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  1. X

    Celebi Prime/Tornadus/Mewtwo-EX Discussion Thread

    Smeargle. Yes? No? The extra supporter during clutch moments seems too good to pass up, but would adding in Smeargles ruin consistency?
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    Sigilyph- an amazing Mewtwo counter!

    They most definitely are relevant for this thread. For Sigilyph to be a decent counter to Mewtwo it'll have to survive everything Mewtwo is commonly played with. I've already said in my first post in this thread, Safeguard>EXs No one is going to disagree You keep bring up situations that...
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    EX Tins early release

    What was the actual release date for these supposed to be? My local just got them in a few days ago.
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    Sigilyph- an amazing Mewtwo counter!

    When you say things like that, it sure sounds like your'e changing the subject.:rolleyes: We've established that Sigilyph>Mewtwo as long as no other factors come into play. No one argues against that, but that's realistically not going to happen. In reality other factors WILL come into play...
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    Sigilyph- an amazing Mewtwo counter!

    Feels like you're changing the subject to deck matchups rather than discussing SigilyphvsMewtwo At the end of the day, Sigilyph is most definitely not a good Mewtwo counter. Safeguard might be useful to stall against EXs but with 90HP and catcher around it's not gonna live long enough to...
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    Sigilyph- an amazing Mewtwo counter!

    You realize Garbador stops abilities on both sides right?
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    Sigilyph- an amazing Mewtwo counter!

    All you're saying is Safeguard>EXs And everyone knows that already...
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    Is 6 Corners viable?

    They thing about trode is that I think it feels too luck based.
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    Six Corners

    Thanks for all the advice everyone. I'll be testing these changes when I have time and editing my decklist with what works.
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    Is 6 Corners viable?

    Thank for the replies everyone. I just started playing Pokemon, and it's reassuring to know I didnt choose a deck that's completely fallen off the map. I've posted my current decklist in Deck Garage, any help/changes would be greatly appreciated. :D
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    Six Corners

    With only 12 energy and no way to get most of them back if discarded I feel reluctant to run more Junipers. Two questions though. 1. Would playing DualBalls instead of Collector(so I can use my draw support for the turn) be wise? 2. Do you think I should be taking out the Ns? Reason for this...
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    Six Corners

    Ok, just basically just 6C for HGSS-NV. Play to type advantage, catcher for cheap prizes, and Shaymin UL to move and conserve energy. Any help would be appreciated. 4x Virizion NV 2x Terrakion NV 2x Cobalion NV 2x Mewtwo EX 2x Shaymin UL 1x Shaymin EX 1x Kyurem NV 1x Absol Prime 1x...
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    Six Corners Discussion Thread

    This is what I've been playing with. Would anyone like to recommend any changes? 4x Virizion NV 2x Terrakion NV 2x Cobalion NV 2x Mewtwo EX 2x Shaymin UL 1x Shaymin EX 1x Kyurem NV 1x Absol Prime 1x Victini (V-Create) Total:16 4x Cheren 2x Pokemon Collector 2x PONT 2x Prof Juniper 2x N 1x...
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    Six Corners Discussion Thread

    Thinking about it now, how much use are you guys getting from your outragers? More often than not, I find them getting ohko'd by opposing EXs
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    Six Corners Discussion Thread

    Would it be a good idea to replace Zekrom with a Zapdos?
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    Is 6 Corners viable?

    How viable is 6 Corners atm? I like playing the deck but feel like it's too slow for the format seeing as how almost every other deck has some sort of energy acceleration.