Search results

  1. Ash Ketchum

    Are Team Rocket stronger?

    RE: Team Rocket better then Team Plasma? ^ lol I'd like to see Cassidy and Butch back in Team Rocket, buuut my guess is that Team Rocket will be cool for a few episodes, and then fall off the radar, for Team Plasma to take the spotlight. I really dislike Plasma, though, so I would prefer to...
  2. Ash Ketchum

    Does anyone else find Dawn the most annoying female in Pokemon? If not person?

    Eeeh, I find Team Rocket more tiring than annoying, but if they can step up their game in BW things might change. Contests were cool in AG, and as for Hikari.. D: I've always found her annoying. At first I thought her character was pretty cool, so I had some high hopes for her, and, eeh. She...
  3. Ash Ketchum

    Why Did You Join PokéBeach?

    RE: Why'd you join PokeBeach? Because I wanted to join a cool Pokemon forum. A cool, active Pokemon forum.. and I'd say this place more than counts for both of those. xD
  4. Ash Ketchum

    Avatars and art. Closed. Use new thread.

    RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Alakazam, Generation 5 Pokémon Idea added. Whoooah, no words can describe of your art/these icons. Do you have a Shiny Ninetales avi made, by any chase? I saw the regular art for it, but no avatar. Unless I just missed it on the list.. xD;
  5. Ash Ketchum

    Bring Back Spelling And Grammar!

    If it'll be anything like a typical rep system that other boards have, then I'ma vote against it. :/ Those things cause more problems then they're worth, and like some others have said - it'll just turn into a popularity contest. Sure, that's not it's point, but somehow that never matters. ^^;
  6. Ash Ketchum

    (1) New Pokemon Revealed: Zorua, Zoroark [2/10]

    Due to my love for wolves, I can say that this will probably permanently be my favorite Pokemon for this generation. The Coro Coro scans of it were pretty awesome, in my opinion. Gives me hope for this gen, but I still hope that wasn't the best one that they came up with. ^^;
  7. Ash Ketchum

    Problem with the avatar uploader

    I have the same problem.. You might want to read this thread.
  8. Ash Ketchum

    What would you do if you met....

    RE: What would you do if you met... My mind would totally shutdown for about 5 minutes, but I'd ask him for an autograph after that! >_>; hmm.. A Charizard?
  9. Ash Ketchum

    Why Did You Join PokéBeach?

    RE: Why'd you join PokeBeach? I search through a lot of Pokemon websites, for fun, or just looking for info.. Pokebeach was one of the websites that I stumbled onto. After visiting it every so often, I eventually realized that it had forums. xD; So I joined when I found out, because it seemed...
  10. Ash Ketchum

    Where to order japanese stuff?

    (if you're still looking..) I'd go with those two sellers on ebay, if you wanna stick with ordering cards online. However, there are a lot of little stores that sell TCG cards, and most of them should have Japanese packs of cards. There's a store around here called Vintage Stock, and it has a...
  11. Ash Ketchum

    What is on the first page of your binder?

    I don't use my cards too much, but still have all of them that I got years ago when I was really into collecting. My cards are in number order, so on the first page is Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, and their evolutions, and then the #'s that follow. I also have a page that's just Pikachu...
  12. Ash Ketchum

    How many Decks ?

    Whenever I'd actually try to pick the game back up, I'd usually have around 2-3 decks, not anymore than that at one time. But I always have to think about this one guy that I met at a local Pokemon League, he was in his 40's, and had an entire, huge tub full of Pokemon decks. He named each...
  13. Ash Ketchum

    Pokemon Most Beautiful Pokemon (female or genderless)

    Most of the Eeveelutions are, I think.. so they'll be my choice as a group. xD
  14. Ash Ketchum

    Pokebeach New Year Resolutions?

    My resolution is to get a job, and figure out what I wanna do in life.. xD; Really. I know that's two things, but they go together. I'm gonna try to find a Voice Acting Workshop, and try to get into it professionally.
  15. Ash Ketchum

    Snow and every thing about it.

    We've had snow a few times so far this year, but only one of those times was it enough to actually matter. Some friends and I decided to go out and have a snowball fight, and such.. it was good times, but the snow melted by the next day. x_x It doesn't seem to be lasting too long so far...
  16. Ash Ketchum

    Pokemon Pokemon Forever?

    I'm already asked that at times, because I'am an older fan.. I just tell people something along the lines of "Yeah, I like Pokemon.." and shrug it off. If they ask why, I just say that I've liked it since it released, and there's no real reason for me to stop being a fan of it. Plus, ever since...
  17. Ash Ketchum


    The only two that I can really judge are Trickster, and MapleStory.. but I didn't stick with either of them for more than a week. Mabinogi is another I played for a little while, but really.. the only two MMO's that I've played and really, really liked are Aeria's Dream of Mirror Online, and...
  18. Ash Ketchum

    Pokemon Meanest/Scariest Looking Pokemon

    Spiritomb.. I mean, really.. look at it. D8 I've never had a Pokemon scare me before, or creep me out, looks-wise, but I think Spirtomb just might. It looks like the love child between the Flu virus, and a Gastley. The only Pokemon that's creeped me out though, wasn't for apperance...
  19. Ash Ketchum

    Succumb To The Dark Side

    RE: Official Newbie Topic Wow, I finally found the newbie topic... ^^;; Hey there everyone! I joined yesterday, and I've posted a bit... but that before I new this thread exsisted... Hehe.
  20. Ash Ketchum

    Favorite Character

    I like most of the characters real well. But Ash is my favorite.