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  • I think I'll keep it for a while then. I heard some people use it a few times before, but it never really clicked until I went a while without seeing people I knew.
    I was trying to come up with something slightly cocky-sounding to go with the Destail pic UU drew, and decided to make it a bit of a social commentary instead without being entirely direct about what it means.
    DNA, to be honest the best thing to do is approach things with an open mind. You hear the opinions of ex-moderators and members wanting power much more than you do actual mods, so be careful of the element of bias. Note that in your thread, current mods and contributors had no complaints to speak of. And although I'm not supposed to divulge information about what happens in the mod forums, I'll say that WPM /just/ said that if we have a problem with how things are run, then we should voice it. Things are open and we communicate, and you really should take what others say with a pinch of salt.

    As for helping the forum, do you mean contributing stuff? It's great that you want to help, but I thought you were more of a TCG guy, so I'm not the person to really talk to unless you want to do VG things
    Well done, making that thread about the forums and taking the time to respond to everyone who posted in it. That shows determination and the capability to go out of your way to help.
    I really do think that you should accept the offer to become a mod the next time you are asked.
    DNA, Reminds me that I need to work on my fanfic.:(
    Still not done with chapter 2.
    [12:27:26 PM] DNA owns you!: Is Bippa here?
    [12:27:35 PM] DNA owns you!: or just any contributor, really.
    [12:27:46 PM] DNA owns you!: I've got a 5-sec question.

    Yeah, I'm here. I was just lagging so I never saw your message.
    DNA, You forgot the shades. But hey lookey here by reply button finally works.
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