BW/BW2 xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 09/08/11. Have 500+ events coming soon from DJ's giv

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RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 03/21/10 See post #158 on how to post in this thread.

You wanted all of these right?

-Shiny Entei
-Shiny Raikou
-Shiny Togetic
-Shiny Girantina
-Shiny Groudon
-SS Groudon
-Shiny Sceptile
-Shiny Eevee
-Shiny Charmander
(All gonna be cloned)

All you have to do is clone your copies. You have my Pearl FC don't you? If not I will need yours also. Thanks.:)
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 03/21/10 See post #158 on how to post in this thread.

Yah, I have all the FC's from your first post =P

So wait, we're gonna do our trade, and then I finish helping you with your event transferring?
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 03/21/10 See post #158 on how to post in this thread.

Ensiger said:
Yah, I have all the FC's from your first post =P

So wait, we're gonna do our trade, and then I finish helping you with your event transferring?

Yeah. That will Work. The Togetic The SS Groundon and the other event are on Diamond so I will give you those 3 for the last 3 events and you clone them and trade back. Then on Pearl I will get the rest for you to clone and trade back.:) See you on my Diamond in a bit to do the first 3 events.:)

ATTENTON TO EVERYONE: I am moving tomorrow and tomorrow is my big move so Tuesday morning my internet WILL be disconnected and moved to our new location and I don't know when my router will be set to go on Wi-Fi but I will keep you guys up to date to when it will be back. I hope it will not be down for long so I hope it is back soon. Thanks.:)
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 03/21/10 See post #158 on how to post in this thread.

UPDATE: My Router will be connected tonight so I should be ready to start accepting trades tomorrow. Thanks.:)
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 03/21/10 See post #158 on how to post in this thread.

Yay! Ash is back! I didn't see you on when I was gonna help you with your transferring, so I've been waiting patiently for your return =P
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 03/21/10 See post #158 on how to post in this thread.

Our internet service did not do as they said they wouls so we got disconnected a day early and reconnected 3 days late. We had to wait on the phone for 2 hours before they finally told us what the problem was. All we can get is Verizon anyway or pay $40.00 a month for Wireless which is only 3 out of 5 bars on the computer.:)
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 03/21/10 See post #158 on how to post in this thread.

Ouch, I woulda probably spazzed on the phone =P

Hey, I got a question. Do you have any SAV'd Pokemon? And, if so, have they done anything harmful to your game?
I SAV'd a few legit Pokemon for battling purposes, but they're on my Diamond, and I'm kinda scared to transfer them to my Pearl...
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 03/21/10 See post #158 on how to post in this thread.

I have a SAV'd Shiny Lucario but I did not do it myself though and I traded for it. I know an AR can mess up your game but I have not heard of Pokesav doing that. I pretty much figured it was not safe to use. Turns out I was right. BTW I can trade now and my Wi-Fi is up and I am on right now. I only have 50 Pokemon left that I need transfered. Thanks.:)
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 04/02/10 See post #158 on how to post in this thread.

Thanks to all those who helped me transfer my events to my Platinum. The big move is now complete. Thanks guys.:)
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 04/06/10 See post #158 on how to post in this thread.

BUMP. I just added some HG/SS Shiny events and more events will be added soon.:)
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 04/06/10 See post #158 on how to post in this thread.

UPDATE: I now have more Pokewalker events and more are on the way. All my Pokewalker events are located above my Shiny HG/SS Ho-oh. Scroll down until you see the Shiny HG/SS Ho-oh then scroll up above that to see which events I have. Thanks.:)
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 04/14/10 See post #158 on how to post in this thread.

Shiny Tyranitar level 100. Will have to clone. Also at level 70 UT.
I'm interested in the lv.70 one.
I'll give a Machamp or Pelipper, both are lv.100
If there's somethin else of mine you like, LMK
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 04/14/10 See post #158 on how to post in this thread.

I have a Shiny UT Machamp level 45 already. Anything else?:)
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 04/14/10 See post #158 on how to post in this thread.

I see that you have an event Celebi. Can I borrow it so I can do the Giovanni event? I will let you have my most valuable pokemon that I have for right now, a Feraligatr. I know that is weird, but I have nothing really, so I am offering my Frontier star. Can this loan be made?
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 04/14/10 See post #158 on how to post in this thread.

Joeypals!! said:
I see that you have an event Celebi. Can I borrow it so I can do the Giovanni event? I will let you have my most valuable pokemon that I have for right now, a Feraligatr. I know that is weird, but I have nothing really, so I am offering my Frontier star. Can this loan be made?

I don't have the HG/SS one. Only the Ageto one the Misurin one and a Shiny one. I will have to get it cloned first though.:)
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 04/14/10 See post #158 on how to post in this thread.

OK, I shall wait.
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 04/14/10 See post #158 on how to post in this thread.

Joeypals!! said:
OK, I shall wait.

Which one do you want? The Ageto Mitsurin or my Shiny one? I can have PDC clone it if he is able to right now. Thanks.:)
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 04/14/10 See post #158 on how to post in this thread.

Umm... it does not matter, as I will have to return it to you anyway, unless if you are thinking of permanent trade. I was thinking of me borrow it, then return it when I am done. If we are doing this for good, can you clone my Feraligatr for me?
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 04/14/10 See post #158 on how to post in this thread.

Yeah I can have PDC do it if he responds to my last PM. It is best to do it for keeps so I am going to get him cloned and your Feraligatr as well.:)
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 04/14/10 See post #158 on how to post in this thread.

Thank you! Hopefully, this works. Otherwise, I will have to try to find a list of Nintendo events and see when a specific Celebi will come up.
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