sceptileblade411 said:
cml for beedrill (rr) and darkrai lv.x (ge) please
I have tp dialga lv.x
All I really liked was the BK Platinum Stamped LA Giratina, maybe
1 Rare of your choice
BK LA Giratina
BK MD Glaceon
LMK or Counter
vilebaseball said:
Hi there,
From your list I have:
8. HP Mew Ex
Lv. X’s
13. TP Giratina Lv. X
16. TP Shaymin Lv. X (Sky?)
24. SF Regigigas Lv. X
I accept Lv. X, ex, and * cards you don't want. Make me an offer.
I'm gonna have to pass for right now, just becaue I may have all of those coming in. I'll post on your thread if anything changes though. Thanks!
Ampha-pwn77 said:
Hey, if you are willing, I'd like to trade for my Mismagius GL back.
(Lol, I got the X and now I wanna use it. : P) Sorry 'bout that.
I have an extra Azelf LA and a blister pack promo Magmortar MT.
LMK, Thanks!
Lol, you know that's funny cause I got it...and didn't use it at all lol. So I am more than willing to trade it. If you are I am willing to do my Mismagius GL for your LA Azelf. LMK.