Search results

  1. cole'a

    Tangrowth (States)

    I am guessing your main attack is the one that does +20 dmg for each energy attached Have you thought about adding in a 2-2-2 Feraligator Prime line? Then making all the energy water (keep a couple grass) as tangrowths attack dosent need grass energy to attack, and dosent say it needs grass...
  2. cole'a

    Umbreon/Scizor [Revisted] RR-on

    The Dodrio / duo idea isn't a bad idea, I ran one in my umbreon / scizor deck! some people thought it was good, some bad! but hey it worked for me Warp points could go pokemon reversal ? It's flippy but atleast you get to pick :D? or switch (if you just wanna switch out your pokemon) As...
  3. cole'a

    Torterra UL

    Haha awesome to see another tankterra deck! I ran one for awhile! Full decklist is at home so can give you some more help after work! But off the top of my head definitly try get the azelf! And add in a sunflora line! The sunflora with sunshine grace, think it's from HGSS! Let's you...
  4. cole'a

    VileMagius (Vileplume & Mismagius) - The new VileGar...?

    RE: VileMagius (Vileplume & Mismagius) - A poor man's VileGar Hahaha nice :) I am considering this deck after rotation once they take away the loveable SF gengar :( I will have to retire my SF gengars to my "Gengar" page in my folder hahaha First of all I would drop -2 Cheerleaders Cheer...
  5. cole'a

    NZ - Wanted to Buy : Keldeo EX / Full Art N, Skyla, Cheren, Bianca

    RE: Wanted to Buy : Primes, SP Pokemon, and T/S/S Staples Between Glaceon and AnthonyG thats nearly all my "wants" list covered I wish I lived in america! Right, let me sort out what I can afford from both your list's this week and send you both some PM's. Whatever I can't...
  6. cole'a

    NZ - Wanted to Buy : Keldeo EX / Full Art N, Skyla, Cheren, Bianca

    RE: Wanted to Buy : Primes, SP Pokemon, and T/S/S Staples No need to apologise, expected high shipping cost because of this, I'll have a look through your selling thread to see if there is anything else you have that I want / need and then we can sort out a deal :) sounds good so far though!
  7. cole'a

    'Zard(Charizard AR)

    Also consider engineers adjustments for a draw engine discard an energy to draw 4 cards, and you already have something that draws energy out of discard. Wont need to waste SSU / Seekers on your uxie for draw power
  8. cole'a

    NZ - Wanted to Buy : Keldeo EX / Full Art N, Skyla, Cheren, Bianca

    Hello all, just updating my wants thread again :) As stated lastime I am in New Zealand, so its awhile away but I am obviously covering all shipping cost's living that far away :) Currently am looking for Keldeo EX Full Art Cheren / Bianca / Skyla / N Blastoise line (R/H) Thanks all
  9. cole'a

    Hey man, I'm diggin' that crown. (Kingra/Donphan, Seniors, States)

    Just out of interest, would it be viable to add in a small line of Machamp prime ? like maybe 2-2-2 ? Or even a smaller line, incase donk fails you should have already done some bench damage with donphan prime, then you can switch out with fighting tag, bring champ prime out and attack for...
  10. cole'a

    Back to the TCG after years...Flygon Lv.X deck?

    Yeah current format is MD on So RR is still legal There are a few flygon decks around, do a search in the deck garage for flygon and should turn up something! I know very little about flygon sorry :( Welcome back :D
  11. cole'a

    Decks after the new format

    Have been thinking about what decks to run after rotation I Currently have 2 decks that are worth playing Vilegar and Luxray (3 AR luxray 1 LA Luxray) So most of the cards in these decks are gone (all the important ones) I have a blastgatr deck that I haven't used in awhile so I...
  12. cole'a

    (6) Note About Site's Future, Pokemon's 15th B-Day, BW Deals, Promos, Redshark [3/1]

    Well done WPM :) I am a pretty new member still around these ways, but already this is my no.1 pokemon site for info on anything relating to pokemon. Be it TCG, Games, movies, or just poke news in general As many have said, there is a HUGE community here and I can see all of them are...
  13. cole'a

    Energy tech for Meganium/tangrowth

    Just an idea as I have seen a few peopple run it with tangrowth around my ways But Celebi prime starter ? Lets you attach energy with its poker power Has to be energy from your hand though. But that will have you attaching 2 energys a turn. So by turn two, you could have tangrowth with 4...
  14. cole'a

    Absol G Lvl X

    It's allright, I traded it away to a friend lastnight who was making a dark deck :D I am trying to build a Dialga Chomp, and only had a 1 - 1 Line of Dialga / lvl X so I got a couple of Dialga's for it :) Thanks anyway! I think he is trying to combo it with flygon to make a mill type deck...
  15. cole'a

    Vilegar Senior State's

    1-1 Slowking hgss And definitly add this as suggested above, can keep making they sure they are drawing trainers, or if there is no trainers in top 3 you can atleast use Mr Mime to see there hand and pick whatever is most useless for them
  16. cole'a

    Golduck from Triumphant (#22) [2/28]

    1. Analyze the stats of the card (HP, Weakness, Resistance, Retreat cost). - As everyone has said, average HP. Terrible weakness with luxray lurking in lots of corners waiting to pounce. Retreat ain't bad 2. Analyze the attacks (and/or Poke-Powers, Poke-Bodies) of the card. -Natural...
  17. cole'a

    What do people want?

    Most people down here in little old NZ are looking for all the usual staples Pokemon collector bebe's BTS Rare Candy E-Belt All the SP Staples (most Team Galactic, power spray e.t.c) And all the usual Primes / Lvl X :D I have had blaz lvl x for ages but not the non lvl X to use...
  18. cole'a

    I pulled something cool from a booster pack!

    RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic. Got the Palkia / Dialga box with a friend (went halves) as I needed the Dialga to help complete my DialgaChomp decklist Got Absol G LVL X in one of the boosters :D my friend let me keep it aswell hahah he kept most of the other stuff! let me keep...
  19. cole'a

    Absol G Lvl X

    Right, so I got the Palkia / Dialga box this weekend, and pullet Absol G Lvl X from one of the boosters inside :D What are decent decks that can be made from this card ? How viable / competitive is it ? Is it worth decking? It looks like a good card, but I really have no idea lol =/ never used...
  20. cole'a

    Lantigatr (Lanturn Prime/Feraligatr Prime)

    The only problem I can see with delibird is it's low HP, and it has to be active to draw. I can see you giving away alot of prizes, and whoever your playing would be happy to see such a little squishy card active. I would personally change to Uxie, as the point is to add in SSU, or seeker so it...