RE: Zephilim's Trades! [H]Sealed Garchomp Sleeves & Absol G X [W] Cresselia X & Luxray X!
FYI Both are not mint, I'm not sure if you still want them. The GE one has a dent near the top, and the Tin one is a bit scratched up.
Anyways, I really liked Dialga G X. I could do the GE Darkrai X and a PT Dugtrio (RH) for it. I'm willing to add a bit more as well, so just LMK what you want.
magikarpusedsplash said:hi,
please CML for both or either darkrai lv. X (tin and/or GE). thanks!
FYI Both are not mint, I'm not sure if you still want them. The GE one has a dent near the top, and the Tin one is a bit scratched up.
Anyways, I really liked Dialga G X. I could do the GE Darkrai X and a PT Dugtrio (RH) for it. I'm willing to add a bit more as well, so just LMK what you want.