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  • Heh, sounds like you're describing me and my sister. So it seems you spotted me after all. (I am not Chinese, but it's close enough.)

    The biggest part of why I like going to these tournaments is seeing how my decks stack up to competitive ones. I don't care whether I win or loss either; I like to see how people are behaving and how they react to things, including when I'm not involved. In a way, I go there as a sort of sociologist or anthropologist. When I went there with PBR, I just watched the other players go at it. I didn't really do it anymore as demand for PBR dropped dramatically and everyone had their own systems to play B/W on.
    I know. I've been to the Queen Mary States in 2008, 2009, and 2010. I also went to the Pasadena Regionals in 2008 and 2009. Also, I ran the video game side event at the Queen Mary in 2011, actually. I just didn't play the card game.

    I'd like to get back in, since I feel fired up after about two years, but getting the Items/Supporters/Stadiums is going to be the biggest roadblock. The only free Pokémon League has been disbanded so there's no viable way for me to trade, and when I make a deck, I make a second deck for anyone who wants to come with me (and I usually get a guest--one time I got two). The Pokémon I'm actually already over halfway through--I make decks out of what I come across--and Energy is easy enough for me to obtain. It's those Items...especially Pokémon Catcher. I mean...$9.26 for each of those!? I don't even have ONE of them. (My luck with the Trainer category has always been terrible.)
    DNA, I find no fault with that. You addressed a matter you felt was important, and I think you have helped in many respects (now and over the years). You should be proud of that.
    DNA, doing well, but I cracked my fingernail at a basketball tournament yesterday. Actually, I guess I'm really tired today. You?
    DNA, I'll see if I can make a deck by then. The biggest obstacle is buying them, as I don't currently have income coming into me.
    DNA, No, in fact it just came to me. Alissian was supposed to be a girl, but I changed the gender. Maybe I can change it. :p

    For Moonsky's name, I thought of "Moonshy" but then that'd mimic Loveshy. So I added "sky" and not "shy". :D
    DNA, I wasn't referring to you as stirring up trouble. Yoshi and his little band were the ones trying to start something in the first place; I believe you were just addressing the problem.
    DNA, I literally sat and thought for about 10 minutes of what I could say, but in the end I felt that saying nothing would be the best option. Reading what exactly everyone thought was very interesting, and out of all the things I could have said, I would rather help pick up the pieces of the aftermath rather than stir things up. Despite what everyone (including WPM) said, I still think you're one of the most helpful and loyal members we have here.
    DNA, Hmmm I would have thought you of all people would like it since it's such a....um.....logic game and setting up your opponent for failure....
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