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  • RaichuGirl, I like those names a lot, but on the flipside they're pretty common. But maybe they're common because they're so pretty.
    And if I have to pick between them, it's extremely difficult...Any other thoughts? (I'm going to pick one of them that you think of.)
    RaichuGirl, it's female, so names like Sebastian are out of the question.
    Poppy and Rachel both sound like possibles; do you have more ideas?
    RaichuGirl, sweet. sounds like a plan.
    Oh! while I'm thinking about it, did you think up any names for the Raichu yet, or no?
    RaichuGirl, awesomeness! I assume you're going to go outside and enjoy yourself, or will you be staying indoors all day?

    ...and hey, 16 photos isn't bad! Plus battery packs should be pretty easy to charge, right? (Or just get new batteries, whatever applies in this case.)
    RaichuGirl, onesie is a one-piece cosplay outfit, correct? Sounds really cool.
    ...The camera died? Low battery or something? Or was it a cheap camera? Either way, your yesterday sounds like it's gone well!
    It's Saturday now where you are, but do you have school on Saturdays or no? (I know some European countries do. Not sure about Australia.)
    RaichuGirl, thanks! :D I'm positively giddy about it!!
    How was your day? I hope it went well too, because if your day sucked I'll feel like a jerk talking about mine...
    RaichuGirl, I'm in the middle of the greatest day ever. o.o
    I should probably explain.

    Okay, so I have 8am classes 3 days a week: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Today's Friday over here, so I was at class. The class was Advanced College Writing & Critical Thinking...effectively the highest-level English class that college offers - so it's pretty difficult (the final is a 12+ page research paper).
    Recently we did 2 papers: one on Master & Commander (the movie), and another on one of Montaigne's essays. I get to class and the teacher is handing them back. My name is called, I go up, take my papers back, and then as I'm walking back to my seat the teacher suddenly says "I just want the class to know that [my name] scored the HIGHEST on these two papers out of all the students in all three of my classes. In fact, his papers are so good that when I teach this material in future, I am going to use his papers as examples."

    I'm embarrassed but happy, and I'm hanging my head but smiling as I return to my seat, getting a round of applause from the class.

    While back at my seat I look at the grade I got. Each paper was worth 50 points, plus a 5-point extra credit opportunity on top of that...so a possible 105, but anything past 100 is a bonus. I got a 104.

    And today's just been getting better and better. O_O
    RaichuGirl, well, you could ask someone else to ask her to tone it down a bit. You don't have to do it directly, if you're not up to that kind of thing. Not everyone is, and I understand that.

    Happy to be of service. :D
    RaichuGirl, ...and you thought that was stupid? That's not stupid; that's legitimate irritation. (Well, it is stupid, but not in the sense you were implying.)

    Whoever this girl is sounds like a clownish attention magnet. I've known a few and they're annoying to deal with (particularly with twss jokes; most of them are just really stupid); best thing to do in the here-and-now is to not let it bug you and wait 'til she stops. Alternatively later, if possible, you could confront her about it and ask her to tone it down a bit.

    I know some people tend to hog all the attention, sometimes even unconsciously. Kinda like a television set - if it's on, you can't help looking. (At least, I'm like that with TVs. This is why I rarely watch it.)

    For now, it could help to take some deep breaths and not let it get to you. People can be silly; they really can, and it is frustrating, I know. But try not to let it get to you; when you start letting it really really irk you that's when things really start to go sour.

    ...If you need any other help with stuff or whatever, I'm glad to help or listen, no charge!
    RaichuGirl, maybe I can help?
    And I bet it's not that stupid. I know stupid when I see it.
    RaichuGirl, ...you guess?
    You still don't sound okay... Is something troubling you?
    RaichuGirl, I'm doing pretty well. It was debate day for my critical thinking class; our team won and we got homemade cookies. They were delicious. O_O

    ...You don't sound all right, though... What's the matter?
    ...just remembered my Blissey's name is Jenna.
    Darn. It's already taken. Now I have to keep thinking. >_<
    RaichuGirl, I know but I wouldn't be there long enough for it to be worthwhile.
    Are you going to GGs tomorrow for some BW-Plasma Freeze testing with the Kans and Kaiwan?
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