Why is Arceus having success at BR's

I've seen a list with Claydol get T4 at Regionals, so it must have done pretty well.
Rikko145 if you've beaten so many Arceus decks as you claim then you must be playing some very bad lists/players.
I know, this is ridiculous... I'll be using Arceus at a BR soon so I'll make my own conclusions then.
yeah dont pay any attention to rikko he's trolling, and does not know how to make an arguement to save his life, his oppinions are extremely biased and he does not back up his comments with facts, simply his biased opinion.

Well as for decklists this is the one i use keep in mind its a fun deck:

pokemon (18)
3 arceus lv x (omniscient arceus)
3 normal arceus
2 fighting arceus
2 dark arceus
2 psychic arceus
2 fire arceus
1 water arceus
1 grass arceus
1 steel arceus
1 lightning arceus

4 pokedex
4 beggining door
4 pokemon collector
3 ultimate zone
3 warp point
3 proffesor oak's new theory
2 expert belt
2 copycat
1 looker's investigation

Energy (16)
4 double colorless
4 rainbow
2 dark
2 fighting
2 psychic
2 fire

Pokemon: I started off with 3 normal arceus because he is without a doubt the most helpful arceus of all between ripple swell and sky spear to knock out key threats on the bench then i added two arceus each of the ones that are gonna be ur "main attackers" dark(1D and 1C for 80 is real good) fire(next strongest attacker) fighting (1F and 2C for 60 is ur next best option) and psychic(hitting for 40 isnt the best bet but automatic confusion is a plus). Finally theres the all star of the deck omniscient arceus great hp, and good pokebodies that allow for two things one is to make one of the relatively useless arceus(ie grass and lightning) useful by using them as the base for level up and attack for weakness, and two he allows for using a multitude of attacks, wether it be getting past mewtwo lv x with the water arceus's attack or preventing damage from any level x using the metal arceus's attack it always provides a way out.

trainers/supporters/stadiums: 4 pokedex is awesome it lets u burn through ur deck and get exactly what you need, i went with 4 beggining door and no pokemon communication, bebe's search or luxury ball y? in this deck its simply better than all of those for one, you dont have to put a card back in your deck to search for a pokemon beacuase all pokemon in this deck are arceus and two its superior to luxury ball because with beggining door u can search for a lvl x. The 4 collector are a must to help you ripple swell by turn 1. In testing i decided to go with 3 ultimate zone between all the pokedex, copycat, proofesor oaks, and looker's your bound to draw it when you need it. The last two cards are expert belt and warp point expert belt is needed just in case you are not hitting for weakness, and warp pojnt is there to force the switch for your apponent or just in case you need to switch your own arceus since all arcues have a hefty 1 or 2 retreat cost.

Energy: Now i know some people might say 16 can lead to dead draws but if you put it into perspective you realize than once you have ripple swelled there's only about 8-10 energy cards left in the deck since most of the time 1 or 2 energy cards will be prized. And i only chose to run two energy cards of each of the "main attackers" energy type for obvious reasons so that you may use the main attacks without having to rely on rainbow energies.

Hope this helps get the arceus deck into perspecive :) and good luck at battle roads!
Rikko, a troll? Quite a hasty conclusion for you to jump to, considering you have a whopping 3 posts to your name and have been a member all of 5 days (unless you're duping to another username). Rikko speaks very knowledgeably. I disagree with some of the things he says, but at the end of the day he's just a good player that is supremely confident in his deck. I think Arceus *is* somewhat viable, but it would take a lot more cunning to play it as effectively as people would like it to be.

In any case, this thread hasn't gone anywhere for quite a few posts now, as people have already pointed out. Sounds like a set of Redshark matches are in order.
It's funny how you equate expirience to the amount of posts a person has or how long they have been a member and fyi 10+ years of experience playing pokemon, if you have read my posts I atleast try to put some insight and thought into my posts backed up with facts.

Well thats enough veering off topic but yes I do agree with you playing an arceus deck does require alot cunning its not a deck one can auto pilot and hope for the easy win(luxchomp or donphan) it requires alot of planning ahead and quite frankly a bit of luck as well.

So as I said in my previous post tier 1 definetly not, tier 2 yes! Played with enough skill that is
Arceus is BDIF. Shoulda won worlds. Just wasn't my day, though..

Pokemon: 19
4 Arceus Omni X
3 Colorless Arceus
2 fire
2 Water
2 lightning
2 fighting
2 psychic
1 dark
1 lucario GL

Trainers: 25
4 Pokemon collector
4 Prof Oak's Theory
4 Copycat
4 Ultimate Zone
1 Luxury Ball
3 Expert Belt
4 Beginning Door
1 Pokegear

Energy: 16
2 fire
3 water
2 psychic
2 lightning
2 dark
1 fighting

My worlds list.

When you start calling people on trolling, I'd say site experince matters a lot.
The only reason to use Metal Arceus is if Flygon X was widespread.

It could also wall a Mewtwo, but you'd rather ohko it then stall it out.
BR's are usually so small they're often used as joke tournaments. Arceus is a bad deck that one would use at a joke tourney. Also, pokémon is getting more popular and all the n00bs know that "Arcreus is the most powerful cuz he's the legendarys. He's level 100! Nothing can beat that! Thats the powerfullest one!"
Problem solved.