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  • RaichuGirl, wait, it is? Accursed timezone difference; you being ~16 hours ahead of me made me not notice! Happy birthday!! I hope your day turns out to be spectacular!

    As for myself, I'm working on a 12+ page research paper for my writing class that's due this Friday. It's coming along fairly well (I'm up to 6 pages), but I need to remember what information I got from which source - writing the paper I find is the easy bit; it's citing the sources correctly that's difficult!
    RaichuGirl, I was hoping you'd like it! I wanted to get the best shot, and that's what turned out. She's really attached to that book!

    How are you, by the way?
    It went well! I judged for the first half and played in the booster draft after that. One guy opened a pack and had to choose between an RH Exeggcute and a FA Thundurus EX. The next guy was really confused why he got passed an Exeggcute.

    I didn't pull much from mine, but the first pack had an RH Kyurem in it, which was awesome! *yoink* I ended up winning the booster draft, using Kyurem and a 3-3-3 Vanilluxe line. ChillMAX be too good.

    Then I got 12 packs after that (3 for winning the booster draft, 9 for judging). The 3 had nothing worth mentioning, but the 9 had two full-arts in it (Ghetsis and Latios). There were no shinies pulled the entire day...although there were 4 pulled last week.

    The guy who got 2nd in the booster draft pulled a Deoxys. He remarked he was really glad he lost to me!
    RaichuGirl, a little under 60, hm? That's a pretty decent turnout. I'm so used to California having so many people that 60 is the average turnout for the Masters division for Cities. I'm so jaded (and babied) ;-;

    I'm not sure how long that year went, but the Swiss rounds ended at 9pm, so probably. It hasn't been uncommon for top cut to go past midnight, though (usually when that happens, it's taken offsite, since they only have the room until midnight). The first time I actually judged a States, the top cut ended at 11pm, which was actually really nice! (Swiss ended at 6.30pm or something.)

    For Regionals, we just hold top cut for the divisions on Sunday - except Juniors gets done by Saturday and Seniors gets half-done on Saturday. It works better too since people don't start falling asleep too!

    I've got to head out for now, but it's been a pleasure talking with you. (I won't be on tomorrow Saturday, because of a Plasma Freeze prerelease, but the day after I will be.) Thanks for giving my Raichu a name and being a part of one of my best, if not the best, days ever!
    RaichuGirl, haha welp

    You guys only have Top 8 for Nationals? How many people come? o_o I thought Australia had a decently-sized playerbase...not like super-huge, but I thought there'd be a lot more.
    Although I do know the feel of having a bigger turnout than a higher level tournament - States last year had 9 rounds of Swiss. 259 Masters, just a little over the magic 256. It was insane, especially considering States is only allowed to go up to top 16 - which really sucks for California because tournament attendance is regularly gigantic! And Regionals tends to have less people than States...not by much, but still less.

    And if you don't mind me asking, which state do you live in?
    RaichuGirl, common enough that it just happens, huh? Makes sense.

    Nationals last year sounds like a pretty long time ago. And I guess it makes sense that the store doesn't allow them in, but it's still a bit frustrating, I'd imagine.

    Who knows, maybe next year you go to Nats you could bring pocket money and take home a souvenir or two home with you...?
    RaichuGirl, I get a lot of looks for doing that. Some just laugh at it, others look at me strangely. I don't care either way; I'm getting the reaction I want :D

    Mm, $35 is a bit pricy, yeah. And sometimes it is nice to window-shop! How many times a year would you see vendors like those?
    RaichuGirl, usually what happens is that, whenever I go to a States or Regionals, I find a vendor there and see what plushes interest me, then I buy the ones I like. (It's like $20 per plush or something...which went up a lot; the Kricketot, Cherubi, and Shellos only cost me $7 each, and that was back in 2010/2011 or something.)

    Usually I have to move pretty fast, like I did with the Meloetta duo. Others, like the Audino, stick around a lot (I asked the vendor to reserve it for me until Sunday - I saw it on Saturday - since I didn't have enough cash on me, and since it wasn't super-popular, he did! What a nice guy).

    I think half of those I got at Winter Regionals 2013 alone (Meloetta duo, Cinccino, Torchic, and Audino).
    And sometimes I like to mess around with the Vanillite; I'll walk around and pretend to lick the back of its head. You know, like I'm having an ice cream cone. :p

    there I go rambling about plushies again :p
    Do you collect any yourself?
    RaichuGirl, aw, thanks so much for the compliment!

    Right now, I have 10 of them, including the Raichu. Here's a picture of all of them, minus the Raichu, who I got after the picture was taken. (When I finally take the picture, I'll show you the Raichu as well.)
    The Torchic is one of my favorites; I've taken it with me places outside of Pokemon tournaments to see who recognizes it. Actually, this week at Awana was Zoo Night, so everyone brought a stuffed animal of some kind. I brought the Torchic and quite a few of the children recognized it!
    RaichuGirl, oh, awesome! That's good, because I find you great company!
    What's on your mind? What would you like to talk about?
    RaichuGirl, it has a nice ring to it too! Thanks so much for helping me out with naming; I really really appreciate it! :D

    Should I leave you to go have fun with whatever you're doing, or would you like to keep chatting?
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