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  1. K


    I ran a chandelure deck in a cities yesterday and placed 2nd with it, but mine was the rush list. I ran a 4-2-4 chandelure with a 2-2 dodrio and 2-2 yanmega and the only thing i lost to was durant because with a chandelure deck its a auto lost to durant because it takes a while to set up. If you...
  2. K

    Chandel Lock (Chandelure/Vileplume)

    -2 Twins -1 Black Belt -2 Sage's -3 Junk Arm -2 Pichu +2 Psychic Energy +4 Juniper +2 Collector +2 Catcher Your not suppose to run many trainers in a trainer lock deck. Junk arms would be just a dead card late game. I like juniper more then sage's because your drawing free 7 cards. Yeah, you...
  3. K


    I personally like the deck. Ive always liked Archeops. I'd probably take out the cleffa for another Coblioan(sorry if i spelt it wrong) because with this format, baby pokemon are out. It was that short period of time that baby pokemon were any good. Baby pokemon WILL not make it through cities...
  4. K


    Well see, there's decks out there for different people and some deck do not work for certain people. But for me, Steelix has been working like a charm. It's jsut when fire comes along its a 80% loosing streak against it. The lanturn is doing fine but i need to find a way to put in another line...
  5. K


    I have had this deck built for a while now and have been making changes over and over and over but i think i might actually have it this time but i want your guys opinion's. Pokemon: 2-2 Steelix 2-2 Scizor 2-2 Blissey prime 2-2-2 Klinklang 1-1 Lanturn prime (fire and water counter) 4...
  6. K

    Machamp deck

    I would personally take out the stantlers for cleffa's. Otherwise the deck is fine if you went along with the idea of Balboa's.