo X.
If there is a Mewtwo X revealed in Pokemon X and Y, then one would immediately assume there would be a counterpart Y forme.
So adding on to your speculation:
-Mewtwo is added in the storyline and maybe the remnants of the evil team(s) in the postgame make an item(s) to upgrade Mewtwo
-You go and stop them
-You get one of the items depending on your version and get the chance to catch Mewtwo.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

DrEspeon said:
Thief said:
But I'm speaking of legendary Pokémon like greek myths are too us. You know the myths and stories, but you don't necessarily believe that they were real. You just acknowledge them as stories; myths. Even if you take it saying that it makes sense because NPC's saw them, that goes back to GF making them have that knowledge in the first place. With some like the Latis, I think it makes sense.

As far as Team Rocket, I definitely think they are believable. They also did try to clone Mew, meaning they did do their research; resulting in Mewtwo. Of course back then the legendary Pokémon were a lot more simple. Team Rocket used Pokémon of course, but I think the anime depicted Giovanni better.

But think about some religions that are believed now. I'm not trying to offend anyone, but many people currently believe that God or another being is real. Also the Greeks believed that they were real back then, anyway.

Well they did, but those were ancient times. Some Pokémon such as Mew and obvious others are said to date back to ancient times. Where as in modern times religion and those types of myths have strayed away from each other. People look at Greek Mythology as stories or fables. So I'm thinking since the Pokémon world is parallel to our own world as far as technologies ect, that those humans would regard the world around them in a similar manner as we do.

So even though ancient civilizations would have stories of ancient Pokémon, the modern world would think that they're just that; stories. Some NPC's do follow this trend in some gens, but the evil teams normally think that by performing a ritual they can summon a legendary beast. It's just the fact that they know it will work, that this beast actually exists in the first place. That takes the mystery from it being a legendary in my opinion. I think not knowing is more powerful. Seeing a Pokémon you know is legendary, but not knowing who it is or what it does. Like in gen 1 for example, the only reason we knew about the birds main purpose was because of outside sources besides what's in the game. Mewtwo was cool because he was a creation and you could find out more about him in the abandoned cinnabar mansion that had more mystery because you could only imagine why it was actually deserted.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

Thief said:
Seeing a Pokémon you know is legendary, but not knowing who it is or what it does. Like in gen 1 for example, the only reason we knew about the birds main purpose was because of outside sources besides what's in the game. Mewtwo was cool because he was a creation and you could find out more about him in the abandoned cinnabar mansion that had more mystery because you could only imagine why it was actually deserted.

You got an excellent point there. Part of the reason the 1 gen was so great was that the legendaries were unknown to most, the stars were the starter's evolutions. The awesome thing about mewtwo in gen 1 was that first, for unrelated reasons, you explored a decayed mansion with foreboding music, reading fragments of logs detailing a disaster. it had ambience, it had suspense, it had narrative. then, much later, you beat the league and remember that forbidden cave outside cerulean, so you go see what's inside, and there you found a pokemon who, if you are careless, will wreck your team in no time, and who's name you read on the journals. Like the legendary birds, of which you only hear rumors, mewtwo it's secret, easy to miss, completely unnecesary in the context of the story and awesome. In the later gens, the legendaries became the focus of the game and the story, and in some cases the game practically held your hand to see and catch them; I still remember finding completely by accident the sky pillar in emerald, and reaching the top, finding rayquaza and being obliterated because I wasn't prepared. It was awesome, it was the same as finding mewtwo in red, because I didn't even know rayquaza could be encountered.
Now with the need to make events and find legendary pokemon (for metagame purposes) almost each and every game has almost each and every legendary.

Also, legendarys are a little devalued now; the first gen had a trio of lesser legends, mewtwo and a event legendary, the second had another trio, two main legends and another event legendary, the third cranked it up to 11 and had a trio, three main legends, two roaming legends and two event legendaries. also the subsequent gens. Legendary is not "legendary" anymore, it just means "powerful pokemon"
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

Thief said:
DrEspeon said:
But think about some religions that are believed now. I'm not trying to offend anyone, but many people currently believe that God or another being is real. Also the Greeks believed that they were real back then, anyway.

Well they did, but those were ancient times. Some Pokémon such as Mew and obvious others are said to date back to ancient times. Where as in modern times religion and those types of myths have strayed away from each other. People look at Greek Mythology as stories or fables. So I'm thinking since the Pokémon world is parallel to our own world as far as technologies ect, that those humans would regard the world around them in a similar manner as we do.

So even though ancient civilizations would have stories of ancient Pokémon, the modern world would think that they're just that; stories. Some NPC's do follow this trend in some gens, but the evil teams normally think that by performing a ritual they can summon a legendary beast. It's just the fact that they know it will work, that this beast actually exists in the first place. That takes the mystery from it being a legendary in my opinion. I think not knowing is more powerful. Seeing a Pokémon you know is legendary, but not knowing who it is or what it does. Like in gen 1 for example, the only reason we knew about the birds main purpose was because of outside sources besides what's in the game. Mewtwo was cool because he was a creation and you could find out more about him in the abandoned cinnabar mansion that had more mystery because you could only imagine why it was actually deserted.

I do find it a bit strange that the evil team knows how to summon the legendary, but it is part of the storyline. I like how in RSE the teams were researching everything they could and that is how they found it. It does not seem realistic that they just happened to have the right materials to summon the legendaries at will. (They meaning the other team.)
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

AdamLambert said:
epicdjs said:
It seems to me that Y's art is supposed to be reflecting that xerneas is a spirit/protector of a forest or something.

Wait. Do you mean X's boxart?
Oops, yeah.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

epicdjs said:
AdamLambert said:
Wait. Do you mean X's boxart?
Oops, yeah.

Haha, okay. That makes so much more sense. Yeah, Xerneas seems to parallel Celebi in that it is a forest guardian or something similar.
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