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  • RaichuGirl, haha, yep. I was staffing at Regionals this weekend, so I was asked to be on-site at 7am to help set up. I went to sleep really early the night before so I could pull it off. I woke up at 5.30am, had tea, had breakfast, packed myself a lunch (and some spending money for the vendors), and was off on my merry way.

    I was out the door of my house by 6.20am. It was a 45-minute drive, and I was there by 7.05am. It feels really really weird to be awake before the Sun is.

    Why the shock?
    RaichuGirl, you have to wake up at 5.30am every morning?
    Wow, and I thought I had it rough waking up at 5.30am for staffing Regionals this weekend...
    RaichuGirl, ah, 4 half and half. That makes sense. You'll get Plasma Storm before that happens, so what do you anticipate it being like?
    RaichuGirl, aha, so that's the kind of turnout there.
    Australia's a big place, though, so I'd assume there's more than just 1 of these - there'd be, what, 6 or so?
    March...I see. I'm going to Regionals this weekend (it's Winter Regs in the US right now), and I'm going to be judging both Saturday and Sunday.
    So it's going to be a long, but fun weekend.
    RaichuGirl, oh. Well Top 8 still gives you CP. Better than what I did XD
    How'd you go at Melbourne? I heard that Brendan came 1st and Julie came 2nd. And poor Joey got T8
    RaichuGirl, its says 11am start, so I dunno when rego is. I would think 10 like all the other cities but I really don't know.
    RaichuGirl, yeah, I feel the same way. I like seeing the variety, and there's enough people to guarantee that I'll rarely play the same person more than once in close proximity to another time.

    But on the flip side, there's always 6+ rounds of Swiss - or, if at States or Regs, 8. One year there was 9.
    RaichuGirl, yes, but think of it this way. You will have to play these people for the rest of your life.

    You have to win Nationals, you say? The pressure's on!
    RaichuGirl, that's what it's like to jump from Seniors to Masters - expect a lot more playtime and a lot more people. And, usually, a lot more difficulty.

    Are the Masters in your area substantially better than the Seniors overall, or on average about the same?
    RaichuGirl, wow, that is...actually pretty awesome. This is your first year in Masters, correct? How's it treating you?
    RaichuGirl, never hurts to say it again! And hey, looks like you have a lot of people watching out for you. That's awesome.
    RaichuGirl, ...were your friends telling you horror stories?
    Yes it's bad, but it's not unbearable. But yeah, eating is not easy. Go easy on your teeth. You will probably want to drink most of your nutrition for the first few days, since your teeth will be really tender.
    RaichuGirl, the first week is always the worst. It's something you just get used to - it doesn't really get "better". Sorry to be a downer...I'm telling you this so you know what to expect and won't have it wind you.

    You'll live through it; I know you will.
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