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  1. Professor Pokémon


    RE: Reshiphlosion Ex or Reshiphlosion with Ninetales Slowbrother: I hope it won`t come "noobish" to you, when i ask you, if you can post your deck list belwo that i can see how you are playing a Reshiphlosion deck.
  2. Professor Pokémon


    RE: Reshiphlosion Ex or Reshiphlosion with Ninetales After testing with Engineer and Sage´s i prefer Sage´s Training. When i had an Engineer in my hand i diddn`t had an energy, and when i had a lot of energies i didn`t have an Engineer, so i think Sage´s gives you more consistant than Engineer.
  3. Professor Pokémon


    RE: Reshiphlosion Ex or Reshiphlosion with Ninetales I play with tropical beach because it`s great to use a supporter like collector play the beach play some cards down like basic pokemon attach an energy and draw 4-5 cards. I don't want to play with Reshiram ex because when i flip tails my...
  4. Professor Pokémon


    RE: Reshiphlosion Ex or Reshiphlosion with Ninetales I can play 1 Quilava when i play 4 Candies. The reason why i play only 1 Mewtwo is, that i haven`t got the free space and like i said before one quilava is imo to risky.
  5. Professor Pokémon


    RE: Reshiphlosion Ex or Reshiphlosion with Ninetales I prefer to play the decklist with ninetales. I made some changes so comment them and post your opinions. 4-2-4 Typhlosion 3 Reshiram 2-2 Ninetales 1 Mewtwo 1 Cleffa 2 PONT 4 Collector 3 Juniper 3 Sage`s 2 N 3 P-Com 3 Plus...
  6. Professor Pokémon


    RE: Reshiphlosion Ex or Reshiphlosion with Ninetales I play fliptini for rehsiram ex because i don`t want to kill it by it's own attack. I don't know if super rod is so important for a deck like reshiphlosion i prefer rescue energy, but i didn`t test it with Super rod, maybe it works really...
  7. Professor Pokémon


    4-2-4 Typhlosion 3 Reshiram 2 Mewtwo EX 1 Cleffa 2 Tropical Beach 4 Collector 4 Sage`s 3 Juniper 2 N 4 Junk 3 Candy 3 Catcher 3 P-Com 3 Plus Power 1 Super Rod 1 Pokegear 3.0 9 {R} 2 {C}{C} At first i want to say that i don`t like to play Reshiram ex it gives my...
  8. Professor Pokémon

    Cinccino/Amoonguss Lock Ex

    RE: Cinccino/Amoonguss/Victini EX I made one change maybe it is not so important but most time i play i didnT have any draw supporters in my hand so: - 3 Junk Arm - 1 N ( 4 N are way to much) + 3 Sage's + 1 Candy
  9. Professor Pokémon

    Cinccino/Amoonguss Lock Ex

    RE: Cinccino/Amoonguss/Victini EX This is my Problem my 3-2 Cinccino-Line is not constant, most time i don't get one of them out. Here are my changes: - FSL - 4 {G} - Candy + 1-1 cinccino + 4 Rescue
  10. Professor Pokémon

    Cinccino/Amoonguss Lock Ex

    RE: Cinccino/Amoonguss/Victini EX When i play with 4 rescue energies my FSL has no point in this deck, so i have to put it out and i have one left space, which card should i add?
  11. Professor Pokémon

    Cinccino/Amoonguss Lock Ex

    RE: Cinccino/Amoonguss/Victini EX I played against an eel-deck and i have to say, that i lost because my opponent was able to activate his catcher and his junk arm. I beside to add a 3-1-2 line vileplume and my deck looks like that: 2 Mewtwo Ex 3-1-2 Vileplume 4-3 Amoonguss 3-2 Cinccino...
  12. Professor Pokémon

    Yes i mistake the textes, because a friend of mine built at the same moment an zekeel deck.

    Yes i mistake the textes, because a friend of mine built at the same moment an zekeel deck.
  13. Professor Pokémon

    Cinccino/Amoonguss Lock Ex

    RE: Cinccino/Amoonguss/Victini EX Ok i'll take the Victinis and the Reshirams out so i have 4 new spaces. Sorry that i mistake Zekrom Ex and Reshiram Ex.
  14. Professor Pokémon

    Cinccino/Amoonguss Lock Ex

    RE: Cinccino/Amoonguss/Victini EX Victiny is for reshiram's Brave Fire attack because i can't get the energy back when i flip a tail for it's attack, so with victiny i have a 50 to 50 chance to have the energies in play. iisnumber12: which card i should when i take out the two p-coms and max...
  15. Professor Pokémon

    Cinccino/Amoonguss Lock Ex

    2 Reshiram EX 2 Mewtwo EX 3-2 Cinccino (Smooth Coat) 4-3 Amoonguss 2 Victini (Victory Star= Flipptini) 8 {R} 4 {C}{C} 4 Collector 4 PONT 3 N 3 Seeker 3 Juniper 2 Switch 3 Level Ball 2 P-Com 3 Junk Arm 3 Catcher Strategy:With the ability from cinccino and amoonguss i got...
  16. Professor Pokémon

    Ninetales/Dustox/Amoonguss/Mew Ex

    RE: Ninetales/Pudox/Amoonguss/Mew Ex Thank you so much for your help this sound really great. I`ll add on Ninetales and one {G} For shaymin Ex
  17. Professor Pokémon

    Ninetales/Dustox/Amoonguss/Mew Ex

    RE: Ninetales/Pudox/Amoonguss/Mew Ex Sorry sometimes i forget to translate from german to english. [hr] I know that Mew can get an easy kill from every other Pokemon but it is my main attcker with Ninetales. I don`t know if shaymin is a good idea because mew can switch the enrgy also...
  18. Professor Pokémon

    Ninetales/Dustox/Amoonguss/Mew Ex

    This deck only works with the cards of Dragon Blade/Blast 1 Shaymin Ex (lategame) 3 Mew Ex 3-2 Ninetales 3-1-2 Dustox 4-3 Amoonguss 3 Catcher 3 P-Com 2 Pokegear 3 Rare Candy 3 Junk Arm 1 FSL 2 Juniper 3 N 4 PONT 4 Collector 4 Blend Energy GRPD 1 {G} 2 {R} 3 {P}...
  19. Professor Pokémon


    So i made some changes and first i have two places left so help me which card i shoul add: 4 Durant 1 Rotom 1 Pichu (if i don't have my collectors) 4 Collector 3 PONT 3 Juniper 3 Twins 3 N 4 Eviolite 4 Lost remover 4 Crushing hammer 4 Revive 3 Pokegear 3.0 3 Junk Arm 3...
  20. Professor Pokémon


    Oh sorry i don't transled from german to english yes i mean pokegear 3.0[hr] translate