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    Competitive lugia EX virizion EX help

    My first post here I would appreciate the help Pokemon: 12 3 Virizion EX 4 Lugia EX 1-1-1 Metagross 1 Mr. Mime 1 Bouffalant Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 21 2 Shadow Triad 4 Juniper 4 Shauna 3 Skyla 3 Muscle Band 1 Rare Candy 2 Float Stone 2 Frozen City 3 Ultra Ball 1 Tool...
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    Klinklang PLS/ Cobalion

    i would play exp share its great so u don't lose energy
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    KlinKlang/Spazz (Durant+Cobalion)

    personaly i would play DEX durant rather than sablyeye Please use proper spelling and grammar. ~Nigel
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    Bros for Life - Infernape & Victini

    try garbodor its great aganst klinglang and blastios keldo
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    How do I post deck ideas?

    How do I post deck ideas?
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    PlasmaKlang Regionals Help

    I like terrakionEX its good against darkrie lasers and energy flow and keldeoEX is is a good counter for landorusEX and those pesky fire types haven't tried trip beach yet probably should not sure how much that are but I found one for five bucks not sure if that's good or not and dowsing mcn...
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    Wi-Fi Trades Deerling's My Player Thread

    RE: Deerling's My player thread. what level is that bravery on
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    Raticate deck?

    im not sure if its just me but ever herd of duskinor
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    Darkrai/Sableye/Hammertime for Regionals

    sneak in a 1-1 drifblim
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    Klinklang (w/ Keldeo, Landorus)

    1 klang 1 prinplup
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    Klinklang, But With Black Kyurem EX?

    how did u get tropical beach
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    i would play 4 gabit and drop rare candy [hr] and add 1 level ball
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    try groudon EX
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    try max potion it it is helpfull
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    Empolerade for Battle Roads

    you may think its usless but max potion is helpfull
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    Reshi(EX)Boar (Semi-Final Build)

    RE: ReshiBoar EX + Fliptini Mixup mewtwo
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    KlinSteel (Klinklang/Registeel EX)

    does anyone use registeel's protect charge