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  • I got a Raichu as my souvenir from States! It looks like this. It's so round it's adorable!
    Do you have any good ideas on what to name it? I thought of naming it after you, but I feel that may not be the best idea.
    RaichuGirl, I went 2-3 and dropped - after Round 1 (which I lost) I didn't have a single good game the whole day. I did get to spend the day with a few friends, but overall it wasn't very pleasant. Tournaments must really not like me playing in them; every time I play in one I feel worse going out than coming in.
    RaichuGirl, You'll probably have your invite at Melbourne then! I'm sitting on a low, low 82.
    RaichuGirl, thank you so much; you're the best <3
    And yeah, it was pretty obvious Bippa was a wolf. Please, take him down for me, and avenge my death.
    RaichuGirl, mm, yeah, you have a point there. It might also be because you're good at leading as well! ...maybe?
    RaichuGirl, hahahaha! Looks like you're pretty good at standing out physically among most of your friends, no? :p
    RaichuGirl, ...I had to go look that word up to find out what it meant. I learned something new today!
    And becoming a better runner is always a great thing. It lets you outrun your friends when you're all being chased by bears run long distances for great periods of time due to your increased stamina.
    RaichuGirl, been decent, that is to say, above-average.
    ...How long have you been at the rowing, anyway? Several weeks? You should be positively buff by now.
    RaichuGirl, managed to get a 3rd FA Keldeo EX...for a friend. Then I traded for a non-FA one for my own personal use. I'm considering what I should run for States, though: Eelbox or DarkHydra (although I only have 1 Darkrai right now, so some trades might be in order). I'm only playing one weekend (I'm judging another), so it won't be that big of a deal.

    And I got to unwind this weekend with a chess game or two! That was really nice.
    So...you're just surviving right now? Or are things pretty nice?
    RaichuGirl, yeah. Average.

    I'm not trying to garner an invite or go to Worlds. It's way too far away and in a place I don't know much about (Vancouver), plus it's hella expensive. The only time I'll go really is if it's in San Diego. Unless something RADICALLY changes my mind, odds are I will not be at Worlds this year.

    I'll find something to do that weekend at home.
    RaichuGirl, about decent as well. Nothing really bad happened today, but...nothing really good happened either.

    I suppose I shouldn't complain, but I'd like to do at least SOMETHING good today.
    RaichuGirl, shiny Rocky Helmet is really really weird like that :p I'm not sure if it's the coloration, the texture, or what, but it seems off somehow. Same with Shaymin EX.

    So...how're you doing? :D
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