RaichuGirl, I'm in the middle of the greatest day ever. o.o
I should probably explain.
Okay, so I have 8am classes 3 days a week: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Today's Friday over here, so I was at class. The class was Advanced College Writing & Critical Thinking...effectively the highest-level English class that college offers - so it's pretty difficult (the final is a 12+ page research paper).
Recently we did 2 papers: one on Master & Commander (the movie), and another on one of Montaigne's essays. I get to class and the teacher is handing them back. My name is called, I go up, take my papers back, and then as I'm walking back to my seat the teacher suddenly says "I just want the class to know that [my name] scored the HIGHEST on these two papers out of all the students in all three of my classes. In fact, his papers are so good that when I teach this material in future, I am going to use his papers as examples."
I'm embarrassed but happy, and I'm hanging my head but smiling as I return to my seat, getting a round of applause from the class.
While back at my seat I look at the grade I got. Each paper was worth 50 points, plus a 5-point extra credit opportunity on top of that...so a possible 105, but anything past 100 is a bonus. I got a 104.
And today's just been getting better and better. O_O