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  1. sebaastgeen

    Are Donks Really Unhealthy for this Game?

    @minimidget94 Well a donk means a first turn knockout for the win. They will not have a Gengar/ Vileplume on turn 1, and usually start with Spiritomb, which is extremely donkable. Crobat G + Special Dark + Sableye Donk. Referring to Post #31 xD
  2. sebaastgeen

    SableLock (Battle Roads, Masters)

    Ehh that will not really help at all. I would have an auto loss to Dialga if I did that. Also, I need the disruption of 4 Power Sprays, and the Honchkrow is SUCH a good sniper xD
  3. sebaastgeen

    SableLock (Battle Roads, Masters)

    I put in the Honchkrow SV line and it definitely helps! Any other suggestions??
  4. sebaastgeen

    Are Donks Really Unhealthy for this Game?

    Hahaha yea everyone just needs to stop complaining. Donks are part of the format now. It happens. There are plenty of ways to get around donks, and it is just luck of the draw. PUSA is not going to change any rules involving donking and they won't establish any rules either.
  5. sebaastgeen

    SableLock (Battle Roads, Masters)

    Hey everyone, this is my list for SableLock. Pokemon: 18 4 Sableye SF 3 Honchkrow G 2 Garchomp C 1 Garchomp C Lv. X 1 Houndoom G 2 Uxie LA 1 Unown Q 2 Crobat G 1 Ambipom G 1-1 Honchkrow SV Trainers/Supporters: 31 1 Aaron's collection 4 Cyrus' Conspiracy 4 Poke Turn 3 Energy Gain 4 Power...
  6. sebaastgeen

    Sablock [ Sableye SF / Garchomp C Lv.X ]

    Houndoom G is another good tech to counter Dialga G, as it is a fire type and it uses Dark Energy. I have it teched in my SableLock, and it makes the Dialga matchup A LOT easier! Bronzong G really is up to personal preference, I began running it, but after a few times of it being in my...
  7. sebaastgeen

    Pikachu's Pre-Regionals Tournament! Round 1 ends May 1!!

    I don't think I'm in the network.... And it's full...
  8. sebaastgeen

    Flychamp vs Flyphan

    You play Dusknoir in Flyphan? O.o Gyarados should normally rip Flyphan apart....
  9. sebaastgeen

    Flychamp vs Flyphan

    Yea I realized How stupid that idea was haha. But Gyarados is pretty much auto-loss, and that is everywhere where I live. I just dont want an autoloss at Regionals, cuz that sucks! Any techs or strategies to play around the Dos?
  10. sebaastgeen

    Flychamp vs Flyphan

    HAHAHA yes! I run Flyphan currently, and was wondering if teching in a 2-1-2 Machamp line would help? I am going to try it, but what do you guys think? Early Game with Donphan, with Machamp as a tech against the swarm of SP decks there are now...
  11. sebaastgeen

    Pikachu's Pre-Regionals Tournament! Round 1 ends May 1!!

    RE: Pikachu's Pre-Regionals Tournament! I'm in!! Hamachi Name: Sebaastgeen
  12. sebaastgeen

    States/Regs Testing tournament. ROUND ONE UP!!!

    RE: States/Regs Testing tournament. ROUND ONE UP! I'm in, but it doesn't look like my partner is....
  13. sebaastgeen

    Join my casual League Hamachi!

    Network ID: Sebaastgeen Pass: Pokemon CaSe SeNsItIvE I am on a lot!
  14. sebaastgeen

    States/Regs Testing tournament. ROUND ONE UP!!!

    RE: States/Regs Testing tournament. I'm in! I already joined the Network!
  15. sebaastgeen

    Casual League

    I have a Hamachi so just join if you wanna play! Name: Sebaastgeen Pass: Pokemon I will be on like every day!