Reggie McGigas Aug 6, 2014 You think you can PM me the code for your secondary starters? I want to put them in the dex next but it's going to be a pain to have to do all of them
You think you can PM me the code for your secondary starters? I want to put them in the dex next but it's going to be a pain to have to do all of them
Reggie McGigas Aug 5, 2014 So, for the text based sets, maybe we could each do a miniset of 20 cards each?
foo895 May 30, 2014 Hi, looking to add you for friend safari. My FC is 4871-5450-8810. Let me know. Thanks!
Icy875 May 22, 2014 Hi, Can I add you to my Friend's List, my fc is 0018-1948-3823, thanks in advance!
DeepSleepDarkrai Oct 3, 2013 Hey added your 3ds Friend code, add mine so we can battle or trade when X and Y come out. FC 4270-0358-5042
Hey added your 3ds Friend code, add mine so we can battle or trade when X and Y come out. FC 4270-0358-5042