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  1. Lawliet

    Klingzor (Klingklang/Scizor)

    Could probably drop 1 or 2 lines of the klingklang because its probably more of a tech than a front line fighter
  2. Lawliet

    Don't mess with the ant the DURANT!

    You could add Magmortar for milling
  3. Lawliet

    The Tier List (HS-BW)

    Where is leafeon-houndoom-roserade (status deck) on that list?
  4. Lawliet

    mewpluff nats

    I'm not exactly an expert here but you could probably get rid of a few energys there since both main attacks cost 1{P} which is mews thing and 1{G} for mass attack. So maybe something like... -2 psy -2 grass I would probably wait until someone more qualifyed be the judge though. Also you...
  5. Lawliet

    KyuDra or KingRemmy Spread deck of the ages!!

    Ah alright I didn't read the feraligator that well. I might end up trying this as well once I get another cleffa and buzz. Thanks for the help :D
  6. Lawliet

    KyuDra or KingRemmy Spread deck of the ages!!

    After seeing the kyurem card its obviously going to be a top tier card in my opinion so as far as making a deck around it I was thinking something like. 4 Kyurem 2-2-2 Ferilgtor Prime 3-3-3 Kingdra prime 2-2 Mandibuzz 2 stantlers Its probably not perfect the idea would be to spread...
  7. Lawliet

    leafeon + conditions

    Yeah that basically sums it up I mean sleep and confusion can't stack and a 50% chance of posion is worse then 100% poision with confusion xD
  8. Lawliet

    Triumphant strategy ideas

    Also feraligator prime could work and theres a lot of snipes in water you could also tech in a couple kingdra primes and maybe some other water snipers.
  9. Lawliet

    Mandibuzz + Spreaders

    You could possibly run Mandibuzz with Kingdra (prime). Also you could also run something on your bench like hypno or roserade with rainbow energys so that there active pokemon has a hard time attacking while you keep sniping.
  10. Lawliet

    Banette TM

    I have made a deck kinda like what you are talking about. What I did was run a vileplume so they have useless trainers stuck in there hand. Also the mismagius of the misdreavous your talking about kinda goes with the theme of the deck. Also the supporter cheerleaders cheer along with...
  11. Lawliet

    Chandelure/Drifblim (HGSS-on...duh)

    It's probably not too much help but you could add a couple rescue energies :P.
  12. Lawliet

    Cubone Deck?

    I was thinking about making kinda just a fun deck feauring cubone as the main attacker. I was thinking that the whole premise of the deck could revolve around getting 4 marowaks in the discard pile. This gives cubone a reduction in damage by 80 making him a pretty good tank. Even his electric...
  13. Lawliet

    Status crazy deck?

    Should I add another umbreon then if I'm ditching reshiram? Because as of now I only have 1 umbreon.
  14. Lawliet

    Status crazy deck?

    Should I add any darkness energy or dark energy for the umbreon or should the rainbow cover it? Also the only thing that grass has over rescue is that if you ran out of rainbow for roserade you could still use the confusion abilty by attaching grass energy? Taking all that into account...
  15. Lawliet

    Leaf-Doom (Leafeon-Houndoom)

    A good tech would be umbreon or reshiram to take out stelix prime which would otherwise bulldoze the team. Also leafeon should be added lol
  16. Lawliet

    Status crazy deck?

    What kinda trainer and energy spread should I use for this deck? Assuming my full pokemon spread is... pokemon: 21 4-3 Leafeon 2-2 Roserade 2-2 Houndoom 2 Reshiram 1 Umbreon 2 Shaymin 1 Unown Return
  17. Lawliet

    Status crazy deck?

    Yeah I'm thinkig my line-up right now might look something like this pokemon:21 3-3 Leafeon 1-1 Hypno (prolly gonna drop) 2-2 Houndoom prime 3-3 roserade 2 Reshiram 1 Umbreon How does this look so far?
  18. Lawliet

    Status crazy deck?

    So by attaching a rainbow to roserade (very manly image) it activates both sleep and poison? Thats pretty awesome :D
  19. Lawliet

    Status crazy deck?

    okay! thanks for clearing that up :D
  20. Lawliet

    Status crazy deck?

    Thats intresting I never knew that. Are those the only statuses that can't go together?