Search results

  1. E1996C

    Darkrai Absol Sableye

    Thanks :) Updated my list. Bump nats tomorrow :D
  2. E1996C

    Yveltal EX / Darkrai EX

    RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym What card do you guys usually cut when deciding to put in the 2nd keldeo?
  3. E1996C

    Darkrai Absol Sableye

    Ahh, okay thanks for the feedback. BUMP, updated my list. Currently using dowsing machine over computer search as I feel that it really helps in the late game and getting your essential resources back. Want to try and fit a 2nd Keldeo in the deck! All comments are appreciated
  4. E1996C

    Darkrai Absol Sableye

    Interesting, I will definitely try adding in enhanced hammers and a 3rd dark claw but I personally prefer the 3 random receiver and 2 Bianca. Question: How well does the deck fair against garbador without tool scrapper, Do you ever regretting not putting in a max potion/ energy search and Do you...
  5. E1996C

    Yveltal EX / Darkrai EX

    RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym Hi guys, as a Darkrai player myself, may I ask how do you guys deal with the Black Kyurem match up? I tend to struggle alot in the match up, the only way I think could work is just carefully play your N's and not waste them and...
  6. E1996C

    Darkrai Absol Sableye

    Pokemon:10 3 Darkrai ex 3 Absol 3 Sableye 1 Keldeo ex Trainers:40 4 Professor Juniper 4 N 2 Bianca 3 Random receiver 4 Dark patch 4 Ultra ball 4 Hypnotoxic laser 4 Pokemon catcher 3 Energy switch 1 Max potion 1 Computer search 1 Tool scrapper 2 Virbank city gym 2 Dark claw Energy:10 10...
  7. E1996C

    Okay thanks!

    Okay thanks!
  8. E1996C

    Ruling A question about taking down notes

    Hi! I have a nationals coming up and i was pondering this question in my head all day... Am i allowed to take notes on the contents of my deck after being able to look through it with a search card? Also am i allowed to take notes on my opponents during the use of potrait? Thanks in advance! :D
  9. E1996C

    Chaos Snipe (Raikou-Eels)

    Hi, here are my suggestions :D -2-2 Zebstrika line, you could play this if you want for disconnect but i find it's just a free prize as it's fragile and you have raikou ex to snipe. -1 Raikou Ex, 3 seems like an overkill as it gives 2 prizes each. -3 N, Personal preference. I find it a dead...
  10. E1996C

    Zekeel for states?

    Hmm... i might try to go back to level balls.. but i'm not too sure :/... Will test level balls. Thanks :D ogeray: I find shaymin useful for situations where i need to revenge ko. Eg. I have a prism on another poke and i just drop a terrakion. I will dynamotor and then drop shaymin to move the...
  11. E1996C

    Zekeel for states?

    Hi :D, Cleffa is there for emergency hand for hands which looks like: 1 tynamo, 5 energy, 1 collector :P. Might try the 3-3 split of juniper and PONT. thanks :D
  12. E1996C

    Zekeel for states?

    Hi :D, after testing for a bit i feel that this might be a deck i will go with for states. Pokemon: 2 Zekrom Ex ND 2 Zekrom BW 4-3 Eelektrik NV (2 30 Hp Tynamo, 2 40 Hp Tyanmo) 1 Shaymin UL 1 Cleffa HGSS 1 Terrakion NV 2 Mewtwo Ex ND T/S/S: 2 Professor Juniper 4 PONT 4 Pokemon...
  13. E1996C

    Attempting rogue for the first time with beheeyem :) (Beeheyem, Weavile)

    Hi :D, yes it does but in this deck with mime jr, i can only pull 6 cards out of their hand :(
  14. E1996C

    Attempting rogue for the first time with beheeyem :) (Beeheyem, Weavile)

    Jirachi: I know where you're getting at, but if i do want to play mime jr, i will need to take out quite alot of cards to support mime jr eg. 3 lost world, 4 mime jr, 2/3 revives, etc. Currently i am using shaymin ex as a win con as it can sweep the field after using an N once they have their...
  15. E1996C

    Attempting rogue for the first time with beheeyem :) (Beeheyem, Weavile)

    Petertclo: Personally, i like the victini idea but i dont think i am willing to drop a shaymin ex, as shaymin ex, can ohko main attackers in decks such as six corners, truth, goth, ex's, thunderdome, coke, reshiphlosion, reshiboar, etc. I will still try to find space for the victini :)...
  16. E1996C

    Attempting rogue for the first time with beheeyem :) (Beeheyem, Weavile)

    Hmm, that sounds interesting, any ideas what to take out?
  17. E1996C

    Mime Jr. Lock

    Hi, i suggest the following: -1 Tyrogue (With all of these high hp basics like the dragons and ex's) -1 Sneasel (3 seems enough) -1 PETM (All of your pokemon are searchable through level ball, and if trainer lock is the problem, you still have twins ;) -4 N (Doesnt serve as a very good...
  18. E1996C

    Attempting rogue for the first time with beheeyem :) (Beeheyem, Weavile)

    Bump, need help with this deck :)
  19. E1996C

    Attempting rogue for the first time with beheeyem :) (Beeheyem, Weavile)

    Hi fellow members, after the prerelease, me and one of my friends discussed how beheeyem could work, so we decided a hand control based. Pokemon:18 3-3 Beheeyem (noble victories elgyem- first contact next destinies beheeyem) 3-3 Weavile (both hs undaunted) 2-2 Slowking (hs undaunted slowpoke...
  20. E1996C

    3 wishes (thundurs magnezone tornadus zekrom and eelektrik)

    Hi, i suggest the following: -3 great ball, -2 plus power, -1 interviewers question, -1 tynamo, -1 eelektrik, -2 zekrom/ tornadus, -1 zekrom/ tornadus, -2 thundurus, -3 lightning, -2 junipers Total:-18 Resons for the following: Great ball isn't needed as you already have communication and draw...