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  1. plutoplanetpower

    (1) New Pokemon Revealed in B/W Demo Buses [8/6]

    I don't know why this wasn't posted too, but this information was on the same blog that has all the other info: Shell Blade: power - 75, accuracy - 95, effect - lowers opponent's defense
  2. plutoplanetpower

    (1) New Pokemon Revealed in B/W Demo Buses [8/6]

    before anyone judges hihidaruma or darumakka, make sure you know about the actual daruma that they're based on.
  3. plutoplanetpower

    (1) New Pokemon Revealed in B/W Demo Buses [8/6]

    These 3 are all amazing additions and I hope none of the info is fake! Hihidaruma's pre-evo Darumakka is SO CUTE and I must have it! Also, great news for us grass trainers about growth and shikijika being normal/grass and changing colors (but usually the gimmicky types don't have the best...
  4. plutoplanetpower

    (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals Legendary Pokemon from 14th Movie Ad [7/25]

    Attack Info: 1. Grass Mixer can lower the opponent's accuracy after doing damage! 2. Nitro Charge raises the user's speed after doing damage! 3. Telekinesis makes the opponent float and be more easy to hit with attacks (so that attacks with lower accuracy have a greater chance of...
  5. plutoplanetpower

    (1) Clear Scans of July's 'CoroCoro' Magazine [7/13]

    On the 3rd scan where they show the battle targeting with Tsutaaja, you can see 4 of its moves: 1. Leaf Blade 2. Wring Out New Moves? 3. リーフ ? Leaf ? _____ (can't make it out clearly) with 5 PP 4. どく ____? Poison ? (again, not very clear) with 20 PP If anyone can make these out, or...
  6. plutoplanetpower

    (1) New 'Black' and 'White' Footage and Movie 13 Trailer on Advertisement DVD [6/27]

    I don't know if it's a coincidence or a pun, but this new region's name is イッシュ"isshu" and the title of the new series is "best wish" which is ベストウイッシュ"bestu uisshu" which has イッシュ"isshu" in it.
  7. plutoplanetpower

    (1) New Pokemon Revealed on 'Oha Suta' [6/28]

    RE: (1) New Pokemon Revealed on 'Oha Suta' [6/28]] I love them too!!! I'm also a huge grass (and psychic/ghost) fan! We need more playable grass types, especially ones that aren't the starters. Anyway, about the new Pokes - While I do think that having triple battles is a little...
  8. plutoplanetpower

    (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Shows Video Footage of 'CoroCoro's' Screenshots [6/19]

    Good observation!!! It does say that! I wonder if it will be a new water type move others like Cloyster can learn, or if it's exclusive to Mijumaru's line.
  9. plutoplanetpower

    (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Shows Video Footage of 'CoroCoro's' Screenshots [6/19]

    Mijurmaru tries to use Tail Whip on Mamepato, but because of it's Pigeon Heart/Breast ability, its defense won't go down. That's all that happens though.
  10. plutoplanetpower

    (1) June CoroCoro Scans Leaked - New Pokemon [6/11]

    yay i like this theory a lot. NO MORE JAPAN. At least it looks like america. Also ive been to new york city so i can relate to this. You can be excited that it could be New York City, but there is no reason for you to be against it being in Japan. Pokemon is from Japan, is full of Japanese...
  11. plutoplanetpower

    (1) June CoroCoro Scans Leaked - New Pokemon [6/11]

    After hearing some disputes about translations and then reading the Japanese info about all this myself, it's pretty clear that there may have been some errors: 1. Meguroko's Earthquake Spiral should be "overconfident" or "presumptuous" which would also explain why after beating an opponent...
  12. plutoplanetpower

    (1) June CoroCoro Scans Leaked - New Pokemon [6/11]

    Gear: It's actually kind of cute and works well as a Steel type concept. Should evolve into something cool. Munna: A stupid ugly pink flowered mess. I love Psychic types, but this thing is repulsive. Mamepato: A nice generic bird type early on. Hopefully it evolves into a useful bird like...
  13. plutoplanetpower

    BW/BW2 Light-Type, Why or Why Not?

    Where did this ridiculous idea that the Fighting type equals honor/goodness come from? Just look at the Japanese and you'll understand. The Fighting type is called "kakutou" かくとう (格闘) which means like hand-to-hand fighting, grappling, struggling, a scuffle, etc. and this is definitely not a...
  14. plutoplanetpower

    (1) 'Black' and 'White's' Legendary Mascots: Zekrom, Reshiram [5/28]

    Maybe there is some hope for the 5th generation after all! Reshiramu looks so cool with the lucario-like face and the angelic/avian wings and other features. I actually like the hands on the ends of the wings too. Zekuromu looks way too much like a black Palkia though... I really hope this...
  15. plutoplanetpower

    (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals... [5/8]

    These starters are really lame... Hopefully they evolve into some pretty incredible things because this is getting ridiculous! The grass starter looks smug and stupid and is just another ugly lizard that barely has anything to do with plants. The fire pig/donkey looks ok but kind of simple and...
  16. plutoplanetpower

    BW/BW2 New Evolutions for Generation 5

    I know! I've been waiting for one for a long time! Something like a dried up plant husk or a spooky tree sapling or something.
  17. plutoplanetpower

    BW/BW2 New Evolutions for Generation 5

    Jynx deserves an evolution. Her "brothers" Electabuzz and Magmar and her from the trio of Ice/Electric/Fire in Gen 1 each got a baby version together, but they got evolutions while she didn't? What's up with that? She could use the stat increases.
  18. plutoplanetpower

    (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals... [5/8]

    Why does everyone seem to think that the left probably-grass type is facing leftward? Judging from the body shape and angle and if that thing above the tail is an arm, it looks like it's looking back toward the others and that pointy part is the back of the head and not some sort of snout. In...