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    Why is Arceus having success at BR's

    Im loving all this love for Arceus. A bunch of people basically turned the cheek when Pokegym published my Arceus article. They all said that they didnt like the list because it didn't "work" for them, but like a bunch of others have already said, it is a totally metagame reliant deck. Kinda...
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    Why is Arceus having success at BR's

    No? Luxray Bright looks around it, and Garchomp snipes off your bench.
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    Why is Arceus having success at BR's

    Do you realize how unlikely this is? You will most likely be starting with Dialga. That means your opening hand would have to look like: Dialga, Poketurn, Crobat, Garchomp, Energy Gain, Double Colorless energy, Skuntank/Collector/Cyrus, and how likely is it to have this all in your opening hand...
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    Why is Arceus having success at BR's

    Sorry, but you have clearly never played against a good Arceus list. Its Dialgachomp match up should look like this: Arceus goes first: Arceus T1: Attach/pass Dialga T1: Attach/Deafen Arceus T2: You loudly jump out of your chair and shout, "FUUUUU-" Then play collector/pass Dialga T2: Either...
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    Why is Arceus having success at BR's

    Arceus really has no bad matchups. As for the the Luxchomp matchup, you snipe off their Garchomp before they can snipe you, and as for Bright look, they might ko whatever they bright look, but you can easily counter ko with fighting Arceus. For Dialgachomp, again, its a simple matchup. Lv up...
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    Mods Please Lock!!!!

    RE: H: Luxray X, Uxie X W: Updated Wants Thats reasonable
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    Mods Please Lock!!!!

    RE: H: Luxray X, Uxie X W: Updated Wants I could also throw in my Reverse Azelf and 2 Gengar SF, and the reverse Palkia G
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    Mods Please Lock!!!!

    RE: H: Luxray X, Uxie X W: Updated Wants Could you do: My: 5 Spiritomb (1 rev) 1 Full KGL 1 Full RDL 2 Vileplume UD Your: Luxray GL Lv.X lmk or counter
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    DJ's Trading Shop! Have Charizard EX .. 1st.Ed Shining .. Gold Stars

    RE: DJ's Trading Shop! Have x11 LUXRAY X! Want x2 World Playmats I dont have any of your wants in RH, but could you cml for one of your Luxrays?
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    Want: Old EXs Have:FA supporters, New EXs, and more

    RE: Amphachu's Trade thread of awesomeness! Come see what I have! Sorry, but I had to stop trading for personal reasons. Im back up and running now though
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    Mods Please Lock!!!!

    RE: H: Luxray X, Uxie X W: Updated Wants Im interested in your Luxray X. All I have off your wants is 1 Palkia G though. My list is pretty old, so ill go renew it real quick.
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    Do your friends know you play Pokemon?

    Dude....everyone at my high school knows I play pokemon, and I'm proud of it. Ive even gone to the extent of where the school board passed my Pokemon club application. So, now I'm sitting as the president of my high school's Pokemon club, and Ive successfully obtained 20+ members who play the...
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    what stage 2 decks will survive?

    Spiriplume, Zard, and Pluff all have an engine that they can run off of still. Kingdra will die down cause it looses its swarmability.
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    About Lost World and Hunter...

    Gengar does have a level X you know.....And that level X has a pokepower called level down....You do know what level down does right?
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    What's the most PRO Move You've EVER MADE.

    Sally X lets you get an extra prize card for EACH knocked out pokemon that turn.
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    What's the most PRO Move You've EVER MADE.

    I was using Salamence AR against I think against my friend's eeveelution deck a while back. He belted one of his benched Leafeons and on his active Leafeon. I got enough dmg on his benched Leafeon that it was at 20, and his active was at 70 while I had a benched Salamence with a premier ball in...
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    Want: Old EXs Have:FA supporters, New EXs, and more

    RE: Amphachu's Trade thread of awesomeness! Come see what I have! How about: My: Rotom Sleeves(sealed) Espeon/Umbreon sleeves(sealed) Your: Luxray GL RH 2 Holo electric energy 3 Holo psychic energy PK 2 Holo psychic energy Em 5 holo Grass energy Would that work? lmk
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    Want: Old EXs Have:FA supporters, New EXs, and more

    RE: Amphachu's Trade thread of awesomeness! Come see what I have! @Pokefan1234- Sorry, but I think the sleeves might already be called for @karimsolman94- Are any of your Luxray GLs Reverse holo? @xanderpitz1010- Sorry, but nothing really caught my eye. @the crippler 18- Then how about: My...
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    Want: Old EXs Have:FA supporters, New EXs, and more

    RE: Amphachu's Trade thread of awesomeness! Come see what I have! Would you do: My: R/D Legend Top Raichu Prime Your: Dialga G Lv.X
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    Want: Old EXs Have:FA supporters, New EXs, and more

    RE: Amphachu's Trade thread of awesomeness! Come see what I have! Do you have my want in reverse holo though?