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  • Do you need anything else? If so I'll see if I have it and I'l try to bring it.
    RaichuGirl, Yeah I will be. They didn't have enough packs and I need to get mine.
    RaichuGirl,I honestly don't really know...I just got them in bulk trades...
    RaichuGirl, I can trade you some of the staple pokemon (if you need any). I don't think I'll play it as there's a Darkrai variant I want to try out.
    RaichuGirl, well, I doubt many people will and the main thing you'd have to worry about is PlasmaBox. I'm gonna play Klinklang or Darkrai if I go.
    RaichuGirl, I am too, I don't feel like having to take a flight to the tournament that decides if I get to go to Worlds or not. Are you going to Geelong BRs on the 11th?
    How'd you go in Top Cut at Melbourne? I heard that Shane won and Michael came second.
    RaichuGirl, yep, that one. Its attack cost? FCCCC. Still haven't changed it, it seems.
    I plan to hang on to it and let it appreciate over time. Collectors love them shiny and/or "error" Charizards.
    Now I need to find my camera and take a picture of that Raichu plush I got!

    So how was your weekend?
    I think my luck is finally turning around! At least for now.

    So I was at locals today ($2 entry fee as usual). I placed 2nd, got 1 pack as a result. I requested Plasma Storm, since they were out of Dragons.

    In said pack, I got:

    ~Hypnotoxic Laser
    ~RH Bicycle

    Yeah, I'm waiting for my hearing to come back. It usually does in a few days, but in the meantime it's irritating to deal with.
    RaichuGirl, pretty okay. Spring Break and such. Towards the end of the week I've been feeling a bit off/miffed, as currently I'm unable to hear anything out of my right ear. This happens every so often, whenever I try to clean it out. It's irritating. I'll need to wait for it to wear off or something.

    And Jenna it is! Now to get my camera.
    RaichuGirl, either Jenna or Jenny - leaning towards Jenna because I like that name a little more. I'd have to chop off the end of the tail just to prove it's a female, but haha just kidding; I wouldn't do that to a plush.
    But seriously, Jenna sounds good, doesn't it?
    RaichuGirl, can't Pokemon names also be normal names? although in this case I'd like it to sound like a semi-normal name.
    Jen, huh? With a small tweak, that might work.
    RaichuGirl, that's just it - I don't have any ideas yet; I was hoping you'd have a good one.
    If I do name it after you, though, you may want to tell me your name in a PM or something, so it's not floating out in the open.
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