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  1. S

    Help -

    Reshiram/Typhlosion is probally the cheapest deck and also the easiest to play. Both of them are availble in promo's. I mostly bid on cards on ebay because i can get it cheap then. but you can try sites like trollandtoad.
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    (1) 32 New 'Psycho Drive’ Scans and Translations! [9/13]

    RE: (1) 20 ‘Psycho Drive’ Scans and Translations! [9/13] Hey guys, they removed SP from the format. and now they are giving away presents to basics. Legendary's now have around 130 till 170 HP combine it with SP energy reprint made for basics and eviolute. The EX's are bad but look at...
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    Discussion -

    I recommend you to plan a deck first. If you need alot of cards from HGSS, buy a boosterbox from HGSS. If you deck consists more of other sets, you should buy staples first and then buy/trade other components. Starting with a boosterbox is pretty good because you can trade away lots of the cards...
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    Gothitelle/Reuniclus - New list!

    RE: Gothitelle & Reuniclus I recommend you to play more zekrom and maybe basculin (flail one) Your list looks good bit it misses some things in my opinion.
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    Tenth anniversary of 9/11

    Since i lived in europe, we dont really care much about it. Nothing really changed in my family.
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    New rating system

    My local PTO said there will be a change next year.
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    Kyroid, YES.

    Kyroid, YES.
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    (1) Reshiram and Zekrom EX Battle Strength Decks [9/8]

    Zekrom looks pretty derpy, same goes for reshiram.
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    Lost Remover!?!?

    The problem is, that not many decks need Special energies that much.
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    (1) Battle Roads Promo: Victory Cup! [8/31]

    Awesome, now it will be TONS of easier to get the promo's. Helps for getting money for worlds.
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    RE: Master: Kingdra/yanmega I suggest to run more PONT and rare candy for consistancy Jirachi is also an often used tech for leveling down pokemon to get easier prizes. i suggest these changes: -2 Proffesor Elm's +2 Pokemon Communication -2 Grass +2 Rare Candy -3 Pluspower -1 Water +1 Jirachi...
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    The Dragonfly that married a elephant and had a baby chinchilla (Stage 1 rush) (needs main pokemon n

    RE: The Dragonfly that married a elephant and had a baby chinchilla (Stage 1 rush) (needs main pokemon names in deck tit Run 4 PONT it really helps alot. Also since you're running 3-3 Donphan,run more fightning energy I also recommend 4 Collector and 4 Communication aswel as 1 cleffa or manaphy.
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    RE: H;RDL Bottom,Lv.X, WORLDS BINDER.W:Donphan Prime,Jirachi,Holo NRG. Updated after worlds, pretty late update :P
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    Pokebeach Members Attending the Pokemon World Championships

    Just dump some who is not playing / your parents there before the store opens :P
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    glaceon, yeah sorry, i was gone for i while.

    glaceon, yeah sorry, i was gone for i while.
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    glaceon, I can play now.

    glaceon, I can play now.
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    glaceon, ok

    glaceon, ok
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    (1) 'Emerging Powers' Prerelease Promo and Deck Box [8/4]

    There arent EX's in Emerging powers...
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    glaceon, no sorry.

    glaceon, no sorry.
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    RE: H;RDL Bottom,Lv.X,Staple Playsets W:Donphan Prime,Jirachi,Holo NRG. Yeah ok, i will CYL then.