Recent content by Dia

  1. D

    Radiance v4.0 - Charizard EX / Raichu / Delphox

    RE: Radiance v2.0 - Charizard-EX / Victini-EX / Pyroar Never suggested using Delphox or Emboar - I said that Victini is much more effective. The only worry with replacing the two is that you're limiting your switching options a lot by doing that. You're going to have to retreat using energy, or...
  2. D

    Delphox / Reshiram / Emboar

    Have you considered using a Reshiram EX with a protection cube for an easy 150? That could also work in a deck like this, especially late game.
  3. D

    Radiance v4.0 - Charizard EX / Raichu / Delphox

    RE: Radiance v2.0 - Charizard-EX / Victini-EX / Pyroar Making the suggestion based on the possibility of M Vena and Genesect, though I can see your concern, Kecleon X. That's just one part of why I don't like Keldeo in this deck; I explained the other two. I would absolutely suggest using...
  4. D

    Toxicroak Poison Lock Deck (Toxicroak EX / Dragalge)

    RE: Toxicroak Poison Lock Deck Ever consider using Crobat?
  5. D

    Radiance v4.0 - Charizard EX / Raichu / Delphox

    RE: Radiance v2.0 - Charizard-EX / Victini-EX / Pyroar Haha calm down buddy. You're getting way too heated about Pokémon cards. I'm saying that without Keldeo, this deck does not have much power to retreat and switch around like he said his strategy was to do so. And of course I am not...
  6. D

    Radiance v4.0 - Charizard EX / Raichu / Delphox

    RE: Radiance v2.0 - Charizard-EX / Victini-EX / Pyroar Keldeo is 2 prize cards, and a OHKO for Genesect/Venasaur. Not sure why knocking it out seems like a waste to you, or why you think Venasaur is a bad card, but it doesn't really matter at this point. But Keldeo would have to be used often...
  7. D

    Radiance v4.0 - Charizard EX / Raichu / Delphox

    RE: Radiance v2.0 - Charizard-EX / Victini-EX / Pyroar Sorry, I just skimmed the strategy, didn't realize this wasn't based more on Combustion Blast than M Char. That being said, I will revoke my last suggestion. Keep the Muscle Band. However, I disagree with what you said about Venasaur...
  8. D

    Charizard / Emboar / Delphox

    I actually had never considered that... I don't currently have one, but I'll definitely look for one, that's a good idea
  9. D

    Charizard / Emboar / Delphox

    Pokemon: 1 M Charizard Y EX 2 Charizard EX (Stoke) 2-1-2 Emboar 2-1-2 Delphox 1-1 Pyroar Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 3 Prof Letter 4 Rare Candy 2 Float Stone 2 Evosoda 1 Comp Search 3 Skyla 2 Shauna 2 Fiery Torch 2 Protect Cube 2 Muscle Band 3 Superior Energy Retrieval...
  10. D

    Radiance v4.0 - Charizard EX / Raichu / Delphox

    RE: Radiance v2.0 - Charizard-EX / Victini-EX / Pyroar I see a few problems with this decklist. First, I'll ask, which Charizard EX are you using? Other things that could be fixed: Colress - Shauna is more dependable, switch them out. Roller Skates - you use 3 Fiery Torch... yet 4 of these...
  11. D

    Mega Blastoise/Keldeo

    Why are you arguing this? Juniper is obviously useful, you get more cards with it, so more energy. Shauna is a lot more situational than Juniper if your argument is you might discard a Mega Blastoise EX or Rare Candy or something else valuable along those lines. And if you need those cards in...
  12. D

    Darkrai/ Hydreigon: Techs and Items Worthwhile?

    Well I have a feeling that we'll never really reach an agreeable trainer line. Of course there will be variations, but if you want a normal Darkrai Hydreigon that will get the job done I'd use the trainer line I suggested, which I forgot to add 2 Eviolite to. Depending on your Energy or Pokemon...
  13. D

    Darkrai/ Hydreigon: Techs and Items Worthwhile?

    I was speaking in terms of situations where Shaymin would be optimal to play. I see no reason to use Shaymin against a Rayquaza deck unless it's a truly sad situation. Same with Garchomp and Hydreigon. Either that, or it would be a late game tech when I needed a big attack to win. And Mewtwo is...
  14. D

    Ponys and Turtles (Blastoise/Keldeo)

    Thank you for sharing your opinion, but this thread is not for telling someone not to run a deck, it's for giving someone constructive criticism. Otherwise I've gotta agree, Kyurem's just not an optimal tech in this deck.
  15. D

    Darkrai/ Hydreigon: Techs and Items Worthwhile?

    Nothing OHKOs Shaymin besides Entei, Reshiram (EX or BW) and a substantially powered up Mewtwo. Shaymin is much more of a benefit to the deck than it is dead weight, and not running a card that can OHKO Terrakion if they've only taken 2 prizes just because it is a bad start isn't a reason not to...