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  1. Shivershaft

    5 Gen Competitive Play

    All I can say is, this thing is amazing thus far: Shibirudon (M) @ Chesto Berry Trait: Levitate EVs: 212 HP / 40 Atk / 56 Def / 200 SDef Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk) - Snake Coil - Wild bolt - Crunch - Rest It's like Kingdra, without the speed boost, but with a better, no-weakness...
  2. Shivershaft

    (1) 'Black' and 'White' American Release Date: April? [10/5]

    RE: (1) 'Black' and 'White' American Release Date: April 22nd [10/5] Is it just me, or have they released on the 22nd before? Iirc, D/P came out April 22nd. :3
  3. Shivershaft

    Kevin Garrett Stall

    @HeroOfSinnoh The thing is, teams don't work like that. You can't just use all stallbreakers, and expect to do good. It's like putting 6 DD users on one team, and expecting positive results. Pokemon doesn't work like that.
  4. Shivershaft


    This won't be getting anywhere good.. -.- It's a bit too early to speculate that sort of thing, and there is no real, large, discussion value in this thread. *locked* Also, Watch the caps buddy. We get that you're excited, but it's spammy.
  5. Shivershaft

    I Need Help

    Yes, Please read the stickied threads before you go and make a thread. I'll leave you with a verbal warning this time, mainly cause you're new here. *Locked*
  6. Shivershaft

    Competitive Battling in the 5th Generation

    @Kevin Yeah that makes more sense. x] @Pride/Card Slinger J Seriously? No Sleep Talk TM? ;___; We can only hope for a sleep talk move tutor, :[ that thing looks way too cool to not be good, c'mon.
  7. Shivershaft

    Competitive Battling in the 5th Generation

    Well, they weren't too far from the truth. And honestly, this is looking very, funky to say the least. I'm a bit excited to see what is going to be top tier, and what isn't. I'd like to see the green blob thing with magic guard (too cool to memorize names) get some OU useage. Oh, and those...
  8. Shivershaft

    DPPt/HGSS Shines or Events

    I'm really not going to go out of my way much anymore to get a shiny. I used to, but based on how often I actually PLAY on WiFi over Shoddy, it's just not worth it. But to make a full decision, I'd have to say I prefer the shinies. (:
  9. Shivershaft

    DPPt/HGSS Lock Capsule and Azure Flute

    Personally, it sounds like another Red Chain type of thing. The Red Chain was programmed into the game, but never saw use, along with multiple other items.
  10. Shivershaft

    DPPt/HGSS Weekly Battle Stories! PDC will fight Zenith!

    RE: Weekly Battle Stories! Who will battle PDC? Please show activity and support! Is it just me, or is this a downgraded version of BotW? Please, don't try to tell me, it is just me. -.-
  11. Shivershaft

    Congrats new mods! Phase Zapdos complete!

    Oh you know it. :'[ I'm going to die. Oh and I just now understood why this phase was titled phase Zapdos. -.-
  12. Shivershaft

    Congrats many many mods.

    RE: Congrats New Mods! Yeah, where's the VG mods? D: ahh well, we'll all see soon enough.
  13. Shivershaft

    Moderator Applications

    Sent mine in, Finally. =D Oh, and is there a set in amount of people who will be chosen for moderation?
  14. Shivershaft

    Moderator Applications

    Thats not too bad, :p just be ready for mine, i'm still picking at that little bugger of a application. x_x haha.
  15. Shivershaft

    (Post 94) FOR ALL: Forum Reorganization Project

    Alright so I skimmed through it a bit, and honestly, it looks pretty good. Juliacoolo is _kinda_ right about the names, but barely. I can live with those names :p Although, I think it might be good if we have something like "Official Programs" rather than official tournaments, for example: Gym...
  16. Shivershaft

    Most anticipated game of 2010-11 at E3

    If you didn't vote Halo: Reach, you fail at life. It will be game of the year, and it was decided to be the most anticipated game of the year, like on 10 different official sites, ex: Halo wins. GG.
  17. Shivershaft

    The Hair Thread

    People aren't gay because they like their hair and like having it look good...
  18. Shivershaft

    The Hair Thread

    :3 I want to be a hairstylist, and im not gay, but im still great at it.. lol
  19. Shivershaft

    The Hair Thread

    lol at the bold :pp but yeah, me and LL, we're the hair gods of pokebeach. *shades* Honestly, i'm going for a full makeover, pete wentz style, so i may start wearing guyliner. xD I'm getting my hair layered at some proffesional place in L.A, so i'll be that much closer to my pete wentz esque...
  20. Shivershaft

    The Hair Thread

    bump-its can be good, some of them can look natural. If you put it in the wrong spot, it can look totally fake and everyone can see it isn't a natural bump. I'd give it a shot. There isn't much you can lose. I tried guyliner, and it actually looks good, but unfortnately people began to question...