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    come on chat the first chance you get; I have some AMAZING news for you
    How am I? Well, I think my birthday present is finally going to ship out this morning, which is awesome as I've been waiting a few weeks for it to do so. As for this week I'm a bit worn out but glad now that it's over; I've been writing all kinds of stuff for my writing class and it's taking its toll on me.
    CloudlessRayne, I couldn't tell it was a MUN competition (or whatever it was) until I got to the very end. All in all...that sounds absolutely fantastic!! Sounds like your Friday was an absolute blast! Now we both have good weekends to look forward to with great Fridays behind us!

    And yes, I DID read all of what you said :D
    CloudlessRayne, okay, so...
    wait, would you like to come on chat so I can tell you there, or would you prefer a wall post?

    Never mind, you logged off. I'll just tell you.

    So, my Friday morning class is Advanced College Writing + Critical Thinking. Last week, the class was split in half (assigned into teams) for a debate, which we'd have the following week! The subject was *insert drumroll here* the death penalty. Both teams were given some basic arguments to start with, and then do some research and go from there.

    I was on the anti-death side of the debate. It was actually a really interesting debate when the day came around; both teams were really strong, and someone on our side, when it was his turn to speak, just went out with both guns blazing and finished by quoting Stalin. Our team was just in stitches and it was everything we could do to just stop from cracking up in laughter at his examples. (Seriously, I had NO idea what he was doing, but it worked!)

    In fact, before he went up, we were talking:

    "That quote about 'the death of one is a tragedy, and the death of a million is a statistic'? Who said that?"
    "Stalin did."
    "Wait, REALLY?"
    "Yes, Stalin said that. I kid you not."

    It was pretty close and quite down-to-the-wire, and both teams had strong speakers and examples. The winners of the debate would get some of the teacher's homemade cookies. (Yes, it was quite a shock to learn that our teacher, who is the hilarious sarcastic type, actually bakes cookies.) So, with cookies on the line, we knew this debate was going to be serious business (in fact, she remarked in her Tuesday/Thursday class that the losing team stormed out of the room in a huff - yes, cookies are serious business.)

    ... ...
    I can personally attest that her cookies were delicious. Yep, our team won! The death team won in the previous class and the life team won in ours, so all in all, "death week" turned out nicely in the end.
    CloudlessRayne, ooh, nice!
    OH OH OH OH OH!!!!

    I bet you'll never guessed what happened to me this morning!
    CloudlessRayne, ...did you just call it a shindig? What, is there going to be a party with dancing afterward?
    CloudlessRayne, hahahaha pretty much :p It was what I had to explain to control Liz from crying.

    I have been well! My week will consist primarily of preparing the start of my research paper for my advanced college writing class; a piece of it is due by Friday. (A small piece, but a piece nonetheless.) I can tell my week is going to be a bit tricky, with a lot of different things to do, but I'll survive!

    And yourself?
    CloudlessRayne, I'm pretty sure everyone cared about him dying, because as soon as that happened, the plot actually went somewhere. Also he is Reepicheep V2 and everyone loves Reepicheep because he's a badass.

    I will have to re-read the book again in order to pick a favorite (since my memory is hazy), so I will be waiting for the book to arrive. And when it does...I have something to show you!
    CloudlessRayne, it's one of my favorites too, for a variety of reasons - one of which is it's so ridiculous and the closing quote is just golden.

    Oh yeah, I was talking with Liz yesterday. We are of the same opinion about your book: we both nearly cried when King died.
    haha, gotcha ;P

    Haunted with real people? It was when that autistic girl wandered into your house and your parents weren't home or something?
    CloudlessRayne, I thought I was one of your brothers.

    Writing down all the stories so it's proof they happened to someon? That reminds me of a similar quote: "It's like your house is haunted with REAL people!"
    ...I don't think I'm ever going to forget that quote.
    CloudlessRayne, doing homework in the car like a boss.
    I wish I could do that, but there are 2 main reasons I can't: One, the road shakes so I usually can't focus (whatever I have to do usually involves writing things down), and Two, I'm in the driver's seat so that wouldn't work.

    I always feel super awkward laughing in movie theaters because people glare at me too, and I'm the kind of person who after laughing at a joke I find really hilarious will be uncontrollably snickering for 5 more minutes after that. ...It's a weakness.

    When you come back you can always take AP Chemistry since she'll be teaching it. Your freedom to do a lot in Chemistry class is probably partly because there are only eight people in class. It's easier to do more things with less people.
    FREE refills and REAL Mexican food?
    ...You must go. Real Mexican food tastes amazing, and I'm not even a fan of it.

    Good things to save for. My money is currently going towards Italy and Greece for next year. At least one of the things I have to do for homework will be kind of fun in writing my chapter. Everything for our class novel will be finished on Tuesday. Chemistry is weird. It's really easy and Mrs. Carling structures it a little like Ms. Noyes did. Not to mention Carling is really nice. We don't do as much cool stuff as you do though, all we've been doing recently is stuff with pH.

    Wel that's good, making money and the situation is getting a little bit better. Have fun with the Workshop, it sounds great. Well, we're actually both in the same situation now, all the homework got pushed to this weekend, so there is a bunch of stuff to do. You probably shoul eventually give him a little bit. But he probably will end up stealing some of it anyway.
    CloudlessRayne, "and now your workshop will be taught by a real published author"
    "but she's only sixteen!"

    I know that conversation is going to happen at some point.
    ...heh, you're going to be Zaire for MUN next week? Neat.
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