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  • CloudlessRayne, all right, here I go! I forget if I told you, but I told a few people.

    Anyway, on Friday mornings I have a writing class (Advanced College Writing & Critical Thinking, to be precise), and it's pretty difficult.
    This past Friday, the 10th, was due the rough draft of our final paper - a 12-page research paper. That Friday, we'd meet with the teacher one-on-one, she'd suggest changes, and we'd revise it with her suggestions to turn in a final draft the following week. If the paper was good enough, we wouldn't need to revise.

    So I go in with my paper, I'm feeling pretty confident. I expect to be revising a few small things, maybe a big thing or two. No big deal. Not the best paper in the world but it's enough. The teacher's looking it over, and we're talking back and forth as she does so. It was an enjoyable conversation. I see her making a few marks as she goes along.

    Finally she's done, and she says "I think you're done. You've finished your research paper. Congratulations, you have earned an A in this class."

    and my jaw just drops
    CloudlessRayne, a book signing scheduled? Looks like I need to book a flight to the Netherlands.

    I am doing fantastic! I am nearing the end of the semester, and one of my classes (writing) is out of the way. That only leaves biology to finish. The final is a week from tomorrow.
    I'll make sure to send you the survey before you log out.

    OH OH OH!! I didn't tell you what happened to me in my writing class, did I? I shared the story about getting the highest grade on those two papers, but I had one after that! I didn't tell you that one, right? Can I? Please please please?

    Hah, you've probably got until Mid-June, don't you? We've only got 8 more days. Eight days that couldn't come any slower.
    LotR marathon? Sweet! I hope it doesn't interfere with the meet-up, but if you have to do that instead, that is fine. Either way, let us know! I'm already excited for Friday!

    It was pretty easy, if I didn't get a 5, I'm going to be pretty surprised. History though I'm a little bit more worried about, though my MC scores are pointing towards the 4-5 range.

    That's to bad. You would have done well on the test. You should pay for them at the beginning of next year if you can, that way you don't find that you don't find you don't have enough money right before it's due.

    I don't even know what AP's I've got next year. I don't want to think about it yet. I'm leaning towards one of the dramas, I like both drama and theatre tech. What do you mean they couldn't pay for the AP test?

    That sounds so awesome. And I thought the Renaissance Fair was fun. They are, Calculus is tomorrow and World History is a week from Thursday. I just need to actually get sleep tonight, then I'll be good for tomorrow.

    I can't decide what elective to do next year, I can choose from Drawing and Design, Beginning Guitar, Theatre Tech, or Drama. I can't decide, they all sound pretty fun.
    CloudlessRayne, that makes it...about 11.30am my time? Okay, sounds like a plan!
    Sweet! I'd like it if you're on chat if possible, but if you can't, just drop a message on my wall when you log in and I'll show it to you.

    I see, it really isn't that great of time to do it, huh. It's pretty busy for everyone this time of year. Sometimes you just want a break from everything, just to relaxed, and of course look at castles.
    CloudlessRayne, I thought you might like it! :D

    And darn, that sounds like you might not be available for this week for a get-together.
    Oh oh oh!! I have something awesome to show you. It's a picture; I just need to take it. Hopefully you'll see it tomorrow!
    I'd prefer if I can show it to you when you're actually online, because I want to see your reaction. See you soon!
    CloudlessRayne, I don't think I've ever used cabbage as an indicator before. I usually use phenolphthalein. It's much more purple. :D

    A Styrofoam sword, you say? Not very large, I'd bet. Or is it made out of everyone's collective Styrofoam?
    And wait, you get Thursday and Friday off this week? ...I'm jealous!
    ...also did you see what I dropped in your inbox?
    CloudlessRayne, yeah, I know... That's why I like living where I do, because even though Europe is 8+ hours ahead, it's just enough so that it coincides with the start and end of school. (It's almost noon where she is right now.)

    Well, it's Monday, so how was the start of your week?
    CloudlessRayne, Friday does actually sound like a good idea - it's easy to plan and it's at the end of the week! (plus my school schedule ends Friday as well, so it works out).

    I'll ask for LMBS's schedule in the meantime. She is 7 hours behind you (I'm 9 hours behind you).

    Research projects are just terrible in general. Why are you going to camp this weekend? Camp can be super fun, as long as you have friends, but who knows since there are only four good 'ol Americans.

    What days and times of the week are generally good for you to log on? I want to see if we can arrange get-togethers (with Liz) on a regular basis.

    Good, Super Busy though. My first AP test is next week and I just spent the whole day setting up for the 9th and 10th grade formal. Luckily it's the final stretch before summer. How about you?
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