Yveltal EX / Darkrai EX

RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

I've been testing around with Scramble Switch over Comp. Search in here, and it's absolutely amazing. If you're not running DCE, you really don't need Comp. Search. Scramble Switch can act as an extra Energy Switch to help set up the T2 or T1 Night Spear, and we all know how much of a gamechanger this can be later on. It really makes the deck respond to the opponent smoothly.
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

I disagree with the "if you're not running DCE, Computer Search is not needed argument."

I can't tell you how many games that getting the Computer Search T1 set up the T2 Night Spear 99% of the time (and obviously Junk Hunting it right back). The card is still _extremely_ good in Darkrai for consistency.

That being said, Dowsing Machine and Scramble Switch are decent ACE Specs for the deck. Just not my preferred.

dmaster out.
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

Puff-Sun said:
I've been testing around with Scramble Switch over Comp. Search in here, and it's absolutely amazing. If you're not running DCE, you really don't need Comp. Search. Scramble Switch can act as an extra Energy Switch to help set up the T2 or T1 Night Spear, and we all know how much of a gamechanger this can be later on. It really makes the deck respond to the opponent smoothly.
Computer search helps discard cards, so I'm in favor of it. If I have sableye active and a darkrai on bench you can use computer search to discard an energy and some item to look for a dark patch to use. It can really help with set up or if you can't seem to find a keldeo (some decks are running just one to help get out of sticky situations) and get that out quickly.
Now if computer search is better than dowsing machine I have no idea, I haven't tested it.
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

I've been testing with this deck and I;ve T1 Night Speared, and Decked out a Klang
Its a solid deck that I might continue to use
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

On the topic of Computer Search, it's a must for this deck. Heck, when I ran Darkrai/Landorus/Mewtwo at a Cities, I ran 4 Skyla for the sole purpose of getting a Computer Search + Sableye combo going, and I got a T2 Night Spear almost every game I played. The combo is just too good to pass up, especially since the deck lost some consistency now that it uses the HTL/Virbank combo.
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

If I run Scramble Switch I run Mewtwo. If I run Computer Search I don't. Using scramble switch to switch to Mewtwo (and max potion to Darkrai) can be very helpful and has sometimes steamrolled through my opponent until I took all my prizes.
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

Now that's a great combo with Scramble Switch. I could definitely see that if you play alternate attackers and such.

Me? Well I just double Energy Switch and then Max Potion like it ain't no thang. ;p

Plus I'm finding that Mewtwo is just not really that useful against the metagame right now. This deck honestly doesn't have a problem with opposing Keldeos and Mewtwos. It's the Black Kyurem and opposing Darkrais that are and Mewtwo just doesn't do enough for me to warrant playing it. I can certainly see it as a tech though, but I just can't see myself using it.

dmaster out.
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

My own list: (first try)

4x Darkrai EX
3x Sableye
1x Tornadus EX

1x Computer Search
4x Juniper
4x N
3x Skyla
2x Bianca

3x Virbank City Gym

3x Dark Claw

4x Ultra Ball
3x HypnoToxic Laser
3x Pokémon Catcher
3x Dark Patch
3x Pokédex
3x Ether
1x Switch

12x Darkness Energy

Even though it's my first take at it, the first few games have been satisfying for me. Im still not sure on the EtherDex combo, and might swap it out for additional resources. Tornadus EX is mainly there because you can also easily get it going, and it helps a TON against Landorus. I might switch it out for a Keldeo EX though. I rarely get the T1 Night Spear, and about 8/10 times T2. I prefer Computer Search over Scarmble Switch simply because of the flexibillity it gives.
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

I wouldn't go for the EtherDex, honestly. You want to focus on disrupting with HTL and Virbank - not Energy accelerating with those two. You'll need a fourth HTL and and a fourth Catcher, firstly, and consider a fourth Sableye, because that's probably your viable and most consistent starter every game. Then, jack your Skyla count to four - you want to be able to grab the Virbank or the HTL when you have one or the other T1. This will force your opponent to burn resources to get his Pokémon out of the active slot, or face the consequences and sacrifice the Prize card (or two) early game.
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

I am running this deck right now, and, originally, I was going for the ether/dex combo. Dropped it cuz it takes away too many slots and also takes away consistency.
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

^ I did the exact same thing. The combo is amazing - yes. When you don't get it it's just awful. If there was a way to make it more consistent than it would be a great deal better. When starting out with this deck you don't know the full power of HTL and Virbank City Gym but when you do you don't really see a need the for etherdex route.
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

Exactly. I dropped them to run 4-2 hammers
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

Do you like the hammer route? I am playing potions instead... I play them so I can't get revenged OHKOed by a Darkrai EX HTL/Virbank combo ( I am using Keldeo of course).

What do you think is better? I am really not sure..
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

Haven't tested with potions yet, but I've managed to beat Blastoise/Keldeo easily with this
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

I don't think Hammers are needed. You're only bad matchup is really Landorus, and healing cards are going to help a lot more in that matchup than Hammers. Rayeels is the only matchup (besides maybe mirror, but again healing cards are better for that) that Hammers would help in, but it doesn't seem worth it to improve a matchup that's not worse then 50/50 anyway.

I haven't tested them though, so it's possible they help more then I think they would.
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

They are really good to stall even more while setting up, and are also good against Klinklang
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

Forgot about Klinklang. It would be pretty helpful against that, assuming you got enough heads. I still personally don't think it's worth the space, but I see the merit in it.
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

Don't forget it's recursive with Junk Hunt
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

I know that, it's essentially Hammertime except with the Hypno/Virbank combo. You still need to get a few heads for it be effective, but it does improve the matchup a lot considering they 3 hit KO Sableye while you stall them out with HTL. My only concern is consistency issues caused by the extra 5 cards or so from Hammers.
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

I don't see how Hammers increase a tough Blastoise matchup at all. Deluge is a thing.

dmaster out.