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  • LuckyPokeGirl, WHOOPS, sorry, forgot about that step. It's much more intimidating than it looks, just select "Install" at the bottom right corner and then select what you want to name the file (Pokemon Online, I presume) and select the location of where you want to save it. No need to do anything else. Wait a sec, then a window should pop up asking your language. Just go through all the steps it asks you too and you should be all set.
    Opps, it doesn't say run directly to OS X. It says run directly to (insert long incomprehensible name here)
    LuckyPokeGirl, Excellent, if that window popped up, you are doing it right. That window SHOULD have two options. It should say either Convert to a simple application bundle or Run directly to Mac OS X. Did that pop up? If it did, select Convert.
    HEEEEEEERE you go.


    It looks complicated, I KNOW. Don't worry. It's pretty simple. You don't have to go through all of the advanced options and stuff. Just download that program and download Pokemon Online for Windows. Then click the Pokemon Online .exe file, right click it, then select open with WineBottler. Then click Convert to Application Package, select a location to save it, and you're ready to go.

    It sounds complicated, but I assure you, it's not. If you need any help with it, feel free to ask me anything.
    Cool. Your school has art? lucky. My school is lame. I gave up on art a long time ago :p.
    Math. I love it so much and apparently I'm good at it so it works.
    Wait, I just thought of something. Is the reason you can't run Pokemon Online perhaps because you have a mac? If it is, I have a solution to your problem.
    Why Thank You! I've actually been following things for a while, but only recently joined to share my humble opinion.
    LuckyPokeGirl, MrGatr actually told me the same thing. I've got some good ideas going, so I just need to get them down on paper and actually write a story lol. I'm terrible with beginnings, so I always hate doing them but once I'm past that, it'll go much quicker.
    LuckyPokeGirl, Cool, good to hear that you're doing well. Maybe we can all meet over the normal Pokebeach Chat sometime. I should read that story sometime. I'm planning on writing my own, but I always procrastinate and I haven't found time. I'm also terrible at writing, but I'll give it a shot.
    We haven't talked in a while. How's it going?

    BTW, do you have Pokemon Online? You could join me, MrGatr, and King Arceus for some funny chat sessions sometime.
    LuckyPokeGirl, Metalizard and xxashxx are both annoying me in there right now. It's something I don't care to dwell on.

    Other than that? I'm doing all right. I went Christmas shopping earlier today (during the time you were on chat) and picked out my new watch. (I'm a bit of a cheapskate, but my watch is wearing down and will be gone any day now...)
    LuckyPokeGirl, I know they did clear out a bunch of 0-post accounts a year or so ago. Yours was probably included.

    Now, the process is automatic.
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