“The Glory of Team Rocket” Set Officially Revealed Featuring Team Rocket’s Mewtwo ex!

I don't know, that Mewtwo would be good in any balanced format. Having the HP of a Stage 2, hitting for its own HP, and the only requirement to trigger it is to fill your bench with more of them. It does need to tank hits for three turns with supposedly no support, but no deck should hit for 280 damage in Turn 2... right?
280/70 = 4. Raging Bolt just needs to discard 4 energies.
I don't think we are there on a competitive deck yet. Spidops hits too low of a top-end to function by itself (180, or 240 with Area Zero). Mewtwo despite the raw stats doesn't have the best of energy acceleration. Porygon-z sounds fun but also high maintenance for setup.

However, if any pokemon lineup does end up filling the competitive mold, it has access to two of the most brutal supporters in the game along with an item searcher for them. We still got a lot of set to go, but the supporters are really strong off the bat.
Okay, after all the cards are translated, the Team Rocket cards have the exact same issue as Trainer's cards - they're allowing a specific deck to access obviously overpowered effects (here it's Guzma, always-on Lillie, Double Colored Energy, and who knows what else) at the "cost" of being inflexible. In fact, they're even more inflexible than most Trainer's cards.
Because the cards are so strong and because you're not allowed to deckbuild, there are two outcomes - either the deck will be overwhelmingly powerful, or totally outclassed.
Which deck with trainers Pokémon has so far been overwhelmingly powerful? Sure there's been some good ones but overwhelmingly powerful? No not yet anyways. I really thought Mewtwo might be the first to fit that but it's not. Sure it has some great support and some good things about it but it's not going to be meta defining. It's power is capped and requires a 4 Pokémon bench to attack.
I'm foaming at the mouth. I need that Team Rocket's Meowth or my head will explode. It is SO CUTE!!
Which deck with trainers Pokémon has so far been overwhelmingly powerful? Sure there's been some good ones but overwhelmingly powerful? No not yet anyways. I really thought Mewtwo might be the first to fit that but it's not. Sure it has some great support and some good things about it but it's not going to be meta defining. It's power is capped and requires a 4 Pokémon bench to attack.
Or 3 benched rockets plus 1 active rocket, as the text says 4 or more rockets' pokemon IN PLAY to attack.
No they don't. There's some really good cards here. Great supporters and a double Energy. The deck doesn't look very good so far I'll give you that but don't say all the cards are bad.
Its always super safe to say all cards are bad. That way they dont look as dumb if a card ends up being good, as opposed to saying a card is super good and ends up being a flop
This looks very cool and may be one of the few Japanese cards I pickup nowadays. I wonder with Destined Rivals will be officially revealed and posted for pre-order. Maybe they will wait until the week after JTG ships?
Also, if the entire set it either Rocket's Pokemon or Giovanni's Pokemon, it will be an extremely "closed" set with very few interactions outside of itself. Such is the downside of the Trainer's mechanic.
All depends on the rest of the trainer cards. If they're all good, then yes there won't be much interaction, like mew vmax. However, the previous trainers pokemon all have glaring weaknesses in their archetype that allows other cards to cover it. All the trainers decks so far all require support from other cards like armouroge for ethans hooh, gholdengo for ethans typhlosion, hell, hops pokemon are merely support pomemkn for archduraludon ex.
In a meta where "just gust this guy" cards doesn't exist (no boss's orders), maybe put 1(or 2?) rocket's basic pokemon on your other deck just to use giovanni doesn't seem a bad idea.
Strong on a basic pokemon deck where u can use latias to remove retreat cost.
If they print a rocket pokemon with no retreat cost, man...
It'll 100% be sold out everywhere because of gambling addicts who use nostalgia to justify their vices (I'm a little bitter about all of this still), but as for the cards themselves, every other set has still had a good amount (if not a majority) of "free agent" pokemon. Though I wouldn't be surprised if instead of 4 trainers, we just get a boatload of rocket cards.
I mean, if we get a boatload of rocket cards, that would mean more room for exploration within the Rocket archetype and more potential archetypes you could build, kind of like how we've had multiple Single Strike decks over the years (Roaring Moon, Raging Bolt, Ancient Box, and even Gouging Fire to a lesser extent).
I don't know, that Mewtwo would be good in any balanced format. Having the HP of a Stage 2, hitting for its own HP, and the only requirement to trigger it is to fill your bench with more of them. It does need to tank hits for three turns with supposedly no support, but no deck should hit for 280 damage in Turn 2... right?
The HP of a stage 1. Still a lot, though.
Sadly currently why wouldn't you just play bolt, it is easier to attack with, doesn't have an extremely limiting ability, and doesn't have a damage cap
Not to mention Bolt survives rotation.
You can Xatu to Mewtwo and Retreat somebody for free with Latias in play. You can try to build the deck around Area Zero if you want to go as wide as you can with your setup to make Power Saver less of a problem while also being as aggressive as possible with Squawk. There's a lot to like here for the archetype between a strong Basic attacker, Rocket Guzma, and Rocket DCE because on paper IT FEELS BROKEN
I'm thinking something more along the lines of a thick Rocket's Spidops line. You get three of those things into play, you can e-switch one of the Energy off of Mewtwo. If you whiff the third Rocket's Spidops and can't discard two Energy for your attack, just target your opponent's Fezandipiti ex with Rocket's Giovanni (Which you should be able to find consistently thanks to Team Rocket's Receiver).
I never understood why there were "dark" pokemon in Rocket anyway..everything should have been "rocket's xxx" otherwise what's the point? Isn't the fact that they're owned by a Rocket member what makes them dark in the first place?
Spidops was a choice.
Mewtwo ex is as good as Mewtwo VSTAR and will see about as much competitive play too. Why do they have to power-limit every Mewtwo?!?
Not really realistic. From his number (109/098) and Kangaskhans number of Destined Rivals (204/182) plus the ARs from Heat Wave Arvens Greedent is the only possible IR as ETB Promo. I think, Mewtwo Fullart will be the ETB Promo instead.
They haven't made a FA card a ETB promo since Pokémon Go (?). All ETB promos in SV have been IRs, FA Mewtwo being the promo is even less realistic than Meowth.