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  • RaichuGirl, well, we have sixteen fingers crossed between the two of us (a thumb is not a finger), so hopefully that'll amount to something!

    But now it's nearing midnight in my timezone, so see you tomorrow/later!
    RaichuGirl, awwwwwwwwwwwww! That must be a real pain, having a tourney right after getting braces... =(
    Well, I guess carry some Tylenol tablets around with you, then...and a bottle of water to swallow them with.

    In the meantime, I'm going to be crossing my fingers and hope it won't be all that bad!
    RaichuGirl, I help out at my church's Awana program every Wednesday night, and I manage the Gamesquare portion...which is basically what it sounds like. The 8-10yos are manageable; it's the 5-7yos that are troublesome to deal with. Ah well, I have fun with it all the same.

    And, you're welcome. A tip: when you get braces, always have some Tylenol on hand just in case. Trust me: you will want it. Braces put a lot of pressure on the teeth, something that your mouth will not be used to at first. (If you need someone to complain to about the pain, I'm here for that too - I've been there myself and can sympathize very well with you!)

    Don't worry, though - you'll live. I did, and I know you will too!
    RaichuGirl, I'm kinda better, yeah. Had to spend my evening managing grade-schoolers but nothing really over-the-top.

    You have to get braces? I feel your pain! I had those things in my mouth for 2 years...and I was about your age when I got them too. So, I know what you're going through. It's no fun, I know...

    I wear a (removable) retainer now, but even so, braces are not something I don't easily forget. I hope you'll be okay...Be strong.

    /me offers hug.
    RaichuGirl, yes
    we frogs accept you into our hive mind
    one of us

    ...but seriously, how are you today?
    Done. Sorry for the delay. It slipped my mind yesterday.
    Actually, I do. Give me a little bit and I'll get something written up for you.
    No problem. That's what I'm here to do anyways.
    I'll read over your fic tomorrow sometime, if that's okay. I'm a little busy at the moment, or I would now.
    RaichuGirl, 2012..wait a minute. ermahgerd its 2013 guise. Happy new year to you too! Gonna take some time to get used to it :p
    RaichuGirl, ah.
    I know not everyone likes the style, but it's something I grew up with, so I'm happy. It's like a family tradition of sorts for me.

    Sounds like you had a lot of fun with family too!
    RaichuGirl, the sweet ones - that are filled with mincemeat. It's a family recipe made by my dad, and it's absolutely fantastic. That's why I always look forward to December, as it's the one time of year he makes them. :D

    (If you go to Wikipedia and type in mince pie, the picture they give there is kinda what my dad's look like, except with a round edge.)
    RaichuGirl, ah, so after New Year's. Hopefully I can hit a few without them interfering with League...or travel distance (I don't feel like driving an hour one way for a Cities).

    Computer Search? Aw, I still don't have one of those! Maybe Staff pulls at Regs might make things better...

    My Christmas was most excellent. I got to spend it with my family, and I get what I get every year: spending money, a wall calendar, and most importantly, mince pies. Greatest food to ever exist. All in all, it was great.
    'ay! How've you been? Go to any Cities? get good pulls? most importantly, enjoy your Christmas?
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