BW/BW2 xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 09/08/11. Have 500+ events coming soon from DJ's giv

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RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 02/15/10 See post #158 on how to post in this thread.

What would you want for Japanese B-Day 07 Charmander?
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 02/15/10 See post #158 on how to post in this thread.

What wvwnts do you have? Could you give me a small spoiler? Thanks.:)
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 02/15/10 See post #158 on how to post in this thread.

I have a few events but if you want them do you think you could clone them?
I don't really have much, I just got an extra modest ditto for breeding if you're interested?
other than that I don't have much unless you clone XD
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 02/15/10 See post #158 on how to post in this thread.

Do you have any events I do not have on my thread?:)
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 02/15/10 See post #158 on how to post in this thread.

hmm.. I'm pretty sure I didn't see TRU Regigigas on there. but would you be able to clone him?
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 02/15/10 See post #158 on how to post in this thread.

lovebunny713 said:
hmm.. I'm pretty sure I didn't see TRU Regigigas on there. but would you be able to clone him?

I have 3 TRU Regigigas's. They are at level 100 and 1 is a Spain one I think.:) EDIT: I now have the Red/Green Pichu Egg The Bonus Disc Pikachu and The legit Ageto Celebi as I found out my other one was hacked.:)
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 02/27/10 See post #158 on how to post in this thread.

hmm.. I have a ho-oh of some kind, I'm not sure what event. my boyfriend has my DS. but what is the Red/Green Pichu Egg, Bonus Disc Pikachu, and Ageto Celebi?
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 02/27/10 See post #158 on how to post in this thread.

They are very hard to get events. You have to have the Japanese Colosseum Bonus Disc to get the Pikachu and Celebi and the egg is a 12th Anniversary Pichu Egg that came out in 08/09 I think. Not very many members have these events and are pretty hard to get as a very few number of members have these events because you have had to pre-order Coloseeum to get these Pokemon in Japan to get them but I am not sure how the egg was distributed though.:)
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 02/27/10 See post #158 on how to post in this thread.

xxashxx said:
They are very hard to get events. You have to have the Japanese Colosseum Bonus Disc to get the Pikachu and Celebi and the egg is a 12th Anniversary Pichu Egg that came out in 08/09 I think. Not very many members have these events and are pretty hard to get as a very few number of members have these events because you have had to pre-order Coloseeum to get these Pokemon in Japan to get them but I am not sure how the egg was distributed though.:)
wow, so something I shouldn't even ask for XD
I can't tell what event my lugia is, the OT says PAR. I do have 10th Anniversary Ho-oh, suicune, entei, celebi, latios, and latias. if you don't have any of those XD
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 02/27/10 See post #158 on how to post in this thread.

Do any of those have the ID: 06227 or something like that? If they do I want them all since they could be Italian Spanish Russian or the other one. Cant think of it right now though.:)
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 02/27/10 See post #158 on how to post in this thread.

I'm pretty sure they don't, I went to the event and got them myself :/
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 02/27/10 See post #158 on how to post in this thread.

Oh ok. Thanks anyway. Do you have the 10th anniversary Blaziken? I found out that mine is hacked.:)
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 02/27/10 See post #158 on how to post in this thread.

xxashxx said:
Oh ok. Thanks anyway. Do you have the 10th anniversary Blaziken? I found out that mine is hacked.:)

no I don't but I just looked at my Ho-oh and the ID number is 06227 if you're still interested?
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 02/27/10 See post #158 on how to post in this thread.

Oh ok. Do you know if you got it from a spanish Italian Netherlands or Italian member? I need to know because all of them have the exact OT and ID. Can you be on between 9 PM PST and 11 PM PST so we can trade and what do you want for that Ho-oh?:)
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 02/27/10 See post #158 on how to post in this thread.

xxashxx said:
Oh ok. Do you know if you got it from a spanish Italian Netherlands or Italian member? I need to know because all of them have the exact OT and ID. Can you be on between 9 PM PST and 11 PM PST so we can trade and what do you want for that Ho-oh?:)

I don't remember who exactly I got it from, it was probably jangafress (sp?) but I havn't seen him on much recently. I could get on at that time, you would clone him and return the origional right?
do you think you could clone my eigikan arceus along with ho-oh?

EDIT: do you think maybe we could trade tomorrow? it's a little after midnight for me here and my boyfriend is almost dead asleep. he's the one with wi-fi and my DS, he is the one that is doing the trading for me XD
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 02/27/10 See post #158 on how to post in this thread.

Yeah ok. You have to be here between 9 PM PST and 11 PM PST which is 12 AM EST and 2am EST. If you are on the east coast which looks like you are by the time you edited your post. If I am on earlier sure I can do it before that time. Do you know Palkia Dialga Clash or Magus' Child or Light Venusaur? They can clone also.:) EDIT: I now have the Shiny Birth Island Deoxys at level 30 UT also have Shiny at level 100 and non-Shiny at level 30.:)
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 02/27/10 See post #158 on how to post in this thread.

xxashxx said:
Yeah ok. You have to be here between 9 PM PST and 11 PM PST which is 12 AM EST and 2am EST. If you are on the east coast which looks like you are by the time you edited your post. If I am on earlier sure I can do it before that time. Do you know Palkia Dialga Clash or Magus' Child or Light Venusaur? They can clone also.:) EDIT: I now have the Shiny Birth Island Deoxys at level 30 UT also have Shiny at level 100 and non-Shiny at level 30.:)

I can trade at just about any time of the day, 9-11PM is kind of hard for me since that's 12-2 AM for me. would you be able to trade some time in the morning? I'm sure I could get them to clone ho-oh and arceus for me. but I have no idea when they would be able to trade though :/
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 02/27/10 See post #158 on how to post in this thread.

Sadly no I can't do morning trades. I have been on in the morning but it is pretty rare when I am. How about that time on the weekend? Would that work? Then you can sleep in the next day.:)
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 02/27/10 See post #158 on how to post in this thread.

NEED Celebi
I will offer any of my legendaries (which is a lot) or any of my OU pokemon that have the right natures...
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 02/27/10 See post #158 on how to post in this thread.

Any event Pokemon? I can do it as seen on the dex unless you have something I do not have. Thanks.:)
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