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  • RaichuGirl, oh, darn! Well, if you do, let me know, okay? And if I find out myself, I will return the favor.
    RaichuGirl, I definitely hope so!

    By the way, do you know how to successfully bribe inanimate objects?
    RaichuGirl, prereleases generally tend to be hit-and-miss for me. It depends on how well I pull from that set in general. Plus, prereleases cost money, and I tend to judge prereleases instead, so I get the same amount of packs without having to pay.

    If I ever do play, it depends on the pack. Dark Explorers was nice to me - but it's ALWAYS been nice. Boundaries Crossed (which I wasn't planning on playing in but we had 7 people if I didn't join, so I joined to sanction it) has been good - I pull holos and EXs fairly well (1 per 7 packs or so)...but they're just all the wrong ones.

    I think Dark Explorers loves everyone. It doesn't love me enough to give me a Darkrai, though. Maybe it accepts bribes...
    RaichuGirl, gasp! That's amazing! I wish I had luck that awesome.
    Dark Explorers wasn't that kind to me with the rares, but it is very kind to me as far as the staples go at least, which is good.

    I'm trying to get more Darkrai for myself (I only have 1, and even that I traded for), but it's just still so good that it's very hard for me to find someone who will trade one! Ah well, it's not the end of the world. It's just tricky. You know what I mean, yes?
    RaichuGirl, was in a local tournament today. It was really strange. There were only 3 rounds since there were 9 people. First round I get a bye, and then I get downpaired on BOTH the next two rounds. I almost won the 3rd game, but I whiffed on getting my final Catcher off a Juniper (there were 12 cards left in the deck).

    But I had fun, and so did my opponent, so that's what matters! I was allowed to get 1 pack. I chose Dark Explorers. The commons and rare were nothing special, but the RH was a Random Receiver, and the uncommons were Ultra Ball, Sableye, and Rare Candy.

    It is one of the best packs I've ever opened.
    RaichuGirl, wow, I actually guessed it correctly! Surprising.
    And now that that's out of the way...what's up?
    RaichuGirl, Maybe. There are cities on the 12th and 19th of January, I'll PM you details after I update WW.
    Hey Raichu Girl! I'm eager to casually test out my DP-BC Deck for DirtyDan's tourney. How about a battle?
    You're welcome! :D

    Whenever you get back, I hope you have a wonderful story to tell about how your day went. (If not, that's cool too.)
    RaichuGirl, awesome! I'll work on it when I get home (like in 2 hours or so), because right now I'm at the library and it's closing time :p

    I'll talk to you soon!
    RaichuGirl, funnily enough, my Cities was the same day as a friend's birthday party, but I couldn't go to her party because I already promised that I'd head-judge that day. ;-;

    Oh, dilemma! and to be in 2 places at once. Wish I could have been at both, but I already made a commitment.

    On an unrelated note, there's something I've wanted to say; it's kinda small but it's been bugging me.

    Your avatar is kinda low-quality; do you want me to replace it with the same picture, just better quality? (I'll make it all myself.)
    RaichuGirl, aw, that's a shame! Stuff to do or just a bad time of day?

    I had Cities on the 15th in my area, and much to my delight, Meloetta ended up winning in the Masters division. (To be specific, it was Quad-Sigi with Meloetta for the mirror - and T2 WAS the mirror - and it worked!) So I'm actually pretty happy about that!
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