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  • Hey steffenka! I think you may be interested in the Forum Game The Challenge, which is currently being hosted by Celever and myself. We're still looking for sign ups to start the game, so you playing would be awesome! Link
    Thanks, I did have a fancy birthday but forgot to reply to this profile post. :D Thanks for trying to make my birthday that much fancier!
    Can you last some of your favorite Pokemon? I'll be doing more Team Steffenka cards later
    If I wasn't already swamped with school, my Thread, planning out for Zero Chain, and getting stuff done on my blog, I wouldn't hesitate in the slightest at starting Team Steffenkka!
    Since you need a bit of insight on the whole GadgetJax vs NameBlank fight, here's the note...

    One day, NameBlank left a message on my profile saying "Have you noticed our Fan Fakes threads are constantly racing for the most views? Currently I'm in the lead".

    I wrote him back, saying "Oh, because that actually matters? Hmph. Don't worry, I've got a surefire way to beat you! Mwahahahahaha!!"

    On his next post for his Thread, he wrote the text "Team Giovanni- I mean, Giovanni's Nidoking is done."

    Deciding that he obviously was taunting me, I started working on Team NameBlank cards, which got him to start doing Team Jax cards, and it's been downhill ever since...
    steffenka, School? Homework Etcetera!? HA! I laugh at such feeble excuses as those! Who needs those, amirite? Anyway, I'll be on all day Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (unless I go to my dads then not Friday night)
    Hey, could you get on XY sometime? I guess I never registered that 3rd pokemon, and also want to find out if it's Shuppet or Lampent as your first (the FC index says shuppet, game says lampent)
    Don't worry about the police. I'm assuming it was just a threat. Her Mom tended to over-react a lot when I used to help her out at the Library. She probably just realized that if she knocked a truly horrifying thought into my head, she could make me leave her family alone.
    Hi there,

    First of all, thanks for your post in my latest thread, not only because of your contribute per se but because it made me realise that my explanation wasn't perfect since you can list as many countries as you like but can only give two suggestions per country!
    If you could, please update your post. Sorry for the trouble.

    Thank you!
    steffenka' pid='2653046' dateline='1408732090 said:
    CMP' pid='2653020' dateline='1408725477 said:
    Loving what you guys have come up with; it's amazing how quickly a region can be designed when you've got so many talented people working on it!

    That said, do you guy mind putting the sprites in spoiler tags? I have my forum settings to show more than the default number of posts per page, so it's making things lag up pretty bad. Thanks!

    Done it just for you :3
    Thanks Steff! :)
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