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  1. Lumos77


    Outspeed and catchered my Magnezones before I could kill his.
  2. Lumos77

    Serperior's Deck-Building Competition: Round 2. Round ends Dec. 18th, 11:59 PM EST.

    An unitentional slight, but it kinda is:) Anyways, does the deck have to be based on EeveeEvolutions or can they be counters/techs/secondary attacker?
  3. Lumos77


    Bump again. went 4-0 in Cities, but lost to a Magnezone/Eletrick in top cut. Any suggestions for counters?
  4. Lumos77

    TCG Discussion - Please Read Before Posting in this Forum!

    RE: TCG Discussion The new Raicou EX is out, with attacks of the following: [L][C] Thunder Fang: 30 damage. Flip a coin, if heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed. [L][[L][C] Voltage Arrow: Discard all Lightning Energy from this Pokemon. This attack does 100 damage to one of your...
  5. Lumos77

    FutureSight Article 12: Evolution of the game

    Another thing, Regigigas can fit easily into Gothitelle decks. Either as the ultimate max potioner, or for his second attack. Great article, though:)
  6. Lumos77


    A couple changes made, but are there any techs for specific decks, or something to prevent autoloss?
  7. Lumos77

    Serperior's Deck-Building Competition: Round 1. Entries due Midnight, 12/5.

    What are you going to do if more than 8 people don't send in a decklist? Will people still be cut?
  8. Lumos77

    Red Magic (Reshiram + Typhlosion) for Cities

    Take out the switch for another Seadra, since he will be a counter against lock decks and you can't rare candy.
  9. Lumos77

    ReshiPhlosion Advice

    Honestly, I would take out the plus power and lost remover and manaphy for an extra 1-1-1 kingdra line, to deal with gothitelle and zekrom.
  10. Lumos77


    I do have switches. Anyways, what deck do you play, and what does it have over others? I am deck shopping right now, so suggest stuff.
  11. Lumos77

    Thunder Struck (Raichu/Thundurus/Eelektrik) City's Deck

    I agree with RougeChomp. Take out 2 Thunderous for 2 Tornadus and take out the Rocky helmets for Babies/Manaphy.
  12. Lumos77


    The 40 HP, since you will die if you're catchered up anyways. Also, get more electric pokemon to replace Donphan, since he really is detrimental to your entire deck late game.
  13. Lumos77

    Midnight Wave (Tyranitar Prime, Hydreigon)

    You should you have some good basics or stage-1s in case you don't hit a rare candy, or else get more babies so that you can easily activate twins.
  14. Lumos77


    Also, I've been considering a Tyram deck. What does this deck have over that one?
  15. Lumos77


    Should't you max out juniper for discard, or at least engineers adjustments
  16. Lumos77


    Well, they can just switch the damage off until they can get another Gothitelle set up, providing I haven't set up yet.
  17. Lumos77


    I like energy recycling, mostly, and I would like a majority before making changes, not a 1-1. Moving on, however, do statuses effect abilities?
  18. Lumos77


    Changes made Also, is there any way I can add a tech to prevent autoloss to Gothitelle?
  19. Lumos77


    Those energies are recoverable, and no, I am still missing two Magnezones, so I can't test yet.
  20. Lumos77

    Serperior's Deck-Building Competition: Round 1. Entries due Midnight, 12/5.

    Hey, can we post these on forums for others to rate?