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  1. UmbreonEXE

    (1) HGSS-on Format Confirmed in July [4/25]

    RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25] Do league promos like Expert Belt, Uxie, Spiritomb ect... also rotate?
  2. UmbreonEXE

    'RamBoar' (Reshiram/Emboar) HGSS on -Revised list-

    RE: 'Ramboar' Reshiram/Emboar HS- Some Seekers could really help you out. And expert belts for that extra damage and HP always help.
  3. UmbreonEXE

    LostCario Deck (Still needs some help for post Rotation)

    RE: LostCario Deck (Still needs some help) Need some help for this deck Post Rotation. What could I put in for the cards that are rotating??
  4. UmbreonEXE

    VileMewCario (Any)

    RE: VileMewCario (Masters/Any) You REALLY need a 4-4 Lucario line up. or at least 3-3. I think your Vileplume line up slows down your deck. He doesn't really contribute to the strategy so all it does is slow you down. Same for Noctowl. The draw one is "nice" but once again doesn't do...
  5. UmbreonEXE

    VileMewCario (Any)

    RE: VileMewCario (Masters/Any) Why The Vileplume line up? And the Noctowl? Btw I would bump up your Lucario line up by +1 - +1.
  6. UmbreonEXE

    LostCario Deck (Still needs some help for post Rotation)

    RE: LostCario Deck (Still needs some help) I agree that they can be easily KO'd but if I can get Mew to send at least 2 Pokemon to the lost Zone on my first few turns, then its Job is done. As for the LostGar issue, I don't think much can be done. If I can't win by the time Gengar hits the...
  7. UmbreonEXE

    Dark Umbreon Fury! (Needs some help)

    Alright cool I'll give it a whirl with +1 Espeon Prime. Thanks again for the help.
  8. UmbreonEXE

    LostCario Deck (Still needs some help for post Rotation)

    RE: LostCario Deck (Still needs some help) Alright cool. Thanks for your help :)
  9. UmbreonEXE

    Dark Umbreon Fury! (Needs some help)

    I never really got to test out my earlier build. I took it out because someone had suggested for me to do so in another site. I'm fairly new to Pokemon so I just assumed it was the best choice to only run 1 of ea Eeveeloution except for my main Attacker. My original deck ran 2x Espeon Prime, 1x...
  10. UmbreonEXE

    LostCario Deck (Still needs some help for post Rotation)

    RE: LostCario Deck (Still needs some help) I had considered using him too. He's just so beast not to run. I do like the idea of taking out 2 relicanth for the 1-1 Umbreon UD lineup. I could also instead take out 1 relicanth and 1 Absol.
  11. UmbreonEXE

    LostCario Deck (Still needs some help for post Rotation)

    RE: LostCario Deck (Still needs some help) Yea I agree this deck would get wrecked by a Lost Zone deck. Unfortunately I don't know what I would take out for the Machamp Lineup.
  12. UmbreonEXE

    Dark Umbreon Fury! (Needs some help)

    I did have one in my original build but decided to take it out.
  13. UmbreonEXE

    LostCario Deck (Still needs some help for post Rotation)

    Pokemon: 25 4-4 Lucario CoL 2 Absol Prime 2 Mew prime 3 Relicanth CoL 1-1 Palkia G Lvl X 1-1 Umbreon UD (Eevee HGSS:UD) 2 Uxie 1 Azelf 3 Smeargle (CoL) T/S/PT: 19 3 Seeker 3 Bebe's Search 3 Pokemon Collector 2 PONT 3 Expert Belt 1 Luxury Ball 2 Pokemon...
  14. UmbreonEXE

    Dark Umbreon Fury! (Needs some help)

    Bumpin it
  15. UmbreonEXE

    Dark Umbreon Fury! (Needs some help)

    I'm fairly new to the game and I don't plan on goin to any big events or anything. Just want a decently good deck to play at my locals. This is what I got so far: Pokemon: 20 Umbreon (Prime) x1 Umbreon (Majestic Dawn) x1 Umbreon (HGSS:Undaunted) x2 Espeon (Prime) x1 Espeon (Majestic...