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  • RaichuGirl, heh, sounds like one of those things where "you had to have been there". Still, that's a really interesting story! I'd love to hear other ones you have or make in future.
    RaichuGirl, capsized, you say? That sounds like an interesting story.
    *sits and listens* Would you mind sharing?
    RaichuGirl, but you'll live, though. And when you come back, you will have a bunch of funny stories to tell, plus solid muscles from all that workout!
    RaichuGirl, ...oh...oh dear. Why are you going, then? School activity? Parents sending you? Meeting with friends?
    ...I'm sorry I assumed you would enjoy it
    RaichuGirl, let's see...I have one Cities this weekend (3rd weekend in a row), which I will be head-judging at. I haven't HJ'd in a long time, so I'm looking forward to it.

    Then there's the wrapping up of classes on December 19th, and after that, I basically have a month or so to do whatever I want. I have nothing definite planned, BUT I want to try and prepare a VGC team for Winter Regionals. I haven't started it just yet but I wrote up a draft of it in the RMT forum, and I'll have time to actually EV train them all during my break.
    I don't know how many Cities are left after this weekend that I'll be going to, though.

    Rowing camp, huh? Sounds like fun. Is it exactly what it sounds like?
    I forgot to ask earlier (in the interest of continuing the convo maybe), what do you plan to do on your break?
    RaichuGirl, ...oh, right, southern hemisphere. Seasons are the opposite. I'm silly like that.

    Let's see, my break goes from December 19th to January 22th, so about a month, which is a good amount of time to have off.
    RaichuGirl, and you're already off for Christmas break? I'm jealous! How many weeks do you get off/when do you go back?
    RaichuGirl, life in America - or at least my tiny little portion thereof that I like to call 'my house' - is consisting of me getting ready for finals week, which is next week (I get out on the 19th). Before then, I've got 4 exams and 3 papers (1 of which is extra credit) to write, but fortunately none of the papers are that difficult.

    The tricky part is balancing it with study time :p
    RaichuGirl, except Raichu LV.X, unlike Raichu Prime, was actually really good in its time :p Raichu Prime never became more than a gimmick, unfortunately.

    I dislike the Pikachu line for the most part, but I'm actually ambivalent towards Raichu. I think it's the ears.
    Okay, I'll bite.
    Why 24 Raichu Prime? Just trying to collect as many as possible? I know that number keeps going up, so how far do you plan on going?
    RaichuGirl, Yeah I'll be there. No I don't have any Landorus (I want 'em though :p)
    RaichuGirl, ikr, seeing as I beat him in swiss :/

    Will you be at Ballarat?
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