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  • CloudlessRayne,

    If you don't like pictures I imagine videos are much worse. That's like a million pictures in one. Do you avoid them? Take a different route?

    On the subject of cameras, there seem to have been a lot of pictures of you since you left on Facebook.

    That's not a very helpful trait for a writer. Don't worry about it, it's more likely that a stranger (who you will never see) will judge you because of your writing because they don't have anything else to go off of. Someone who knows you has a billion other things that they know you by so a book isn't going to change what they think about you.

    Gecko Grill. I like how you insert that I don't have to read it at the end. It sounds like you don't want me to read it.

    Pretty good, just came back from my favorite restaurant which just reopened yesterday. I've got some homework to do this weekend and I'm not looking forward to it. I brought your book for Kindle, and I'm going to find the time to read it some time. So it's been pretty good I guess.
    oh that's hilarious *wipes tear*
    CloudlessRayne, It went by surprisingly fast didn't it. It seems like just yesterday when you left. But hey, 8 months is a 1/3 of the way through.
    CloudlessRayne, did you just say feeding nine? I thought there were only six of you.

    And by free mean like a day to lounge at home or something?

    Yeah, I don't know any of them should know. It wouldn't turn out well. Maybe you tell him to find you like 5 of them and then he won't know which of the five you're in.
    Pranks on another day?
    I've heard this before.

    I don't know if I've heard it from you, but I've heard this before.
    TWO-week spring break? I jelly...

    It'd probably be better if Liam didn't know where your secret room was. Happy Easter by the way!

    Sure I'd be pretty awesome and interesting. But you guys wouldn't last one week without someone dying.
    CloudlessRayne, and now to look at the details of your story one by one.

    ~You leading the way in a subway system? Haha, I can see why they had a hard time believing you.
    ~Space Mountain freezing for a few minutes would be a pretty big freak-out.
    ~Pirates of the Caribbean is nice that you have stuff to look at while in line. I think Jungle Cruise is somewhat similar (I think I spent an hour in that line once, but there was so much stuff to see). Trying to scare each other? No surprises there...then again, you have had funny experiences like that before.
    ~The French guy + your family = one hilarious culture shock.
    ~All in all, it sounds like you had one great day at Euro Disney! A nice way to finish off your Spring Break, no? But then again, you still have Saturday and Sunday...and then a Monday which, knowing you, will be full of pranks.

    It's a good thing you aren't living in a castle, someone would probable get locked in the dungeon for too long.
    CloudlessRayne, mm, gotcha.
    EuroDisney, eh? Let me know how that goes; I'm sure you'll get 3 stories just from that alone. Or one really long one the length of 3 stories.

    The "loud" Americans? That's implied. I would bet there are parts of Paris that are good and those that are bad, just like every city.
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