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  • DNA, I wish I had that game under my bed....actually I don't even have an under my bed O_O. That is a very accurate statement, I think scrabble may be a good runner up....I love me a game of scrabble
    its zack , i always have the pikachu ht , love victini and i go with a luggage . only went once
    DNA, Maybe so- but I have some characters (Moonsky and Alissian, for example) that's introduced after the prologue. And did I mention Alissian's name? ( He's a Jolt Fire dragon. But I think it's a bit funny for a boy like him to have that name, but oh anyways. I like it. :p )
    DNA, So I should make it even longer? But I already have ideas that's best kept hidden until the last minute. And I'll go with "focus on one fanfic". :)

    And I'd nearly completely forgotten the title of Cycle until you mentioned it. :p
    DNA, I don't think I can go on the chat. My parents banned me from using the chat. I don't know if I can go on PO.

    I also don't want to talk about it. Sorry.

    I've currently finished with Dragons, but I want to add more to it. But it's the progloue, and I don't think I can add anymore because it has about 1,700 words. I really want to write another chapter, but I'd have to post the thread, and I have to work on my The Time Portal chapter... including Journey. But I'd guess that I'm just busy. :p
    Oh, no. I'm doing pretty good. And I'm feeling a bit nervous.
    About the usertitle... I can provide you quotes. No, I didn't have any nightmares.

    Lucky Fire said:
    To face your greatest nightmare is like being in a dark, endless room that never opens to light. You see nothing, yet in your mind, it is impossible to give up. When giving up, you have reached a point in the room where you are at your limits. You give up, but you don't believe that you are actually giving up. So the light beckons to you, and you feel your soul being crushed. You must hold on to hope before it disappears and leaves your body all alone, if to ever see anything or the light of day again. The nightmare is over; you have just faced your greatest fears. You awoke one day to finally find that the endless nightmare is completely gone, forever. You will never be alone again.

    Lucky Fire said:
    In another matter, to be facing the ultimate nightmare like that, making you go on without any sleep, friends, for continuous days that drag on, or even any comfort at all, with endless headaches and great pain, no scars healing within the period of a year, and no body parts are regained. Nothing will be gained if you're not even alive within 12 hours. Every day, it haunts you for countless months, making your head swirl and your legs knocking together.

    Just how long can you survive this monstrous nightmare?

    I wanted to write something, so I posted it on my profile. :)
    DNA, Sorry about the late reply. I missed the chance to post in your thread about the mod/staff team. I haven't read all of it. I lost my password. >.<

    How about you?
    I'm really happy to see that you plan on continuing helping out around here from what you said on bacon's profile. Even with all this drama going on, I couldn't imagine this place without you and a couple of other people.
    Well, I honestly don't know too much about the mod system, but I think whatever WPM would say goes...I'm sure your words will knock down some more dominoes in the future, whether near or far.

    On another note, you wanna duel on DN?
    I appreciate you standing up and saying what others are too scared to say.
    It's a shame that you were shot down without any consideration whatsoever that you were right, though...
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